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The Official Apology By Indians to MBI Munshi Thread

RAW agents raced ahead of ISI to nab IM’s Pak operative Waqas in Dhaka - The Times of India

Indians should one by one apologize to this man and admit their mistake and give him the due recignition he deserves.

I recommend it is time the Indians start reading his book
The India Doctrine and start spreading the message around.
:rofl: :omghaha: Indians need to apologize to the greatest India-basher this side of the Suez? :woot: Is this some kinda joke?

And read his book? :haha: Jeeez! Are you his promoter or his book publisher who is using PDF for publicity?

He's got the most biased braincells against India and Indians and you want us to read his trash? No way! I got far better things to do than read his baloney.
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OK @aazidane, since nobody yet was "charitable" enough to point out the obvious to you, I will try. Of course we know that RAW has a presence in BD, just as it does in Pak and Sri Lanka and Nepal. You know why? Because RAW is India's EXTERNAL intelligence agency - that means they get paid to be spies in neighbouring countries and countries of interest, and that is their job. You would know this, if you had a capable external intelligence agency. Or had even a modicum of intelligence, at least internaly within your head.

Lungiman's contention was that RAW runs B'desh and its armed forces and its civilian institutions and its intelligentia, which if you bring proof for, we will gladly apologize to him. It would be our pleasure.

BTW the news you are quoting also mentions ISI in B'desh. But that's halal, isn't it?;)

So no, Lungiman is not getting any apologies for pointing out the obvious. Sorry, but coming up with the tritest "revelations" might impress PDF Bangladeshis - normal people need something beyond the obvious to care. Try harder, superhero.


What is going on hur?
Some Bangladeshis got all excited to learn that India's external intelligence agency has agents in neighbouring countries.
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I apologize to @MBI Munsi but please dont link your book to every thread...
Munshi bhai... Seriously???? You are looking for an apology?????
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