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The Picture says everything

Those who desire death means they have nothing too loose and they fear nothing and those kind of people are the most dangerous in wars and also in real lives so better not mess with them

Will they duck when they fired upon? or just accept the bullet as they desire death?
One of the best military commander in islamic history

"Submit to Islam and be safe. Or agree to the payment of the Jizya, and you and your people will be under our protection, else you will have only yourself to blame for the consequences, for I bring the men who desire death as ardently as you desire life."

He wrote this letter to Persian Governor of Mesopotamia before invading them.

I protest, you are telling lies!!!! Islam is a peaceful religion and spread through message of peace not through sword!!!! Am I right??
Shut up clown.

Take that your hater @$$ somewhere else.

Would you like some cheese and crackers to go along with that whine? :lol:

You have been crying since the time I signed up on this forum. Learn to articulate your thoughts decently, you are not a schoolkid anymore.

Its a reverse psychology which you wont understand.

Try me, I'm a quick learner. Let's start by teaching me the definition of reverse psychology and then go on to demonstrate how it fits in this particular context.
Would you like some cheese and crackers to go along with that whine? :lol:

You have been crying since the time I signed up on this forum. Learn to articulate your thoughts decently, you are not a schoolkid anymore.

Try me, I'm a quick learner. Let's start by teaching me the definition of reverse psychology and then go on to demonstrate how it fits in this particular context.

No need to claim, we can understand that how quick learner you are . . . !
I protest, you are telling lies!!!! Islam is a peaceful religion and spread through message of peace not through sword!!!! Am I right??

I never told you anything. I just quoted one quote of Hazrat khalid bin Walid(R.A). yea you are right Islam is peaceful religion for peaceful non Muslims and violent and aggressive religion for those who hate Islam/Muslim and try to harm them. I would also not deny that there were few forced conversion in past as well because not every Muslim ruler was perfect Muslim or individual and many have done things which Islam did not permitted. majority non Muslim had this freedom to practices their beliefs but they would have to give tax to the Islamic government which was taking the responsibilities of their protection just like we all pay tax in UK for services of Uk government. Muslims did not pay jazia tax because Muslim pay zakat which is one of the pillar of Islam
Will they duck when they fired upon? or just accept the bullet as they desire death?

As webby said "Its a reverse psychology which you wont understand." - So, don't over load your brain.

Khalid bin Waleed was no doubt a great soldier and commander.
As webby said "Its a reverse psychology which you wont understand." - So, don't over load your brain.

Khalid bin Waleed was no doubt a great soldier and commander.
Nothing new in conflicts. If you search in history you will see such warriors in every region.

Always the smart wins the battle. The doctrines changed to seriously injure the enemy like using 5.56 ammo. So what will the brave fidayeen do, help the fellow fighter or let him fall.
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