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The Rafale carries heavy

China's industry is much more powerful than America's industry. China is building 8 Type 052D destroyers. Only 1 new American destroyer is being built.

First you match your Navy to JMSDF after goto USN an USMC

JF-17 is similarly used in FATA for ground ops as your super duper Rafales were used in Libya. So as per your terms now JF-17 is battle tested and proven platform.

The Libyans Had sophisticated Air Defence Systems ..where the Rafale Knocked out First after all Free Kills

F-22 has 0 combat record. Doesn't mean it's bad jet. JF-17 is currently the best light fighter in the world. :p:

F22 Taunted the Iranian fighters where they sacred to face the Raptors
Btw, no matter what the article says, the Rafale actually doesn't carry a single more bomb of fuel tank that it couldn't carry before. The only new addtion in this test config is the external wingstation, which is meant to carry a MICA AAM. So all the talk about carrying heavy loads is useless anyway.
Rafale is good multirole plane but EFT is not far behind it in terms of being multirole plane.
while EFT many not be ''far'' behind, it will have good A/G capability ''after'' T3 upgrades
Rafale is better in A2A , recce and strike missions
He is right though, these hardpoints and the fact that it has only 3 wet stations as well as size limitations at the centerline are clear design flaws of the EF. Compare it to the Mirage 2000s, which basically has the same fuselage hardpoint layout and similar gear bay layout too, it can carry 4 x MICAs, 250Kg LGBs, or pods at the the fuselage stations, while the centerline still can carry a cruise missile. The EF on the other side is limited to use the centerline station for LDPs, can't carry a single other weapon at these stations and has size limitations at the centerline. It is a big mess, only to say it carries 4 x AIM 120 or now METEOR in every mission, which looks good but the operational restrictions are a real problem. Btw nice to see in Libya too, where the EF showed off in air superiority roles with 4 x AIM 120 and 4 x ASRAAM, even when the Libyan air force gave up. On the other side, it couldn't use a recon pod like the Tornados, Rafales, Gripens or Mirages F1 did, it could't do deep strikes like the Tornados, Mirage 2000s and Rafales and even it's CAS performance was basic (that however only because of limited weapon options, not because of design issues).
The point of lower RCS with these semi reeced stations is hardly an advantage, when you keep in mind that a standard CAP config includes 2 x 1000l fuel tanks, so is that really a point?

Well, the EF also has a delayed tranche software process. But once tranche 3 takes full flight it can perform those duties quite easily.
One has to remember the sort of mission the EF was designed to undertake.. Libyan AF or not.. It is an air superiority fighter. The LDP on the centreline decision was made because it was decided that most mission profiles did not require three tanks.. which are usually for ferry. Additionally, the usage of the front MRAAM station was an option for the TGP but cancelled in favour of centreline station due to additional tests needed(hence costs) to verify separation of MRAAMs in such a config. Lower RCS may be useful in QRA..
Its just difference in design philosophy.
IF JF 17 would had done air superiority, recon, SEAD and CAS operations over the airspace of the enemy, while the air force and ground defences were fully active, you could say JF 17 would be as proven, but that of course is by far not the case as we all know.
Claiming Rafale is not battle proven, only because the Libyian air force was smart enough not to take on the allied forces, is just nonsense, especially since you limit the whole battle to a single scenario only, ignoring the great performance it showed in all other roles and the way it even outshined latest US fighters. The technical capability it showed was more than impressive and that's the same reason why everybody knows that the F22 currently is the best A2A fighter around, because it's techs and capabilities are highly advanced, although it wasn't used in a single war so far. Rafale on the other hand has these advanced techs and capabilities and proved it in operational service too, while it's A2A capabilities should be more than proven now, in exercises against all the most capable air superiority fighters around.

