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The Observer view on China’s human rights abuses in Hong Kong

So a photo means he’s guilty? What kind of idiotic mentality is this

That’s like saying the Imam of Jerusalem met Hitler so he’s responsible for the Holocaust
Evidence this dude got money from US will be released soon from HK official judgement, but then someone like you in pdf would say I don't believe any source that coming from HK court or non- western media.
For Chinese members who want to know more about the establishment of Apple Daily, this article was only written in Chinese and I don't care the foreigners could understand or not since the fact is never their concern. Only thing that surprise me was the US and UK were not the only two countries that behind when the start of Apple Daily, there was another country that I would never think of.

And there is the video but read the article first since it contains more extra information.

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Evidence this dude got money from US will be released soon from HK official judgement, but then someone like you in pdf would say I don't believe any source that coming from HK court or non- western media.


so basically HK has no more free press

China is a authoritarian regime
Too bad you don't understand content of #17 video.
Why would he even understand? You know he's not Chinese, i think the question is why some guy putting up the English flag with an avatar of JF-17 colored in pk flag is very anti China.
The Observer view on China’s human rights abuses in Hong Kong
Observer editorial

Western leaders must stand up against Beijing’s assault on democractic freedoms and demand the release of imprisoned journalists
A pro-democracy protester is taken to hospital after falling sick outside a court in Hong Kong
A pro-democracy protester is taken to hospital after falling sick outside a court in Hong Kong. Photograph: Kin Cheung/AP
Sun 20 Jun 2021 06.30 BST

China did not wait long to demonstrate its contempt for last weekend’s criticism by G7 countries of human rights abuses in Hong Kong. By ordering the arrest of the editor-in-chief and four senior executives of the Apple Dailynewspaper for allegedly conspiring with “foreign forces”, Xi Jinping and the Communist party sent a crude message of defiance to the west.
That China’s president and his Beijing apparatchiks were responsible for this provocatively timed injustice is not in serious doubt. Hong Kong’s 2019-20 pro-democracy protests, which Apple Daily supported, shook the CCP’s power monopoly and amour propre in ways not seen since Tiananmen Square. It has been punishing the ex-British colony ever since.

China’s assumption of direct control over Hong Kong affairs, contravening binding undertakings made at the 1997 handover, is increasingly blatant. The CCP’s imposition of a made-in-Beijing security law last year and the exclusion from the legislative assembly of “unpatriotic” opposition members has fatally eroded Hong Kong’s legally guaranteed autonomy.

The assault on press freedom and free speech form part of this wider crackdown on democratic freedoms that are routinely denied to people in mainland China. Apple Daily’s true offence is to have opposed Beijing’s illegitimate takeover through the exercise of principled, informed, critical journalism. Xi and his censorious commissars just can’t bear it.
The fact that citizens rallied to support the newspaper last week, buying copies in huge numbers, is a cheering sign that Beijing’s bullying has not crushed Hong Kong’s independent spirit. The brave stand taken by Jimmy Lai, Apple Daily’s owner, who is already in jail on trumped up charges, and editor-in-chief Ryan Law, deserves deep respect.
The shameful antics of their persecutors provide, in contrast, an insight into the insecure mindset of party apparatchiks who live in ultimate fear of Xi’s wrath. Hong Kong security chief John Lee claimed those arrested had used their journalism “as a tool to endanger national security”. How fragile and feeble is the Chinese state that mere words cause it to tremble so.
Those arrested last week must be released immediately and all charges dropped. The same applies to more than 100 individuals, including politicians and activists, held under the security law since last year. If they have any ethical scruples at all, journalists working in Chinese state media should back their colleagues at Apple Daily.
That China has again dishonoured itself by shirking its responsibility to abide by the Sino-British joint declaration, uphold international law, and support universal values as defined by the UN, is sadly no surprise, given its conduct since Xi took power. Its serial misdeeds speak to a sense of impunity that is now having a wider, negative influence around the world.
In neighbouring Myanmar, for example, the murderous behaviour of the military junta that seized power in February reflects a similar belief that the international community can be ignored, and that hard-won global civil and human rights may be overturned at will. These cowardly generals continue to be sustained by the support of Beijing.
Stirred into action by the sheer egregiousness of the Myanmar crisis, the usually divided UN General Assembly voted on Friday for an arms embargo. No fewer than 119 countries called on the junta to release political detainees, including Aung San Suu Kyi, and respect the result of last year’s election. Guess what? China abstained.
Chinese disdain for international norms is now habitual, ranging from abuses in Xinjiang to its refusal to help establish Covid-19’s exact origin. The failure to apologise for last month’s random, chaotic descent to Earth of debris from a Chinese rocket, which could have proven disastrous for many below, aptly symbolises the arrogant, insouciant exceptionalism of the Xi era.
Western leaders last week demanded China start respecting “fundamental freedoms” in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Tougher, concrete action to achieve that aim is going to be needed.

