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The 'poor' neighbour( old article but nice read)

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Ny statistics on per capita spending on infrastructure for two countries??
For india it was 16-17$ for most part.This five year plan{ending in 2011} it was about 100$.[btw china spent like 120$per capita for two decades to get that kind of infra.].In next five year plan goi plans to spend 180$ per capita or about 1trillion dollars on infra.:).
Couldnt find ny stats for pak.
Reason I asked because usually I see the pictures of empty motorways. Not many people seem to be using it.
Are the tolls too high?

Maybe photgraphers style or smthin.............abt the toll...........no its pretty cheap.
Reason I asked because usually I see the pictures of empty motorways. Not many people seem to be using it.
Are the tolls too high?

At same forum some said that all these expressways in Pakistan made by WB loan so toll tax is obvious
Well when Pakistanis have no argument, they always revert to their staple argument. India is poorest. They forget India is fourth largest economy in the world in PPP. Expected to be third or fourth largest within this decade in nominal terms as well. No matter how much they cry this is not going to change.

India is super power that should be evident from lifestyle and living standard of peoples live in India. An estimated third of the world’s poor live in the fourth largest economy in the world. What is the use of becoming world fourth largest economy when 41.6% Indian Population living under $1.25 a day compare to fail state Pakistan where this ratio is almost half 22.6%.

So failed state Pakistan is better to cater the basic needs of its peoples than world fourth largest economy...again detail comparison between world super power india and failed state Pakistan has been made in previous post
Maybe photgraphers style or smthin.............abt the toll...........no its pretty cheap.
Oh ... maybe.
But I read in an article on reuters about these motorways being a "white elephant". From the article below:
WITNESS: Failed state? Try Pakistan's M2 motorway | Reuters

A relatively expensive toll means it is a motorway for the privileged. Poorer Pakistanis use the older trunk road nearby tracing an ancient route that once ran thousands of miles to eastern India. The road is shorter, busier and takes nearly an hour longer.

For supporters it shows the potential of Pakistan. Its detractors say it was a waste of money, a white elephant that was a grandiose plaything for Sharif.
:lol: Whats going on here? more importantly where is the Haqs Musings guy, he predicted that Indian Economy was going to collapse at the end of 2010 or something. I would like to ask him how does that egg on his face feel like.


Whereabouts is this interchange and that toll plaza?
India is super power that should be evident from lifestyle and living standard of peoples live in India. An estimated third of the world’s poor live in the fourth largest economy in the world. What is the use of becoming world fourth largest economy when 41.6% Indian Population living under $1.25 a day compare to fail state Pakistan where this ratio is almost half 22.6%.

So failed state Pakistan is better to cater the basic needs of its peoples than world fourth largest economy...again detail comparison between world super power india and failed state Pakistan has been made in previous post

Same predictable rant.To measure success one has to see from where the country started from and where it is today.In 1970 ur per capita gdp was higher than india.And look today.
There r very few stats and indicators on which Pakistan[rather fail state pakistan,judging from ur post u obviously prefer the term] fares better and in those too we have narrowed the gap since 1990.
And we dont call ourselves superpower ,and neither is a country considered a failed state because of poverty.Ur called so because of ur disregard for democracy,ur support to terrorism and the fact that thousands of civilians are killed each year.But this is a separate topic.If u want to discuss y ur considered a failed state and we r not open a separate thread.
Same predictable rant.To measure success one has to see from where the country started from and where it is today.In 1970 ur per capita gdp was higher than india.And look today.

"Rate of change" as given by GDP growth rates, is very deceptive in the case of large countries like China and India.

China for example, has been growing at double-digits for over three decades, and we are still FAR from becoming a developed country. There are just too many people.

A smaller country can develop quickly, even at medium rates of growth. Japan for example, only grew at an average rate of 4% during the 1980's, yet they now have a very high standard of living.
India is super power that should be evident from lifestyle and living standard of peoples live in India. An estimated third of the world’s poor live in the fourth largest economy in the world. What is the use of becoming world fourth largest economy when 41.6% Indian Population living under $1.25 a day compare to fail state Pakistan where this ratio is almost half 22.6%.

So failed state Pakistan is better to cater the basic needs of its peoples than world fourth largest economy...again detail comparison between world super power india and failed state Pakistan has been made in previous post

hahaa...You can rant as much as you want. That's not gonna change the reality. India is seen as a mystic place (albeit dirt and trash, I agree) by foreigners in which they are ready to invest. They realize the potential. I am sorry Pakistan is seen as terrorist state, most would prefer mot to venture anywhere near it.
"Rate of change" as given by GDP growth rates, is very deceptive in the case of large countries like China and India.

China for example, has been growing at double-digits for over three decades, and we are still FAR from becoming a developed country. There are just too many people.

A smaller country can develop quickly, even at medium rates of growth.

Thats the logic I don't understand. In India, only certain powers are rested with central government. Everything else is devolved to respective states. If tomorrow each of these states ( about the size of Pakistan) develop at a rate of 10%, why would they not develop at the same rate as Pakistan. Are you suggesting that only Pakistan can better manage the growth and not these states.
Thats the logic I don't understand. In India, only certain powers are rested with central government. Everything else is devolved to respective states. If tomorrow each of these states ( about the size of Pakistan) develop at a rate of 10%, why would they not develop at the same rate as Pakistan. Are you suggesting that only Pakistan can better manage the growth and not these states.

I'm sure some would.

Certain regions of China already have a very high GDP per capita. E.g. Hong Kong (long considered an advanced economy) as well as Shanghai, Beijing, etc.

However, the national GDP per capita is still quite low, even despite several decades of double-digit growth.

P.S. I was referring to Japan in my above post, although I think such a rule could apply to Pakistan as well. They have far fewer people to lift out of poverty, far fewer people to connect with infrastructure, etc. It will be much easier for them to raise their GDP per capita, because they don't have so many people.
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