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The Observer view on China’s human rights abuses in Hong Kong

Too bad, no countries from other parts of the world join, US can only keep a tight leash on its lackeys.

Who cares about that. That's their problem, i couldn't care less. For one Hong Kong is an ultra wealthy city state. So no reason at all for me to worry about their plight.
I think we should worry more about the plight of poor Africans suffering under even more terrible oppressive regimes and absolute poverty in their countries, in fact even those in South Asia, middle east, etc are suffering far more than anything Hong Kongers have ever faced in their life. So we should focus on those in the most dire situations if our worries are really genuine/sincere. Not those who are better off. It's just ridiculous.

No denying the fact that China is an authoritarian country. As i said in my earlier comment, there are more countries we should be worrying about whose people are suffering far more than anything the oppressed Chinese in Hong Kong or Xinjiang are facing. So we should focused far more on those who plights are the worse, not those who are far better off(albeit not the best). Just doesn't makes sense.
for example i have been to many african countries in your region, and many of the people there are facing far worse plights than anything the Chinese are facing in China from my experience.

another fake profile and confused Indian

wasn’t it you who was supporting Russia the other day

stop quoting me I don’t respond to trolls
pal... learn to read what i posted before vs becoming a parrot.

Unfortunately, it is muslims who need to self reflect to allow others to have this done on to them.

Where is the Ummah? No where? When arabs are after others in Yemen, Syria, sponsoring rape and pillaging in Darfur.

ICC - Zero noise about mass genocide in Burma, China against Uighurs, Darfur, syria etc.

Entire arab world - quiet on Palestine.

IK - cries crocodile tears on Kashmir but convinently forgets Uighurs because of a begging mentality with China.

Iqbal says it well - 'when will muslims be one'. and what he continues to write 'kabi the kooi muslim moujid' (@aziqbal (correct if this urdu is correct). Before you call other muslims out, please reflect on what i have written before licking white or chinese masters.

I suggest you read learned respectful Iqbal, you will learn about yourself and your maker. Just sit and read Majsid e Cordoba. If it does not make you cry then you are just a reflection of the malaise that Iqbal talks about.

I love iqbal - i wish most muslims would get educated in his works.
Buddy I have no issues with reading Iqbal and I agree he is critically important for the development of the muslim psyche for the Sub-continent.

My concerns for you (@denel) and @aziqbal's position is very simple. The only point I am trying to make is dont fall in the trap of getting triggered against China by the very people who have overlorded, ruled, suppressed and killed muslims for hundreds of years. That the so called news of GENOCIDE is suspect, where Australian government funded orgs create papers, that become the source material for a cross-pollinated incestuous recirculation of this news.

I dont trust Western sources of information. They have a strong tilt and bias, while trying to project an air of objectivity. That "objectivity" showed up: In the first Iraq war, the second Iraq war. It shows up how the west handles India's genocide over the Kashmiris and the conditions of her muslims in main-land India. It shows up in how they deal with Palestine. It has shown up again and again as not being fair or accurate.

So the only two arguments I am making is :1) don't be too quick to judge China, on the basis of news items that are suspect. (I am sure China has not acted in the most prudent way, but it falls way short of genocide). In fact I would prob take the same approach against any internal Pak group that creates terrorism within Pakistan on the behest of foreign powers. And the second point is 2) don't get triggered by a group of characters that has for generations worked against muslim interests, that have supported dictatorships in muslim lands, that have conducted wars on our lands and killed hundreds of thousands if not more muslims. That continue to support and perpetuate serious human rights violations in places like Kashmir and Palestine and till recent was torturing muslims in sites all around the world, on the flimsiest of evidence.

On the basis of the above Mr @aziqbal decides it is fair to call me China's bootlicker. The irony of such a position on the part @aziqbal is incredible considering his apologist and historically omitted view of Western powers and their real crimes against muslims is so clear and blatant. Till the West apologies for what she has done in muslims countries, till the west corrects her mistakes in Palestine and Kashmir, why should I align with them? What has China done to muslims anywhere around the world?
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My concerns for you (@denel) and @aziqbal's position is very simple.I align with them? What has China done to muslims anywhere around the world?

They are two leading PDF title holding China haters, one is a "think tank" another is a "professional", I don't know how PDF awards these titles, but anyway, their hate towards China is way bigger than their love towards their own countries and own people, it's useless trying to talk sense to them.
Buddy I have no issues with reading Iqbal and I agree he is critically important for the development of the muslim psyche for the Sub-continent.