Sure sure, as soon as the west addresses human rights and muslims rights in India, Europe (aka France, Poland, Hungary), the genocide in Kashmir and Palestine, the overt racism and anti-muslim islamophobia in the US and Canada. Once they do that, they can look at other places. Till then all I say is HYPOCRITES need to STFU!!!!
Sure sure, as soon as the west addresses human rights and muslims rights in India, Europe (aka France, Poland, Hungary), the genocide in Kashmir and Palestine, the overt racism and anti-muslim islamophobia in the US and Canada. Once they do that, they can look at other places. Till then all I say is HYPOCRITES need to STFU!!!!

another Chinese boot licker, using the past crimes of UK to justify the genocide today in China

@denel check this one
Sure sure, as soon as the west addresses human rights and muslims rights in India, Europe (aka France, Poland, Hungary), the genocide in Kashmir and Palestine, the overt racism and anti-muslim islamophobia in the US and Canada. Once they do that, they can look at other places. Till then all I say is HYPOCRITES need to STFU!!!!
Unfortunately, it is muslims who need to self reflect to allow others to have this done on to them.

Where is the Ummah? No where? When arabs are after others in Yemen, Syria, sponsoring rape and pillaging in Darfur.

ICC - Zero noise about mass genocide in Burma, China against Uighurs, Darfur, syria etc.

Entire arab world - quiet on Palestine.

IK - cries crocodile tears on Kashmir but convinently forgets Uighurs because of a begging mentality with China.

Iqbal says it well - 'when will muslims be one'. and what he continues to write 'kabi the kooi muslim moujid' (@aziqbal (correct if this urdu is correct). Before you call other muslims out, please reflect on what i have written before licking white or chinese masters.

I suggest you read learned respectful Iqbal, you will learn about yourself and your maker. Just sit and read Majsid e Cordoba. If it does not make you cry then you are just a reflection of the malaise that Iqbal talks about.

I love iqbal - i wish most muslims would get educated in his works.
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so basically HK has no more free press

China is a authoritarian regime
... i reclassify ... Communist Winnie Xi Pooh's regime is authoritarian.

Let then have free and fair elections, we will see.... give people sticks, we will see their commie party officials first be beaten.
another Chinese boot licker, using the past crimes of UK to justify the genocide today in China

@denel check this one
Just because you British say it is the case does not make it so. Infact just because you say it brings it into question because you lot are an untrustworthy bunch who lie and cheat. That is how you have operated for hundreds of years. Why do you think we should start believing you. It is not a matter of "boot licking", it is a matter of trust. And trust is a rare commodity in your breed. So till we ascertain ourselves the reality we will not buy a cent of the crap you sell.
... i reclassify ... Communist Winnie Xi Pooh's regime is authoritarian.

Let then have free and fair elections, we will see.... give people sticks, we will see their commie party officials first be beaten.
Western democracies are not democracies representative of its people, but plutocracies run by the rich and powerful. So quit selling us the BS of Lady liberty and Justice is Blind. Where is your human rights and values: when it comes to India, Kashmir, Palestine etc, or even closer the minorities in the west (like blacks). Where was the major outrage during Bosnia, where under your protection 9000 muslim men and boys were slaughtered. Where is your outrage for the blatant French islamophobia? Where is the outrage for the innocents killed in Afghanistan time and time again, or the hundreds of thousands killed due to Western wars in Syria, Iraq and Libya? Where was the western values when black sites around the world were torturing muslims or when Guantanamo even till today operates as a black hole for human rights? What was the west doing when Suharto was killing muslims in Indonesia? Or when Pershing was slaughtering Muslims in Philippines? Or when under a Parliamentary democracy the British beheaded the only remaining sons of our King and buried him after his death in a grave unmarked. Come on guys - for those of us a bit read on history, this wont sell.

