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The Reason we want to release the indian Pilot

May be we should now replace him with the religious parties. Because of this Niazi our heads are bowed in shame.

Calm down. There is no shame in showing mercy. Even to the most hostile and bitter enemy.

You talk about religion. We ought to know better. Our final prophet (PBUH) is an example. Keyword is hikmat.
Imran khan should resign and leave this thankless nation in the hands of nawaz shareef and zardari most of harm khoors will be happy.

We are at war. We cannot afford to run the parliament. It is too costly.

Imran Khan is too honest to run this system. Instead of being played for, he should let nature be and leave them as he had found them.
Prime Minister Imran Khan and his Government did the right thing. There is no point in holding an Air Force pilot of an enemy nation unless Pakistan wanted to convict him for war crimes.

Pakistan has scored a great aerial victory against India in this Kashmir Escalation.
Oh yes you do. Your PM is ever ready to stand up and salute if Trump looks at him favorably. His words 'Why wouldn't we want to be friends with a world power?'. With aims such as these, we will always be petty beggars of the world seen as trying to suck up with whomever will tolerate us.
You will get answers to all of your questions in the above mentioned thread I can't repost them
Pakistanis get light in night and travel in airplanes

Come on mate.... this is not the time nor the thread to post a joke or such a light hearted comment even, provided it was one.
Cant you see our leader has made a very risky move for the sake of peace...not all see at the same frequency... my request, plz let us dissect it amongst ourself and with friends.
it might be a move to make indian government bury the BDA videos of the initial strike.

Just wow, DG ISPR posted pictures after two or three hours of the attack. Yes, Indian government was sitting on the videos till Abhi gets caught. And when he gets captured they decided that wow, we can't show these videos now as Abhi got caught. Then you say why we call Indians retarded. Whole day your ANI has been reporting that F-16 got shot down by showing the wreckage of a mig plane, the pictures of which have already been circulated in reputable news sources like Dawn etc. Then you say why we call your media retarded.
At the end of the Joint Parliamentary Session today, Mr. Imran Khan announced the release of Indian pilot as a peace overture. Here we analyze this move.

Whenever a military operation is conducted, there should be well defined aims and objectives behind it. For India, there is a clear, and internationally recognized narrative which uses a background of terrorism as the license for military action.

On the flip side of this coin, Pakistan is a victim of an systematic, insidious, and poisonous Indian campaign to malign its good name and portray it as a source of terror and extremism at the international level. Internally, the Indian government has sought to whip up a war hysteria, inflame passions, and degrade Pakistan's image amongst the Indian public.

From both sides of the coin, the Indian military actions can be called a resounding success. Yes, this success would have been sweetened if India obtained a decisive military victory, but instead it got a military humiliation. But the key question for Pakistan to ask is this: has the military humiliation translated into a defeat of Indian poisonous designs against Pakistan? Let us look at some evidences.

During the conferences of the three forces chiefs, the A.V.M of IAF when asked explicitly "Do you see the release of Abhinandan by Imran Khan as a good will gesture?", his response was "We only see it as a gesture in consonance with all the Geneva Conventions". The Indian military does not see, does not accept any goodwill on the part of Pakistan.

Second, in a unilateral proclamation of releasing Indian prisoner, has Imran Khan assured an incontrovertible diplomatic success for Pakistan's vested interests, which is the comprehensive denouncement of the Indian narrative? This is extremely far removed from reality. On Indian television, their ex Minister of External Affairs is on record saying that India has established a new norm of unilateral strikes against terror targets from which it is not backing down.

Without any guarantee of safeguarding Pakistani interests, why would Imran Khan agree to such a move? The only logical explanation is that he is far removed from the reality of the world. In the supposedly high profile world of telephonic conversations with world leaders, Mr. Khan's mind seems to have left the reality on earth, and sees himself as a world leader of much gravitas and stature. His mind shows himself as a bold leader of principles and values. This dissociation from reality due to a sens of self-grandiosity is the signature hallmark of ineffective Pakistani leaders.

