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The Reasons Behind the Creation of the KSA and BD are the Same

Insha’Allah I’ll start a series on the Ottoman history at the PDF!! And, I’ll use only the Muslim sources on interesting topics related to our present conditions....

A man without the knowledge of history isn’t truly civilized.....

I look forward to it brother. We can learn much from each other and pursue some more intellectually stimulating conversations here. We seem to be mostly like-minded people here in this thread.

I need to continue my threads on Ancient Pakistani History from here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-sakas-scythians-kushans-hephthalites-white-huns.610977/

I will endeavor to finish it and then move on to Allama Iqbal's ideology, in sha Allah.

I ordered a copy I will read this InshAllah.

Which book did you order brother?

I do this with religion, I avoid western authors altogether, and read books of Ibn Taymiyyah, Al Ghazali, among others. In regards to politics and biographies, its very difficult to find books written extensively and in a scholarly manner by Non-westerners. I would love to read non-western related books as well, but the issue is that only certain topics and areas are covered whereas the western world has made great advances in this regard. However, scholars of history in my opinion are for the most part honest, as their duty is to discover the truth (unless its recent history), but I understand what you are trying to say.

I got soured from some experiences. I can recant some recent ones I have had.

I bought one book "Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eye" by Tamim Ansary, which was written by a half Afghan half British author. Halfway through the book, I realized he associated everything positive in the world with Christian Europe and everything negative with Islam. It was such a depressing read, I tossed it away when I was done. I never wanted to see it again.

I bought this book "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World" by Jack Weatherford. A very interesting book which gives a positive impression of the Mongols and Genghis Khan. However when I reached the part about Islamic empires, fabricated stories, x-rated material, and just condescending attitude spoiled an otherwise good read.

You get the picture. Those are just two recent examples.

am not married yet, but one of my friends that is makes the same complaint lol, he always says "Marriage is like a sweet prison" :P... But you don't have to necessarily read books, just short PDF essays would also suffice.

I found myself watching more TV. Dr. Israr Ahmad's lectures have become popular again, so I find myself going back, even though I know many of his lectures by heart now. Dr. Shahid Masood and Orya Maqbool Jan have daily shows discussing news, politics,, and religion. Maulana Tariq Jameel and his Seraiki stories and experiences. Mufti Menk, Zakir Naik, Yasir Qadhi (though careful of his political stuff,) Sheikh Makki al Hijazi.

This is an old favorite of mine.

Unfortunately no... The only books I have read were written by western historians, However they did cite their sources if that makes a difference... But if you are interested in improving your Dari/Farsi, I recommend reading the Shahnameh, although that is still a bit difficult, as for Pashto I reccomend reading the poems for Ahmad Shah and Khushal Khan. The only issue is that they used pure words, it would be much easier to learn Dari and Pashto from apps, and then reading those books and poems. I suppose how I learned Urdu was because of Bollywood movies when I was younger living in Pakistan, and then moving to Canada I continued watching it and that helped my Urdu to an extent, I can't speak it but I can understand to some level. Maybe you could try the same, watching shows, and movies.

I actually am able to understand enough to watch Iranian movies, even mostly without subtitles.

Learning and studying Allama Iqbal's poetic works has very quickly improved my Dari. In sha Allah, I will go more into it by studying Masnavi and Hafiz.

Shahnameh, yes a famous work, deserves attention as well.
I look forward to it brother. We can learn much from each other and pursue some more intellectually stimulating conversations here. We seem to be mostly like-minded people here in this thread.

I need to continue my threads on Ancient Pakistani History from here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-sakas-scythians-kushans-hephthalites-white-huns.610977/

I will endeavor to finish it and then move on to Allama Iqbal's ideology, in sha Allah.

Which book did you order brother?

I ordered this one...
The hardcover version, I personally don't like reading on apps as I like the feeling of paper, and turning the pages.

I got soured from some experiences. I can recant some recent ones I have had.

I bought one book "Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eye" by Tamim Ansary, which was written by a half Afghan half British author. Halfway through the book, I realized he associated everything positive in the world with Christian Europe and everything negative with Islam. It was such a depressing read, I tossed it away when I was done. I never wanted to see it again.

