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The Rafale carries heavy

Libya was interested in acquiring a squadron of Rafale at a price of over 3 BILLION USD. :o: Now THAT is one expensive fighter jet.
Poor gadafi poor met very bad end end in last:(
True, that is why Pentagon is worried about China because they will be their first true compatible adversaries even better then USSR of cold war due to narrowing tech gap and similar implementation of tech and doctrine.

The Pentagon's View of China: a Worried Assessment | Cato Institute

Rafale is good plane but its not invincible.

China will compete economically with the US, which is something the much poorer Soviet Union was never able to do.

Within 10-15 years, the Chinese economy will start approaching the levels of the West combined and then there will be an alternative in the world.
Libya was interested in acquiring a squadron of Rafale at a price of over 3 BILLION USD. :o: Now THAT is one expensive fighter jet.

Why Libyy want an expensive plane when their air force is nearly zero, can they afford such expensive fighter jet? they should go for Gripen or F-16s which may cost effective and fill their need well.
China's industry is much more powerful than America's industry. China is building 8 Type 052D destroyers. Only 1 new American destroyer is being built.
Libya never sent a plane into the air. Rafale never shot anything down. Even if Rafale has no trouble with MiG-21, it is still no match against the new breed of fighters like J-10B, Typhoon, F-35. :p:

Doesn't matter.. it saw war. Chinese junk have yet to prove their mettle.

But they were used against a country which literally don't had an air force, just like US have done till now, so if prove them they must be used against strong adversaries like China, India, South Korea etc. so their real potential can be known.

First of all, who cares if Libiya sent up jets or not, the Rafale shined in it's encounter. Sorry but none of those countries you listed will go to war soon, so don't get your hopes up. Until then, Chinese junk is still unproven, US, Russian, and EU jets have been proven in combat (sans the Gripen).
Why Libyy want an expensive plane when their air force is nearly zero, can they afford such expensive fighter jet? they should go for Gripen or F-16s which may cost effective and fill their need well.

Libya has loads of oil money and a population of only 6 million. It used to be the richest country in Africa under Gaddafi. Libya could have theoretically afforded Rafale, but perhaps thought it was a rip off and ended up not buying Rafale. :p:

Doesn't matter.. it saw war. Chinese junk have yet to prove their mettle.

J-10 has been deployed to enforce China's ADIZ in the east China sea. Not exactly combat operations, but nevertheless operating in a theater.
China's industry is much more powerful than America's industry. China is building 8 Type 052D destroyers. Only 1 new American destroyer is being built.

We've had this discussion before, you're not even close. Look at how many arleigh burke destroyers we have.
We've had this discussion before, you're not even close. Look at how many arleigh burke destroyers we have.

Those Arleigh Burke destroyers are serviced with debt money. The US economy no longer has the power to function without debt. In fact, US debt is way more than its annual GDP. Without keep borrowing debt, the US military would no longer be able to function. :p:

17.34 trillion and counting. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

EU jets have been proven in combat (sans the Gripen).

Typhoon, Gripen, Rafale all participated in Libya war.
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First of all, who cares if Libiya sent up jets or not, the Rafale shined in it's encounter. Sorry but none of those countries you listed will go to war soon, so don't get your hopes up. Until then, Chinese junk is still unproven, US, Russian, and EU jets have been proven in combat (sans the Gripen).

You think that it shine in one sided battle its just nonsense, the JF-17 could have done that, the way Rafales were supported by other assets against a country who can't defend it self.

If China make junk stuff then why US is worried?

The Pentagon's View of China: a Worried Assessment | Cato Institute
Those Arleigh Burke destroyers are serviced with debt money. The US economy no longer has the power to function without debt. In fact, US debt is way more than its annual GDP. Without keep borrowing debt, the US military would no longer be able to function. :p:

17.34 trillion and counting. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

We're talking about industrial capabilities, not debt so don't change the subject.

Typhoon, Gripen, Rafale all participated in Libya war.

Last I checked Typhoon and Rafale did the heavy-lifting while Gripen did the running around in circles, hence why i said sans Gripen.

You think that it shine in one sided battle its just nonsense, the JF-17 could have done that, the way Rafales were supported by other assets against a country who can't defend it self.

Battle experience is battle experience. JF-17 has none and neither do any of the other Chinese junk.

If China make junk stuff then why US is worried?

Whenever we want something, usually we print articles about how inferior our current inventory is in comparison to another countries equipment (even though it's really not). Then the congressmen and the US citizens get scared and next thing you know we're pouring billions of dollars into a future program. Don't believe everything the media tells you, most of the time it's a ploy.

Libya and Mali:omghaha:
Even the US does not have any combat experience against a high-tech air-force since WW2.

You come to cheer on your Pakistani and Chinese masters? Last I checked Pakistanis were trying to eradicate your "inferior" people back in 1971.
Battle experience is battle experience. JF-17 has none and neither do any of the other Chinese junk.

JF-17 is similarly used in FATA for ground ops as your super duper Rafales were used in Libya. So as per your terms now JF-17 is battle tested and proven platform.
F-22 has 0 combat record. Doesn't mean it's bad jet. JF-17 is currently the best light fighter in the world. :p:
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