Since Imran Khan gave an example of Bahadur Shah Zafar and Tipu Sultan, let us also consider the examples of other Muslim elites. They pawned away huge pieces of land in games of chess under the influence of women and alcohol. Now Imran Khan cannot be blamed with indulgence in these exact sins, but the kind of grandiose euphoria that leads him to perceive himself as a world leader of class and caliber, is concomitant with dopamine release from alcohol consumption.

Having looked at the facts, let us try to postulate what can go horribly wrong as a result of this move. First of all, Imran Khan needs to answer to the nation, has he factored in the Indian narrative post-release of Mr. Abhinandan? What if IAF claims that Abhinandan downed the Pakistani F-16 using his Mig-21 and was subsequently shot down as well? Is Imran Khan willing to provide a guarantee to the nation that this will not happen?

But more importantly, what guarantee can Imran Khan provide that this is not simply a tactical retreat by the Modi government to secure release of a prisoner that is causing them loss of face throughout India? How can he assure the nation that India will not escalate again, this time using purely stand off weapons, missiles, and troop movements instead of risking the capture of high value targets?

It is unfortunately that instead of charting a course that serves the vested interests of Pakistan, Imran Khan has once again set us on a course of subservience, and valid ridicule amongst nations. Whereas his own stature may increase superficially vis a vis the treatment he receives from world leaders, the stature of Pakistani nation will only decrease. I will stop just short of labeling this treason against this nation. Unfortunately, in the divided Pakistani nation, treason is called leadership even as our neighbor is united in labeling war mongering as peace. Shame on us, indeed.
Can you fly into Pakistan
Absolutely agree with the title. Our policy makers and politicians specially Imran niazi is the worst traitors in the history of our country.

Next election he needs to be thrown out

To me IK is not mentally mature. All his political carrier is a hallmark of shortsightedness, somersaults, lack of deeper understanding, and vision. He might not be addicted to wine like Bahadur Shah Zafar but he is certainly addicted to drugs. His mental performance is severely impacted by that. I have no idea how the heck he decided so quickly to release the Indian pilot. What if Modi re-escalates the situation day after tomorrow (which they are hinting at loud and clear by refusing to take IK's decision as a peace gesture) and God forbid one of our pilots lands in India, what leverage Pak would have to secure his release. This is probably the most stupid decision of IK that might prove disastrous for Pakistan in future. This is the time we hit India harder rather than resorting to silly self-proclaimed but unrecognized peace gestures that ungrateful Indians don't even accept as a gesture. Indians rather rightfully call it Pak buckling down under their pressure. Alas, we could have a leader rather than a gangster as our PM.

It seems that you two have deeper issues with Imran Khan than just this incident. Please trust your military and government.

It's not that case. Only Indians portray freedom movement against illegal Indian occupation of J&K as terrorism and no other nation takes that position. The problem with our leaders is that these idiots get shy of exposing Indian propaganda by taking a clear stand in front of world. They somehow get mute, a handicap, rather than being a vocal leader of their nation. We have spanked Indian *** at military front. This is the time of cashing on it rather than unilaterally giving up our hard earned advantages.

Imran Khan is not afraid of calling India out. PTI has been consistent in condemning India for its terrorism against Pakistan in public, at every forum.
It will achieve a lot of goodwill among the good and peace loving Indians. Not the ones roaming around on this forum.

We are not in the business of warmongering. We captured the pilot because these were hostile circumstances. He has to return eventually. I hope the pilot also believes in peace after witnessing our hospitality.

By releasing the pilot Modi will be humiliated just before the elections. It is a solid move.
Indians peace against you guys, very very long shot.
At the end of the Joint Parliamentary Session today, Mr. Imran Khan announced the release of Indian pilot as a peace overture. Here we analyze this move.

Whenever a military operation is conducted, there should be well defined aims and objectives behind it. For India, there is a clear, and internationally recognized narrative which uses a background of terrorism as the license for military action.

On the flip side of this coin, Pakistan is a victim of an systematic, insidious, and poisonous Indian campaign to malign its good name and portray it as a source of terror and extremism at the international level. Internally, the Indian government has sought to whip up a war hysteria, inflame passions, and degrade Pakistan's image amongst the Indian public.

