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The murder of history in Pakistan

What does it matter, would it make him less of an ancestor.
I asked it coz he apparently fought for a hindu king of puru dynasty..Was he..?And no his religion wouldn't make him any lesser of an ancestor.Ancestry and culture is not something that will vanish with change of religion.
The text books lied about the wars and that will be fixed once we get a new generation in power who don't have anything to hide.
Other then that, I don't see a problem with the books.
That is exactly the problem with you guys, cannot see something for what it is. To learn something is easier compared to unlearn it.
Yes.. Which pakistani text books talks proud of ur anchestor?
Doess the book talk proud about Chandragupta, who stopped Greek invasion?
Does it talk about Ashoka?
Does it talk about Chanakya(native of pakistan)?
Or does it talk proud of Aryabhatta or Bhaskara?
Does it talk of Rig veda which was written in pakistan?
Or many scientists who had their roots in pakistan in ancient times?
There were many "good" kings and emperors in between Ashoka and 712 AD!! Are they mentioned?

We are taught all about the places and history of Pakistani land. That is all we need.
Wait - Aren't they forgetting where Hinduism originated from? Forgetting both where the actual religion comes from and the name for it as well :disagree:

hinduism has no beginning and no ending...... it began with worship of nature..... we call it sanatan dharma , which means ETERNAL and EVERLASTING..... and pakistan was also once a part of vedic tradition..... that is why we love the pakistani land..... and can love the people too.... if they have mutual respect for us and our religion..... anyone can be a very pious muslim even by respecting hinduism.
Yes.. Which pakistani text books talks proud of ur anchestor?
Doess the book talk proud about Chandragupta, who stopped Greek invasion?
Does it talk about Ashoka?
Does it talk about Chanakya(native of pakistan)?
Or does it talk proud of Aryabhatta or Bhaskara?
Does it talk of Rig veda which was written in pakistan?
Or many scientists who had their roots in pakistan in ancient times?
There were many "good" kings and emperors in between Ashoka and 712 AD!! Are they mentioned?

How many of your books talk proudly of Arungzeb or Babar or Tipu Sultan?

History is a narrative of the people. Pakistan's narrative is that of a proud Islamic people. We don't need to go into tiny details of things outside that narrative.
Watch from 1:03, see we acknowledge our ancient past, constantly.
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Can Indians stop with their inferiority complex and trying to group themselves with Pakistanis?

We are trying to have a serious discussion.
And your arguments seem very childish in a serious debate. We are not afflicted with inferiority complex also we do not want to be grouped with Pakistanis, who would want to group themselves with guys like you when they are ashamed of their history. We know the history which you deny so vehemently, first accept that and then you can gladly contribute, till then you are only ranting and being a kid.
That is exactly the problem with you guys, cannot see something for what it is. To learn something is easier compared to unlearn it.

Huh? what's the problem?
what did I miss?
I know that the books lie about the wars, what else do you want?
hinduism has no beginning and no ending...... it began with worship of nature..... we call it sanatan dharma , which means ETERNAL and EVERLASTING..... and pakistan was also once a part of vedic tradition..... that is why we love the pakistani land..... and can love the people too.... if they have mutual respect for us and our religion..... anyone can be a very pious muslim even by respecting hinduism.

Of course we respect our Pakistani Hindu brothers and sisters, they are our people.
And your arguments seem very childish in a serious debate. We are not afflicted with inferiority complex also we do not want to be grouped with Pakistanis, who would want to group themselves with guys like you when they are ashamed of their history. We know the history which you deny so vehemently, first accept that and then you can gladly contribute, till then you are only ranting and being a kid.

Why are you here then. It does not compute.
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