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The Reasons Behind the Creation of the KSA and BD are the Same

Whatever the case is, it has been 50 years since independence of Bangladesh and I think both countries should move on. Lifeless people are debating on this same topic for years now.

Agree. Most Pakistanis have moved on. The union never was a feasible one to start with unless it was some decentralized federation.
Bangladesh was a result of idiot power hungry leaders on the side of West Pakistan and the rot of Bengali nationalism on the side of East Pakistan. Bengalis were led into believing that they were somehow being treated as second class citizens when they were not. And the West Pakistan establishment was highly foolish to let the situation exacerbate so much. It was Ayub Khan's dictatorship that sowed the seeds of divide which Bhutto dealt a final blow to.
By the way, do you remember that Yahya Khan the Kizilbush denied the former Pakistan President Iskander Mirza to be buried in Pakistani soil? Ayub/Yahya military clique robbed power from him at gunpoint and when he died yahya denied him burial. He was from east Pakistan and a direct descendant of Nawab Mir Zafar Ali Khan of Bengal. Read excerpt from wiki.

"He died of a heart attack on 13 November 1969, his 70th birthday, and President Yahya Khan denied him a burial in East Pakistan. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi sent his personal plane to London to bring President Mirza's body to Tehran, where he was given a state funeral".
By the way, do you remember that Yahya Khan the Kizilbush denied the former Pakistan President Iskander Mirza to be buried in Pakistani soil? Ayub/Yahya military clique robbed power from him at gunpoint and when he died yahya denied him burial. He was from east Pakistan and a direct descendant of Nawab Mir Zafar Ali Khan of Bengal. Read excerpt from wiki.

"He died of a heart attack on 13 November 1969, his 70th birthday, and President Yahya Khan denied him a burial in East Pakistan. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi sent his personal plane to London to bring President Mirza's body to Tehran, where he was given a state funeral".

Iskander Mirza was a power hungry despot too who was the first to declare martial law in Pakistani history. He was the one responsible for the two unit policy which you guys resented. See this is the rot of Bengali nationalism which I talked about. As long as he's Bengali, he's an oppressed angel who can do no wrong.

For what it's worth, HS Suhrawardy should have stayed as Pakistan's PM. He was done wrong by the Pakistani establishment. He would have brought stability as he was a independence movement veteran.
No one likes a traitor, bane of many. Comfort in knowing they usually meet the appropriate end.

I lost a little respect for Bangladesh after the got bullied by peaceful Buddhists.
Lol was it an indirect reply to my comments? Hahaha lol.
Agree. Most Pakistanis have moved on. The union never was a feasible one to start with unless it was some decentralized federation.
should have been decentralized, had the Qaid e Azam done this from beginning, i guess we would have had nothing to whine about

By the way, do you remember that Yahya Khan the Kizilbush denied the former Pakistan President Iskander Mirza to be buried in Pakistani soil? Ayub/Yahya military clique robbed power from him at gunpoint and when he died yahya denied him burial. He was from east Pakistan and a direct descendant of Nawab Mir Zafar Ali Khan of Bengal. Read excerpt from wiki.

"He died of a heart attack on 13 November 1969, his 70th birthday, and President Yahya Khan denied him a burial in East Pakistan. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi sent his personal plane to London to bring President Mirza's body to Tehran, where he was given a state funeral".
first rule of pakistan should have been to banish the descendent of Mirza family or their relatives... these motherfuckers aren't even respected in india (west bengal) where the surviving members live, denying any relation to Mir zafar... but people still shout nimak haram... both hindus and muslims
The Sauds were handled from the British Intelligence Office in Bombay...

And, BD is the most successful RAW ops as per B Raman, former Deputy Chief of RAW...

The BD Ambassador just reminded the King both the KSA and BD are the products of the intelligence ops from the same coterie of the Imperialists...

You scrutinize history to ensure that you don't repeat the mistakes....

By the by, BD is by the Hindus, of the Hindus and for the Hindus...