Indian will go to any extent to make Rafale out of this world because they are purchasing it. The most stupid thing people of this forum do it that they try to compare two different generation planes Rafale with F-22, a plane which is a generation ahead will definitely be better and when it comes to 5th gen only US have them operational so they will be superior to any other previous generation plane. When it comes to compare Rafale which is 4.5 generation plane there are plenty in the market in similar generation EFT, F-16 Block-60, Su-35, Gripen NG etc. the tech Rafale has not out of this world, it is available to many air carft manufacturing companies its just their strategies and funds due to which they decide what to develop, when F-16 Block-50 were dropping JDAMS in battles the Rafale did not even had capability to use this kind of weapon, even this kind of weapon was not available to it.

Libya was crushed by sanction long before any attack, they nearly had no air defense available to them to handle 21st century threat and Rafale never operated alone there were always support assets deployed to support them. The SEAD you are talking about in Libya is nonsense, if Rafale is so good send it solo without any support AWAC etc in China and you will know how good it is. Today's warfare is not just about one system, it is about use of multiple systems in coordination with each other.

The Libyans Had sophisticated Air Defence Systems ..where the Rafale Knocked out First after all Free Kills

What advance air defense?? a nation which was sanctioned heavily since long and nearly had no air force, before war it was known that it will walk in the park for attacking force the only problem which allies had is that they did not had A-10 thunderbolt type plane to deploy to track and destroy moving troops or convoys, due to which they requested US which it refuses to show how much powerful its air force is and still its allies had to go long way to come even near them.
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while EFT many not be ''far'' behind, it will have good A/G capability ''after'' T3 upgrades
Rafale is better in A2A , recce and strike missions

EFT as per specification is an true air dominance fighter which will become true multirole fighter with tranche 3 upgrade but it will always retain it air dominance fighter characteristics where it excel from Rafale, but if they go head to head in combat the out come of it will depend on many things not just fighter planes.
When it comes to compare Rafale which is 4.5 generation plane there are plenty in the market in similar generation EFT, F-16 Block-60, Su-35, Gripen NG etc.
First you match your Navy to JMSDF after goto USN an USMC

The US military is no match for the Chinese military. Look what happened in Korea in the early 1950s.

The Libyans Had sophisticated Air Defence Systems ..where the Rafale Knocked out First after all Free Kills

Wrong. Libya's integrated air defense was knocked out by Tomahawk cruise missiles in the first day. Rafale's Spectra jammed the mobile radars.

F22 Taunted the Iranian fighters where they sacred to face the Raptors

America is no match for Iran, the Land of the Aryans.

:omghaha: :sarcastic: :rofl: :crazy:

At least the Rafale ain't a fake!!! :P

J-10B is in serial production. Rafale is an old design. J-10B is brand new and much more advanced than Rafale.

while EFT many not be ''far'' behind, it will have good A/G capability ''after'' T3 upgrades
Rafale is better in A2A , recce and strike missions

Cannot really say anything about both the EFT or Rafale as both have yet to see real air combat. We can deduce all we want from mock fights, but that should be it.
Wrong. Libya's integrated air defense was knocked out by Tomahawk cruise missiles in the first day. Rafale's Spectra jammed the mobile radars.

Why people here calling 80s era air defense so advance?? it was as over hyped by west as Iraqi air defense before first Gulf war. Libya was sanction for more than two decades then how the hell they have advance air defense?

Rafale's are good planes but for Libya they were more than enough.
EFT as per specification is an true air dominance fighter which will become true multirole fighter with tranche 3 upgrade but it will always retain it air dominance fighter characteristics where it excel from Rafale, but if they go head to head in combat the out come of it will depend on many things not just fighter planes.

They have... Rafale came out on top every time.
They have... Rafale came out on top every time.

But if KSA EFTs meet in mock up with french Rafales what you think will be result?

India is also missing an opportunity, SAAB is looking for Asian partner for its stealth project and Indian can grab it on its conditions, ditch the Rafales and put money in LCA, FGFA & new stealth project or ask SAAB to become part of AMCA.

SAAB Group looks to Asia to develop new stealth fighter|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
Saab looks to Asia to develop new stealth fighter
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