My concerns for you (@denel) and @aziqbal's position is very simple. The only point I am trying to make is dont fall in the trap of getting triggered against China by the very people who have overlorded, ruled, suppressed and killed muslims for hundreds of years. That the so called news of GENOCIDE is suspect, where Australian government funded orgs create papers, that become the source material for a cross-pollinated incestuous recirculation of this news.

I dont trust Western sources of information. They have a strong tilt and bias, while trying to project an air of objectivity. That "objectivity" showed up: In the first Iraq war, the second Iraq war. It shows up how the west handles India's genocide over the Kashmiris and the conditions of her muslims in main-land India. It shows up in how they deal with Palestine. It has shown up again and again as not being fair or accurate.

So the only two arguments I am making is :1) don't be too quick to judge China, on the basis of news items that are suspect. (I am sure China has not acted in the most prudent way, but it falls way short of genocide). In fact I would prob take the same approach against any internal Pak group that creates terrorism within Pakistan on the behest of foreign powers. And the second point is 2) don't get triggered by a group of characters that has for generations worked against muslim interests, that have supported dictatorships in muslim lands, that have conducted wars on our lands and killed hundreds of thousands if not more muslims. That continue to support and perpetuate serious human rights violations in places like Kashmir and Palestine and till recent was torturing muslims in sites all around the world, on the flimsiest of evidence.

On the basis of the above Mr @aziqbal decides it is fair to call me China's bootlicker. The irony of such a position on the part @aziqbal is incredible considering his apologist and historically omitted view of Western powers and their real crimes against muslims is so clear and blatant. Till the West apologies for what she has done in muslims countries, till the west corrects her mistakes in Palestine and Kashmir, why should I align with them? What has China done to muslims anywhere around the world?

friend, i am not judging china... on the contrary; i am stating facts on what this communist regime is doing under Winnie Xi Pooh. You say about western. Put that aside; my academic colleagues who are muslims travel there every year; they started to raise this issue in person. Situation for muslims is really bad. I fail to understand how you can keep your eyes closed.

Why dont you get a backbone and stand up for yourself. Neither the west or chinese imperialists are there for you; they are there to screw you for their own gains. Because the west does it ; you can close your eyes to china or their proxy minion Burma or say nothing on what the Donkey Clown Salman has done in Yemen.

Man... wake up and smell the roses..... too much of MSG messes your mind more so reading either chinese propaganda too. These chinese bots are here by design to spread their fake narratives.

Seen it done it and speak from experience..... come and spend time here. I wish you could have joined me during the tour I did in Darfur and Yemen with MSF.... you cannot tell me what i saw was not real. To see children die from starvation .... man - this is what a fellow muslim does to the other..... I have no words to tell you. I have seen humans kill each other for what... is this what god commands us to do? I have fought the demons that these imperialists have paid and caused grief on our people.

Then of course the chinese bots come after me with race, creed colour, religion and every kind of attacks. I am not muslim but I grew up with muslims, I read the koran and stand up for human rights; I have seen what has happened in my continent in the name of imperialists. I fight with muslims on their side; I know the cause is just. I fear no Chinese, no US no European or curry munching Indian. I only fear almighty. I suggest you read Iqbal and Gibran.

I can only end by what God says to Iqbal - 'Yeh muselman yeh, jinkoe dek kar sharmayen jahood'. Learn.... read.... you were a great people what has happened to you all.

'Aye Masjide Cordoba' - I suggest you read Iqbal's text on it.

It is friday. i want to wish you Joma Mobarak and salams/shalom.
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friend, i am not judging china... on the contrary; i am stating facts on what this communist regime is doing under Winnie Xi Pooh. You say about western. Put that aside; my academic colleagues who are muslims travel there every year; they started to raise this issue in person. Situation for muslims is really bad. I fail to understand how you can keep your eyes closed.

Why dont you get a backbone and stand up for yourself. Neither the west or chinese imperialists are there for you; they are there to screw you for their own gains. Because the west does it ; you can close your eyes to china or their proxy minion Burma or say nothing on what the Donkey Clown Salman has done in Yemen.

Man... wake up and smell the roses..... too much of MSG messes your mind more so reading either chinese propaganda too. These chinese bots are here by design to spread their fake narratives.