In terms of free and fair elections in China I cannot tell what would happen, but lets see how Western "democracies" survive when their economies contract, when their unfair trade practices and natural resource hounding multi-nationals are stopped for stripping away third world countries resources, or when dictators that they prop cannot stash their wealth or give preferential treatment to western companies (GCC countries). When all is fair and equal, Western wealth will erode under competitive pressure, and then watch how the mobs in Western cities rip apart their systems and their politicians.

so basically HK has no more free press

China is a authoritarian regime
Who cares about that. That's their problem, i couldn't care less. For one Hong Kong is an ultra wealthy city state. So no reason at all for me to worry about their plight.
I think we should worry more about the plight of poor Africans suffering under even more terrible oppressive regimes and absolute poverty in their countries, in fact even those in South Asia, middle east, etc are suffering far more than anything Hong Kongers have ever faced in their life. So we should focus on those in the most dire situations if our worries are really genuine/sincere. Not those who are better off. It's just ridiculous.
... i reclassify ... Communist Winnie Xi Pooh's regime is authoritarian.

Let then have free and fair elections, we will see.... give people sticks, we will see their commie party officials first be beaten.
No denying the fact that China is an authoritarian country. As i said in my earlier comment, there are more countries we should be worrying about whose people are suffering far more than anything the oppressed Chinese in Hong Kong or Xinjiang are facing. So we should focused far more on those who plights are the worse, not those who are far better off(albeit not the best). Just doesn't makes sense.
for example i have been to many african countries in your region, and many of the people there are facing far worse plights than anything the Chinese are facing in China from my experience.
Unfortunately, it is muslims who need to self reflect to allow others to have this done on to them.

Where is the Ummah? No where? When arabs are after others in Yemen, Syria, sponsoring rape and pillaging in Darfur.

ICC - Zero noise about mass genocide in Burma, China against Uighurs, Darfur, syria etc.

Entire arab world - quiet on Palestine.

IK - cries crocodile tears on Kashmir but convinently forgets Uighurs because of a begging mentality with China.

Iqbal says it well - 'when will muslims be one'. and what he continues to write 'kabi the kooi muslim moujid' (@aziqbal (correct if this urdu is correct). Before you call other muslims out, please reflect on what i have written before licking white or chinese masters.

I suggest you read learned respectful Iqbal, you will learn about yourself and your maker. Just sit and read Majsid e Cordoba. If it does not make you cry then you are just a reflection of the malaise that Iqbal talks about.

I love iqbal - i wish most muslims would get educated in his works.
Yes, please clear out the colonists in the Middle East first.
Western democracies are not democracies representative of its people, but plutocracies run by the rich and powerful. So quit selling us the BS of Lady liberty and Justice is Blind. Where is your human rights and values: when it comes to India, Kashmir, Palestine etc, or even closer the minorities in the west (like blacks). Where was the major outrage during Bosnia, where under your protection 9000 muslim men and boys were slaughtered. Where is your outrage for the blatant French islamophobia? Where is the outrage for the innocents killed in Afghanistan time and time again, or the hundreds of thousands killed due to Western wars in Syria, Iraq and Libya? Where was the western values when black sites around the world were torturing muslims or when Guantanamo even till today operates as a black hole for human rights? What was the west doing when Suharto was killing muslims in Indonesia? Or when Pershing was slaughtering Muslims in Philippines? Or when under a Parliamentary democracy the British beheaded the only remaining sons of our King and buried him after his death in a grave unmarked. Come on guys - for those of us a bit read on history, this wont sell.

In terms of free and fair elections in China I cannot tell what would happen, but lets see how Western "democracies" survive when their economies contract, when their unfair trade practices and natural resource hounding multi-nationals are stopped for stripping away third world countries resources, or when dictators that they prop cannot stash their wealth or give preferential treatment to western companies (GCC countries). When all is fair and equal, Western wealth will erode under competitive pressure, and then watch how the mobs in Western cities rip apart their systems and their politicians.

pal... learn to read what i posted before vs becoming a parrot.

Unfortunately, it is muslims who need to self reflect to allow others to have this done on to them.

Where is the Ummah? No where? When arabs are after others in Yemen, Syria, sponsoring rape and pillaging in Darfur.

ICC - Zero noise about mass genocide in Burma, China against Uighurs, Darfur, syria etc.

Entire arab world - quiet on Palestine.

IK - cries crocodile tears on Kashmir but convinently forgets Uighurs because of a begging mentality with China.

Iqbal says it well - 'when will muslims be one'. and what he continues to write 'kabi the kooi muslim moujid' (@aziqbal (correct if this urdu is correct). Before you call other muslims out, please reflect on what i have written before licking white or chinese masters.

I suggest you read learned respectful Iqbal, you will learn about yourself and your maker. Just sit and read Majsid e Cordoba. If it does not make you cry then you are just a reflection of the malaise that Iqbal talks about.

I love iqbal - i wish most muslims would get educated in his works.

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