And, the KSA is by the Zionists, of the Zionists and for the Zionists..
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Iskander Mirza was a power hungry despot too who was the first to declare martial law in Pakistani history. He was the one responsible for the two unit policy which you guys resented. See this is the rot of Bengali nationalism which I talked about. As long as he's Bengali, he's an oppressed angel who can do no wrong.
Books written by the writers appointed by the military wrote that it was Mirza who asked for military intervention. We do not know for sure what was the reality. But, within a few days he was ousted at gunpoint by Ayub/Yahya gong. Military was behind many plots to destabilized the politics since after 1947. Finally, it destabilized the country and its bifurcation.

My point was, Mirza was not allowed even a burial place though he was a President of the country. You should reflect on this kind of inhumanity. Note also Suhrawardy was also expelled from the country by the military and he died in Zurich. Many of the active politicians were Bengali who were back stabbed by both your Vadera politicians and military Generals.

Think of Khwaja Nazimuddin of Dhaka. He became the Governor General/President after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. This post was more ceremonial and Khwaja wanted to do some works for the country. He arranged for Gulam Muhammed to take over his post and he himself took over the post of PM. Within a few months Gulam Muhammed used his power to oust his benefactor from power.

Any way, this is just an example of Pakistan style politics where liberal minded Bengalis could not survive. Finally, the Pakistan style killing started on 25 March 1971. By the way, please also learn from which part of Pakistan Liaqat Ali Khan was elected.
Nationalism = death of islam. Also bangladesh was on the other end of enemy nation. Bangladesh was without connectivity between pakistan or india.

Also they needed self rule and were oppressed as per literature so but natural oppression is not welcome anywhere on earth. I think it's better this way.

Now they govern themselves and if they need help ever we should help them for our previous sins of oppression if true (cuz many dispute the claim) i love seeing them strong amd independant and progressive muslims perhaps it is better this way.

However we are Muslims and brothers its better we rule ourselves come but together as a nation amd combine forces.

Same should be for arabs and turks but human beings always are greedy for power and kingdom.

Nationalism = division = death of islam.
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Books written by the writers appointed by the military wrote that it was Mirza who asked for military intervention. We do not know for sure what was the reality. But, within a few days he was ousted at gunpoint by Ayub/Yahya gong. Military was behind many plots to destabilized the politics since after 1947. Finally, it destabilized the country and its bifurcation.

My point was, Mirza was not allowed even a burial place though he was a President of the country. You should reflect on this kind of inhumanity. Note also Suhrawardy was also expelled from the country by the military and he died in Zurich. Many of the active politicians were Bengali who were back stabbed by both your Vadera politicians and military Generals.

Think of Khwaja Nazimuddin of Dhaka. He became the Governor General/President after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. This post was more ceremonial and Khwaja wanted to do some works for the country. He arranged for Gulam Muhammed to take over his post and he himself took over the post of PM. Within a few months Gulam Muhammed used his power to oust his benefactor from power.

Any way, this is just an example of Pakistan style politics where liberal minded Bengalis could not survive. Finally, the Pakistan style killing started on 25 March 1971. By the way, please also learn from which part of Pakistan Liaqat Ali Khan was elected.

Look, if you're going to have a chip on your shoulder, you'll always be upset and complaining. The nation and 220 million people of Pakistan are not responsible for a clique of West Pakistani military generals from the 60s. You guys want to keep reliving the past, that's up to you, but the generation born post 60s has nothing to do with the 71 war. So your anger towards Pakistan is unwarranted now because those men in power are long dead.

And remember. No side is innocent. The atrocities committed on the Biharis and non Bengalis in East Pakistan are also worth condeming. If Pakistanis committed atrocities on Bengalis, you guys turned around and committed atrocities on Biharis. Mob justice and lynchings. And the anarchy that followed after your independence with Zia killing Mujib and all doesn't put your nation in any position to talk about non violence and peace.