Seen it done it and speak from experience..... come and spend time here. I wish you could have joined me during the tour I did in Darfur and Yemen with MSF.... you cannot tell me what i saw was not real. To see children die from starvation .... man - this is what a fellow muslim does to the other..... I have no words to tell you.

Then of course the chinese bots come after me with race, creed colour, religion and every kind of attacks. I am not muslim but I grew up with muslims, I read the koran and stand up for human rights; I have seen what has happened in my continent in the name of imperialists. I fight with muslims. I fear no Chinese, no US no European or curry munching Indian. I only fear almighty. I suggest you read Iqbal and Gibran.

I can only end by what God says to Iqbal - 'Yeh muselman yeh, jinkoe dek kar sharmayen jahood'. Learn.... read.... you were a great people what has happened to you all.

'Aye Masjide Cordoba' - I suggest you read Iqbal's text on it.
My friend I am not disagreeing with your thoughts. I respect them, and I agree that we need to grow a spine. All I will say given the world and how the cookie crumbles, our friends, our detractors, our position in geo-politics, China is too critical to us. If we are to avoid huckster, wolves, and coyotes, we have to tread that space very carefully. If there is truth to these issues (I am skeptic, but am willing to change my thoughts), we need to work with China behind the scenes. Let's avoid publicly opening a cliff between us. In passing if as a nation we allowed the US to kill our own citizens and everyone seems to be fine with that (seems to be water under the bridge), are we not being holier than the pope when we jump off the roof on issues related to internal Chinese Uighar issues (that is complicated to say the least - with foreign involvement trying to stir the pot). Yes two wrongs don't make a right but sometimes three lefts do.

Hope you and I can agree to disagree or meet somewhere in the middle on this.
This newspaper is a newspaper of the CIA. Max Simon is an assistant to the boss of Apple Daily. He is an official of the CIA stationed in Hong Kong. He is responsible for communication between the boss of Apple Daily and the CIA. This newspaper originally represented the interests of the United States and participated in the series of unrest in Hong Kong.
My friend I am not disagreeing with your thoughts. I respect them, and I agree that we need to grow a spine. All I will say given the world and how the cookie crumbles, our friends, our detractors, our position in geo-politics, China is too critical to us. If we are to avoid huckster, wolves, and coyotes, we have to tread that space very carefully. If there is truth to these issues (I am skeptic, but am willing to change my thoughts), we need to work with China behind the scenes. Let's avoid publicly opening a cliff between us. In passing if as a nation we allowed the US to kill our own citizens and everyone seems to be fine with that (seems to be water under the bridge), are we not being holier than the pope when we jump off the roof on issues related to internal Chinese Uighar issues (that is complicated to say the least - with foreign involvement trying to stir the pot). Yes two wrongs don't make a right but sometimes three lefts do.

Hope you and I can agree to disagree or meet somewhere in the middle on this.

Here is the issue - we see same malaise here - our politicians are the same leeches who are in bed with these imperialists. Our continents are blessed with great examples of such leeches.
Have we colonized South Africa? Sorry, I didn't notice that we already occupied South Africa.
dont worry that is why we are taking care you slowly like we do the nigerians. curry muncher indian guptas bring you msg munchers - see indian masters hiring chinese lackeys. wow.

tryting to derail the tread?

no 25c for you... go eat msg laced Xi Pooh soup.

you cannot even have to reading ability to read actual academic bat research of your own scientists. pathetic.... too much Winnie XI Pooh pooh ... bad for heath....

go eat some bat cave droppings.
its not abuse

the World has recognised it as a genocide

so thats exactly how it will be referred to

its Genocide
another fake profile and confused Indian

wasn’t it you who was supporting Russia the other day

stop quoting me I don’t respond to trolls
Oh so now I'm Indian because i don't agree with your exaggerated points?
That's a new one. lol Carry on.
interestingly they did not allow comments on this editorial. maybe it's them who are afraid of words.

Why do you always make stuff up? The Guardian is in financial trouble since they are legally obliged to moderate all comments and can no longer afford an army of moderators - they simply turned it off.

I can no longer comment on any news report on that website.

On the day of democracy uprising by Trump supporters on the capital hill, 5 were immediately dead, 1 dead protester was shot by American police. Afterwards, hundreds of the democratic protesters were branded as "domestic terrorists" and arrested by FBI. Talk about human rights abuse.

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