From both sides of the coin, the Indian military actions can be called a resounding success. Yes, this success would have been sweetened if India obtained a decisive military victory, but instead it got a military humiliation. But the key question for Pakistan to ask is this: has the military humiliation translated into a defeat of Indian poisonous designs against Pakistan? Let us look at some evidences.

During the conferences of the three forces chiefs, the A.V.M of IAF when asked explicitly "Do you see the release of Abhinandan by Imran Khan as a good will gesture?", his response was "We only see it as a gesture in consonance with all the Geneva Conventions". The Indian military does not see, does not accept any goodwill on the part of Pakistan.

Second, in a unilateral proclamation of releasing Indian prisoner, has Imran Khan assured an incontrovertible diplomatic success for Pakistan's vested interests, which is the comprehensive denouncement of the Indian narrative? This is extremely far removed from reality. On Indian television, their ex Minister of External Affairs is on record saying that India has established a new norm of unilateral strikes against terror targets from which it is not backing down.

Without any guarantee of safeguarding Pakistani interests, why would Imran Khan agree to such a move? The only logical explanation is that he is far removed from the reality of the world. In the supposedly high profile world of telephonic conversations with world leaders, Mr. Khan's mind seems to have left the reality on earth, and sees himself as a world leader of much gravitas and stature. His mind shows himself as a bold leader of principles and values. This dissociation from reality due to a sens of self-grandiosity is the signature hallmark of ineffective Pakistani leaders.

Since Imran Khan gave an example of Bahadur Shah Zafar and Tipu Sultan, let us also consider the examples of other Muslim elites. They pawned away huge pieces of land in games of chess under the influence of women and alcohol. Now Imran Khan cannot be blamed with indulgence in these exact sins, but the kind of grandiose euphoria that leads him to perceive himself as a world leader of class and caliber, is concomitant with dopamine release from alcohol consumption.

Having looked at the facts, let us try to postulate what can go horribly wrong as a result of this move. First of all, Imran Khan needs to answer to the nation, has he factored in the Indian narrative post-release of Mr. Abhinandan? What if IAF claims that Abhinandan downed the Pakistani F-16 using his Mig-21 and was subsequently shot down as well? Is Imran Khan willing to provide a guarantee to the nation that this will not happen?

But more importantly, what guarantee can Imran Khan provide that this is not simply a tactical retreat by the Modi government to secure release of a prisoner that is causing them loss of face throughout India? How can he assure the nation that India will not escalate again, this time using purely stand off weapons, missiles, and troop movements instead of risking the capture of high value targets?

It is unfortunately that instead of charting a course that serves the vested interests of Pakistan, Imran Khan has once again set us on a course of subservience, and valid ridicule amongst nations. Whereas his own stature may increase superficially vis a vis the treatment he receives from world leaders, the stature of Pakistani nation will only decrease. I will stop just short of labeling this treason against this nation. Unfortunately, in the divided Pakistani nation, treason is called leadership even as our neighbor is united in labeling war mongering as peace. Shame on us, indeed.
I think it's a brilliant move. Pakistan's strategy is to bring world attention to these tensions and paint India has a warmongering aggressor.

Pakistan will be handing the captured pilot to India as a part of a goodwill gesture, the move will be widely covered throughout the world. We know that it will not deescalate tensions, but that is not the point. It will show the world that Pakistan has been handling this situation with restraint and maturity, presenting multiple paths to peace and extending it's hand many times for dialogue while India is clearly not interested in peace and Modi is only interested in scoring political points from this dangerous situation.
Weak and idiotic decision by imran khan .
Should have waited until india positive response .
Should have used that pilot as bargaining chip .
You are a reputed member and a think tank analyst on a "Defence Forum".
Tell me you actually believe that indian air force can operate inside Pakistani Territory for 21 minutes and go bomb something on the western border and remain unchallenged and return safely?
If they can do that, they could hit any of our military or strategic target anytime they wanted and our airforce might just go home and sleep already.

I'm surprised if you actually believe this fable?
Or you guys just chose to play dumb when it comes to using minds on the fables you are sold to by your government about Pakistan?
The only factual tool here is BDA from either the litening pod, or the Sattelite feed, other that that, all is just speculation. There is very limited space for the term "Belief" for me as by the it's definition it is quite averse to facts/data or logic for that matter.
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