I, born in the 90s, have nothing to feel guilty about the atrocities of 71 and neither should you. So no use dwelling on past history, let's move on.
first rule of pakistan should have been to banish the descendent of Mirza family or their relatives... these motherfuckers aren't even respected in india (west bengal) where the surviving members live, denying any relation to Mir zafar... but people still shout nimak haram... both hindus and muslims
What language are you using? Who are you to decide what should have been done 70 years ago? You should have born hundred years ago and suggested what you are suggesting here. I am talking here about the history of politics of Pakistan how Bengalis were deprived in united Pakistan and you are here talking what?

Why Iskendar is responsible for Mir Zafar's deeds 200 years ago? It is another story. They were two different personalities. How about then Mirza Ghulam Hafiz and Mirza Fakhrul?
Bangladesh's creation was a very painful moment and a reminder what the hindu/sikh truly thinks of Pakistan.

To Pakistanis - yes we lost East Pakistan but 1940 resolution had two 'independent sovereign' muslims states who would eventually form a commonwealth.

Quaid mentioned once to dravidian leaders - British india should be divided into four parts - Pakistan, Bengalistan, dravidistan and hindustan.

The muslim world should follow Quaid and Iqbal's vision which was the muslim world having its very own common wealth or a EU type organization.

Sadly, this is Utopian now, but it remains the only viable solution to muslim problems. A commonwealth with shared islamic values and a military alliance and similar interests. Very hard to achieve, but not impossible.

Sideline GCC and Iran and everything is possible. As long as these two (set of) regimes are centered; chaos will stay.
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I, born in the 90s, have nothing to feel guilty about the atrocities of 71 and neither should you. So no use dwelling on past history, let's move on.
The entire command structure of the BD Army, modelled after the Pak Army by its ex members, was destroyed to ensure that BD never moves on!!! BD officers were killed like dogs and their family members were raped, killed and burnt (Hindutva style) to ensure the absolute subjugation under India! And, that too on a permanent basis. Every BD Muslim knows there's no emancipation for them...

All the good jobs and businesses in BD are under the Indians and their stooges! It is the Ilahi Adalet...

Sideline GCC and Iran and everything is possible. As long as these two regimes are centered; chaos will stay.
Don't worry!!! History repeats itself by HIS PERMISSION!!! Why do you think the Turkish drones are destroying these traitors, armed and fed with Haram, left and right in the fronts in Libya, Irak, Syria etc.? It is HE WHO took it away at the first place, and it is HE WHO will give it back to the same folks....
The Sauds were handled from the British Intelligence Office in Bombay...

And, BD is the most successful RAW ops as per B Raman, former Deputy Chief of RAW...

The BD Ambassador just reminded the King both the KSA and BD are the products of the intelligence ops from the same coterie of the Imperialists...

You scrutinize history to ensure that you don't repeat the mistakes....

By the by, BD is by the Hindus, of the Hindus and for the Hindus...

And, the KSA is by the Zionists, of the Zionists and for the Zionists..
And Turkey is by the British, of the British and for the British. Your so called Islamist Erdogan even has husband-wife like relation with Netanyahu's Israel.

The entire command structure of the BD Army, modelled after the Pak Army by its ex members, was destroyed to ensure that BD never moves on!!! BD officers were killed like dogs and their family members were raped, killed and burnt (Hindutva style) to ensure the absolute subjugation under India! And, that too on a permanent basis. Every BD Muslim knows there's no emancipation for them...

All the good jobs and businesses in BD are under the Indians and their stooges! It is the Ilahi Adalet...

Don't worry!!! History repeats itself by HIS PERMISSION!!! Why do you think the Turkish drones are destroying these traitors, armed and fed with Haram, left and right in the fronts in Libya, Irak, Syria etc.? It is HE WHO took it away at the first place, and it is HE WHO will give it back to the same folks....
You are from a country who has killed Armenian and Greek Christians in millions and raped many Greeks and Armenians.

You don't deserve to lecture others on how to run their nations.
Don't worry!!! History repeats itself by HIS PERMISSION!!! Why do you think the Turkish drones are destroying these traitors, armed and fed with Haram, left and right in the fronts in Libya, Irak, Syria etc.? It is HE WHO took it away at the first place, and it is HE WHO will give it back to the same folks....
This is nothing yet...
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