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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

Do you know how this platform performed in last Surprise for India? Let's not just carried away being unaware of situation. In my opinion, addition as such is firstly not going to cost us much & secondly, will add more punch while thirdly serving the concern of being short in numbers. It is like adding more punch to the existing fleet.

And by the way, I am seeing two way traffic in this regard. @Khafee
What's the deal, how much we are paying?
In all serious is the F16 available and is it affordable in the V configuration. The Gripen is an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Sweden and would give us on par F16V capabilities which the JFT is lacking even in B3 upgrade. Failing that then the only choice is the Typhoon which I also prefer but can we afford it. For me Russian jets are out esp as Russia is still backing India and their military sales.
Gripen was refused to us in 2006. I doubt the Swedes will change their mind now. Your overall expenditure would be the same as the16s . Gripen certainly is not cheap.
I don't know why we are not inducting FC-20/J-10 to replace Mirages. For how long these old birds will keep up with modernization taking place in other squadrons. If Delta must be replaced with Delta, Typhoon would be ideal but our leadership will never consider that and they will keep their defensive mindset going. J-10 is a cheaper and more easier to acquire platform compared to Typhoons. Mirages-V must be acquired to fulfill spare needs only. Even retired birds will not be available for ever. It is time to walk-away from these oldies and induct J-10C with ToT so that we can develop it even further.

and this old tweet from Jan 2019

Details of Egypt air force Mirage Vs



Mirage 5SDE : Single-seat radar-equipped fighter-bomber version for Egypt, equivalent to Mirage IIIE; 54 built
Mirage 5E2 : Upgraded radarless attack version for Egypt. 16 built
Mirage 5SDR : Export version of the Mirage 5R for Egypt; six built
Mirage 5SDD : Two-seat trainer for Egypt; six built
This will fulfill needs;
(1) Support currently fleet spare cannibalize
(2) Out of 36 some have been upgraded in 2008 with advance capabilities.
(3) Maybe PAF is somehow seems not comfortable with JF-17 for deep strike and nuke roles. These upgraded mirages will fulfill the roles.
This will fulfill needs;
(1) Support currently fleet spare cannibalize
(2) Out of 36 some have been upgraded in 2008 with advance capabilities.
(3) Maybe PAF is somehow seems not comfortable with JF-17 for deep strike and nuke roles. These upgraded mirages will fulfill the roles.
What sort of HMD we will get along these jets plus any one has cockpit pic of Horus Mirage
This will fulfill needs;
(1) Support currently fleet spare cannibalize
(2) Out of 36 some have been upgraded in 2008 with advance capabilities.
(3) Maybe PAF is somehow seems not comfortable with JF-17 for deep strike and nuke roles. These upgraded mirages will fulfill the roles.
Listen, EAF is pathetic when it comes to maintenance; imo, these aircraft are pilot killers - they need to be completely overhauled first - most of the 'upgraded' would not non functional. Egyptians are the last people to be trusted in getting anything used - personal experience, they are worst of the bunch and liars.

Check out the details, it might help. 23 out of 36 are Horus upgraded.
It has "HUD" not HMD.... Why an strike aircraft need HMD?
Correct- i take their claim of HMD with pinch of salt.
Listen, EAF is pathetic when it comes to maintenance; imo, these aircraft are pilot killers - they need to be completely overhauled first - most of the 'upgraded' would not non functional. Egyptians are the last people to be trusted in getting anything used - personal experience, they are worst of the bunch and liars.

Correct- i take their claim of HMD with pinch of salt.
I'm sure PAF has closer look before going for deal. And will completely evaluate, inspect airframes before clearing for flying.
The mirage overhaul factory is there to ensure.
We should trust PAF
The deal is not finalyet. I think j-10C will be in pakistan soon. Thats the most logical aircraft to replace old dying mirages and continue nuclear strike role. We wont need more than 36.
The deal is not finalyet. I think j-10C will be in pakistan soon. Thats the most logical aircraft to replace old dying mirages and continue nuclear strike role. We wont need more than 36.
It's a multirole fighter not a bomber/deep strike.
Even China don't use J-10 in deep strike, strategic/nuke cruise roles
Secondly, JF-17 block 3 with (AESA, FADC, 3-axis fly by wire digital control, HMD, built-in EW suite that would free up hard-point. use of composite material to reduce weight thus aircraft can carry more fuel /ordnances as per mission need) these features will be at Par with J-10 then what's the point of buying new platform.
I have seen so many people in various threads want J-10 but it will not add much punch to PAF capabilities.
Listen, EAF is pathetic when it comes to maintenance; imo, these aircraft are pilot killers - they need to be completely overhauled first - most of the 'upgraded' would not non functional. Egyptians are the last people to be trusted in getting anything used - personal experience, they are worst of the bunch and liars.

Correct- i take their claim of HMD with pinch of salt.

After ROSE upgrade, there is no news of a new upgrade neither continuation of ROSE upgrades for ROSE IV etc. Therefore, these could be used as spares for 2 ROSE squadrons and 1 Naval Squadron.
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