I bought this book "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World" by Jack Weatherford. A very interesting book which gives a positive impression of the Mongols and Genghis Khan. However when I reached the part about Islamic empires, fabricated stories, x-rated material, and just condescending attitude spoiled an otherwise good read.

You get the picture. Those are just two recent examples.

This is understandable, and this is usually with their conclusions... My advice is to focus on the facts, don't focus on their point of view.

For example, while reading about the history of Afghanistan, by an english author, he presented the facts, but when it got to Shah Shuja, he presented the facts and then presented his opinions as well and painted him in such a positive view and ignored his sadistic temperament and even ignored writing about his sadistic behaviour simply because (I believe) he was installed by the British as a puppet... I gave his book 3 stars and wrote a detailed review so others could know the facts, in this regard I agree with you... However forget about their point of view, just focus on the facts.

I found myself watching more TV. Dr. Israr Ahmad's lectures have become popular again, so I find myself going back, even though I know many of his lectures by heart now. Dr. Shahid Masood and Orya Maqbool Jan have daily shows discussing news, politics,, and religion. Maulana Tariq Jameel and his Seraiki stories and experiences. Mufti Menk, Zakir Naik, Yasir Qadhi (though careful of his political stuff,) Sheikh Makki al Hijazi.

This is an old favorite of mine.
I encourage that you also check out those from the past, while I do listen to modern scholars, I focus on those who had a good record and listen to their point of view, for example Ibn Taymiyyah, he fought Jihad against the Mongols, he opened a school, and encouraged his students to destroy shops that sold alcohol in Muslim lands, he challenged the scholars of his time and refuted every single one of them, he opened madrassas, and was jailed numerous times for preaching the right path and even died in his jail cell.

The reason as to why I listen to those who have passed is because they have done their time, and their actions speak for themselves, no more can they be influenced by worldly pursuits, and because of that I am more influenced by them than by those who are still here. The issue I have with listening to those who are alive is that they can still be influenced whether for right or for wrong, I listen to them if they quote prophets and and reference the Quran and Hadith, but as far as listening to their opinion, I suspend judgement, until the final decree, which is after they have gone back to Allah... I encourage that you also take this point of view, because we are fallible creatures, should it happen that our leaders who we listen to decide to change their point of view and we are unaware then we will fall into that as well, for that reason I ask that you should consider their point of view, but never fully give into it and go back to the sources, the only one whom I will fully trust while alive would be a Prophet and that would be Isa (AS) if he comes back in our lifetime, never a common man, a common man I will take his side but if I believe he's going the other way, then I will stop giving him my support.

I actually am able to understand enough to watch Iranian movies, even mostly without subtitles.

Learning and studying Allama Iqbal's poetic works has very quickly improved my Dari. In sha Allah, I will go more into it by studying Masnavi and Hafiz.

Shahnameh, yes a famous work, deserves attention as well.
Unfortunately we Afghans don't have that many movies or Islamic shows as we don't yet have the means to make those, but InshAllah we will be, and the current ones are full of propaganda, so yes Iranian tv shows like Hazrat Yusuf would be good, and when your Dari fully improves, you can read Maulvi Jalaludin, he's by far the hardest to understand of all of them, even I can't understand his writings.
This is understandable, and this is usually with their conclusions... My advice is to focus on the facts, don't focus on their point of view.

I just find it affecting my way of thinking and iman, many Western scholarly works are so full of islamophobia, it makes on depressed and difficult to read.

After I read Reza Aslan's books, I even made point by point refutation of every manipulation he made

I feel the same way about most Westerm dramas and such as well, although I watch historical movies and classics from time to time.

I encourage that you also check out those from the past, while I do listen to modern scholars, I focus on those who had a good record and listen to their point of view, for example Ibn Taymiyyah, he fought Jihad against the Mongols, he opened a school, and encouraged his students to destroy shops that sold alcohol in Muslim lands, he challenged the scholars of his time and refuted every single one of them, he opened madrassas, and was jailed numerous times for preaching the right path and even died in his jail cell.

