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The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

Kudos @ Thread title!!!

Looks like new recruits on roll!

*self satisfaction*

The problem is very deep - the indian state is non-existent in many of these areas, the schools - even basic medical facilities are all provided by the Naxals or Maoists. You can trek in these forests for days before you see any sign of the indian state.
The problem is very deep - the indian state is non-existent in many of these areas, the schools - even basic medical facilities are all provided by the Naxals or Maoists. You can trek in these forests for days before you see any sign of the indian state.

Kindly tell me what are the sign's of Indian state ? :pop:
Highly provocative BS, flame thread title who have made it????????

Who the hell changed the thread title? Troll fest at its best. Didn't expect this nonsense from administrators.

Kudos @ Thread title!!!

Looks like new recruits on roll!

*self satisfaction*


Bro s ...Irfan created a new thread about the same topic ---I requested him to merge it with the old thread. The actual thread title is still the same .
The problem is very deep - the indian state is non-existent in many of these areas, the schools - even basic medical facilities are all provided by the Naxals or Maoists. You can trek in these forests for days before you see any sign of the indian state.

Really? You know this more than we Indians do do you? So does the terror-encouraging Al-Jazeera know about this? Nice source; a news media that clips off a photo to show a man getting "killed by Israeli soldier" whereas the real pic of that shows both men as Israelis, a third man offering an injured man, and the second man standing guard with his gun. Yeah.. very nice. :rolleyes:

Wow! I live in eastern India, I am a northeasterner by birth, my job involves traveling all over Indian forests (and outside India as well), national parks and biosphere reserves Funny I never came across "non-existent state India".

Ranting crap using same nonsensical statistical data meant to encourage combat operations against Maoist terrorists, is the best you can do. Naxalites are considered nothing more than a bunch of crappy terrorist cowards by local villagers itself. These vermin don't have the guts to take on the wily politicians but think themselves as big warriors killing, maiming and kidnapping common poor adivasis themselves.

Out of 1.2 billion people, how many do you think support these lunatics? Not even 0.1% of the entire population.
The problem is very deep - the indian state is non-existent in many of these areas, the schools - even basic medical facilities are all provided by the Naxals or Maoists. You can trek in these forests for days before you see any sign of the indian state.

Don't spread misinformation . Brainwashing and propaganda meets don't count as schools .
Don't spread misinformation . Brainwashing and propaganda meets don't count as schools .

Actually I was shocked at the level of control the Naxals had over the people - there was no corresponding narrative by the indian state against the Naxals, one of the political commissars I shall call him "Raj" - was an ex-member of the indian security forces - they drill the insurgents in classical ambush, IED attacks which are devastatingly effective.

Was very impressed at the way they supplied logistics. Excellent way of circumventing the strong points.
Police, schools, bureaucracy, health facilities, utilities like gas, electric etc etc.

Ever heard about Jungles ??

I hope all the same facilities are available in jungles of pakistan(if there are any as big as Indian one's)
Police, schools, bureaucracy, health facilities, utilities like gas, electric etc etc.

Some of our most "backward" regions have these. Now you must know that living in foresty tracts is very difficult and it is impossible to get facilities into forests. We don't cut down forests as it is dangerous to environment. So what to do? The "adivasis" don't want to come out of their tribal mindset, take government reservations and come up. They want to continue living in their own medieval lifestyle. This is a democracy; we cannot force them. In fact, many ecological areas are protected by government just because many of these lot don't want to come out of their mindset.

What are you suggesting? We cut forests, destroy important trees and make their areas as metropolitan cities? That would spell disaster to our efforts in controlling carbon footprint and global warming. Forests should remain forests and if they have to come to civilization, they should move to villages and town to absorb change. I know this because some people of my region have this same stupid tribal mentality rather than state and national mentality.
Police, schools, bureaucracy, health facilities, utilities like gas, electric etc etc.

Dear Rafi,

Police, schools etc etc are public services rendered through state. The sign of state is the presence of local Government also called Panchayati Raj, Distirct Magistrates, Block Development Officers and they are present in all Maoist areas. Maoists indulge in arson, destryoing schools, recruiting childern etc etc. I would urge you to read my replies to Irfan and yes.. I have lived in Maoist areas
Some of our most "backward" regions have these. Now you must know that living in foresty tracts is very difficult and it is impossible to get facilities into forests. We don't cut down forests as it is dangerous to environment. So what to do? The "adivasis" don't want to come out of their tribal mindset, take government reservations and come up. They want to continue living in their own medieval lifestyle. This is a democracy; we cannot force them. In fact, many ecological areas are protected by government just because many of these lot don't want to come out of their mindset.

What are you suggesting? We cut forests, destroy important trees and make their areas as metropolitan cities? That would spell disaster to our efforts in controlling carbon footprint and global warming. Forests should remain forests and if they have to come to civilization, they should move to villages and town to absorb change. I know this because some people of my region have this same stupid tribal mentality rather than state and national mentality.


You just wasted your time in typing all that!

According to them naxals/maoists control 2/3 of India!

Now don't you dare to prove that wrong!;)
Police, schools, bureaucracy, health facilities, utilities like gas, electric etc etc.

So we can cut large parts of Baluchisthan & NWFP from Pakistan as Pakistan does not provide all this there.

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

Police, schools, bureaucracy, health facilities, utilities like gas, electric etc etc.

So we can cut large parts of Baluchisthan & NWFP from Pakistan as Pakistan does not provide all this there.
The Naxals are ruthless - they will not hesitate to shot anyone even suspected of assisting the state, I tried to tell "Raj" that it is counter-productive to be so harsh, but they have a terrible reputation, sometimes just getting a summons from a Commissar can cause hysterics on part of the summoned.
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