The reason as to why I listen to those who have passed is because they have done their time, and their actions speak for themselves, no more can they be influenced by worldly pursuits, and because of that I am more influenced by them than by those who are still here. The issue I have with listening to those who are alive is that they can still be influenced whether for right or for wrong, I listen to them if they quote prophets and and reference the Quran and Hadith, but as far as listening to their opinion, I suspend judgement, until the final decree, which is after they have gone back to Allah... I encourage that you also take this point of view, because we are fallible creatures, should it happen that our leaders who we listen to decide to change their point of view and we are unaware then we will fall into that as well, for that reason I ask that you should consider their point of view, but never fully give into it and go back to the sources, the only one whom I will fully trust while alive would be a Prophet and that would be Isa (AS) if he comes back in our lifetime, never a common man, a common man I will take his side but if I believe he's going the other way, then I will stop giving him my support.

Yes, ma sha Allah, I am quite interested in Ibn Taymiyyah and Al Ghazali. Moreover I have studied Sultan Aurangzab and Mujaddid Alf Sani Ahmad Sirhindi. For Turkish history, I have looked at Yunus Emre, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.

The one scholar of modern day who I respect most is Dr. Israr Ahmad, who fought his whole life to bring reform and changes to Pakistan for the justice, strength of the society and for Islamic renaissance. I knew him personally and spend a lot of tine with him, before he passed away some years ago, Rahmat Allah alayh.

I was also close to most of his students in mindset, so I still follow them and many have done great things like Dr. Shahid Masood and Orya Maqbool Jan. Even Imran Khan is a admirer of Dr. Israr.

One of his students veered off into a totally strange direction when asked to study Islam properly by Dr. Israr. Probably you heard of this character, who now is an Indian, Iranian, and Russian agent, and speaks behalf of Assad regime. He used to give many great lectures on Al Masih Ad Dajjal, Yawm ul Akir, and Riba. Today, he has been ostracized by most Muslims for making takfir on Turkey and Pakistan. His name is Imran Nazar Hussein of Trinidad and Tobago. I knew him personally for several years, quite sad.
Yes, ma sha Allah, I am quite interested in Ibn Taymiyyah and Al Ghazali. Moreover I have studied Sultan Aurangzab and Mujaddid Alf Sani Ahmad Sirhindi. For Turkish history, I have looked at Yunus Emre, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.

The one scholar of modern day who I respect most is Dr. Israr Ahmad, who fought his whole life to bring reform and changes to Pakistan for the justice, strength of the society and for Islamic renaissance. I knew him personally and spend a lot of tine with him, before he passed away some years ago, Rahmat Allah alayh.

I was also close to most of his students in mindset, so I still follow them and many have done great things like Dr. Shahid Masood and Orya Maqbool Jan. Even Imran Khan is a admirer of Dr. Israr.

You will love Ibn Taymiyyah, InshAllah he gets Jannut ul Firdous. After the Sahabas and the first three generations of Muslims, Ibn Taymiyyah is definitely up there.

I will check out Dr. Israr, and listen to some of his lectures.

One of his students veered off into a totally strange direction when asked to study Islam properly by Dr. Israr. Probably you heard of this character, who now is an Indian, Iranian, and Russian agent, and speaks behalf of Assad regime. He used to give many great lectures on Al Masih Ad Dajjal, Yawm ul Akir, and Riba. Today, he has been ostracized by most Muslims for making takfir on Turkey and Pakistan. His name is Imran Nazar Hussein of Trinidad and Tobago. I knew him personally for several years, quite sad.
I have heard, but I don't pay attention to him, this is basically the argument I was trying to make, forget the opinions of those currently alive and take them with a grain of salt. Then after the final decree (death), then you can consider what they have said and decide for yourself.

Remember Barseesa... http://www.islam.ru/en/content/story/story-barsisa-worshipper

Until the final decree (death), one can still be a shaytan or a Momin, even you and I (Allah forbid and may we remain on the straight path of Allah and become Momins); You mustn't take anything I say completely and only consider my opinions until that final moment, so long as we are alive, we haven't yet passed the test and could always potentially fail (Allah forbid and may we pass the test of Dunya InshAllah).
You will love Ibn Taymiyyah, InshAllah he gets Jannut ul Firdous. After the Sahabas and the first three generations of Muslims, Ibn Taymiyyah is definitely up there.

I will check out Dr. Israr, and listen to some of his lectures.

I have heard, but I don't pay attention to him, this is basically the argument I was trying to make, forget the opinions of those currently alive and take them with a grain of salt. Then after the final decree (death), then you can consider what they have said and decide for yourself.

Remember Barseesa... http://www.islam.ru/en/content/story/story-barsisa-worshipper

Until the final decree (death), one can still be a shaytan or a Momin, even you and I (Allah forbid and may we remain on the straight path of Allah and become Momins); You mustn't take anything I say completely and only consider my opinions until that final moment, so long as we are alive, we haven't yet passed the test and could always potentially fail (Allah forbid and may we pass the test of Dunya InshAllah).

Prediction of Taliban coming back.

Future of Islam lies in Afghanistan and mountainous regions of Pakistan.
Nobody should undermine Horasan!! The Erens from there, like Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi, built the Muslim Anatolian civilization, which gave rise to the Selchuk and Ottoman Empires...

In Javid Nama, Allama Iqbal says: “Asia is like a human body, made of Water and Clay, And the Afghan nation in that body is like the heart!”
Insha’Allah I’ll start a series on the Ottoman history at the PDF!! And, I’ll use only the Muslim sources on interesting topics related to our present conditions....

A man without the knowledge of history isn’t truly civilized.....
To me, you are the one, though not alnoe, who is completely ignorant of history.This is why you try to create a fake history of united Pakistan. Now, l;et us hear how many military officers and Jawans and civilian administrative officers and others were from east Pakistan.

Tell us where were the HQs of Army, Navy and Airforce? Did we forget the east had less than one division of army troops before the war started? You used the Kashmir pretext only to recruit people from the west and kept almost all of them there. The central Pakistan govt spent all its defense money in the west after collecting money from the east.

Do not please write any fiction, please!!
The KSA King Faisal asked the BD ambassador Humayun Rashid Choudhury, "Why did you break the largest Muslim State (Pak) of the time?". The BD ambassador replied, "For the same reason you broke your ties with the Ottoman Empire".....

Now, Humayun Rashid Choudhury was no ordinary unlettered Bangal folk. A graduate of the Aligarh Muslim University and a member of the Pak Foreign Service, he delivered the first speech as the BD official, who was the key contact between BD's government-in-exile and the Indian establishment, in the full house Indian Parliament immediately following the Indian recognition of BD in the first week of December, '71. And, that too at the presence of the Indian President and PM of that time. See the video clip below. There he clearly mentioned Indira Gandhi as the Leader of BD too. He was BD's first Ambassdor in India. He later became BD's Foreign Minister and Speaker under Hasina. His elder brother, Kaisar Rashid Choudhury, also a member of the Pak Foreign Service, was the private secretary of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto when he was the Foreign Minister of Pak...

Forget about BD folks, the majority of the Pak folks, including PM IK, don't fathom the TRUE reason behind the creation of BD!!! And, the majority will never understand!! This is the power of the black propaganda from Iblis, who has managed to put the majority of the mankind on the path to Jehennem as per the KITAP, and his entourage among Sheyatin and men...

Ey Millet-i Pak, you have voluntarily tied your Kadr with the Turkish folks as embossed in your national anthem and the flag!! The rest is all Fasa Fiso!! No wonder the drama serial on Ertu'rul Gazi has raged such a storm in Pak...

Perchem-i Sitara ve Hilal
Rehber-i Terekki ve Kemal
Terjuman-i Mazi Shan-i Hal Jan-i Istikbal
Saya-i Huda-i Zul Jelal

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@Hakikat ve Hikmet bhai can you give a source for this discussion between BD ambassador and Saudi king
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