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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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MR , dont think pakistan as iraq , iran or afghanistan .
MR "ZRAVER" tell only US action but didnt concerned about pakistani reaction in such case,
be a realistic US is a world power no one cant deny her defence power ,latest technology .but if pakistan is under US attack ,it will be hard task for US to accomplish ,
first in such case US forces will face alot of difficulties in afghanistan ,becoz they will be targeted by missiles, and commandos and ground forces. .US navy would be targeted by criuse missiles , it will directly affect CHINA as pakistan is key ally with china in defence , so interfarance from china is fact .ISRAEL is under range of pakistani ballistic missiles, so if not the america ,we can destroy her economy soul (ISRAEL) .PAKISATN ARMY is one of the organized and strong army ,hence will show a bitter resistance to US ground forces,as pakistan is atomic power so as last hope pakistan will play all its cards , so if pakistan will destroy ,US will also face its downfall .if u have doubt read carefully the history of russian downfall in AFGHANISTAN.pakistani ISI done alot and pak army and commandos fought against russia its an open secret ,russian aim was not the afghanistan but karachi(pakistan) but pakistan bury russian pride in the mountains of afghanistan.

Afghanistan was an attempt to control it and rule it. When US takes on pakistan, its aim would be to detsroy tangible targets. Crusie missiles wont get a chance to fire,as tey all would be the first casuality of american forces. US arnt fools, they have already realised how difficult its to wina ground battle, so expect a killing air battle.

And by saying this im not under estimating Pakistan, no country stands a chance against US might.
MR , dont think pakistan as iraq , iran or afghanistan .
MR "ZRAVER" tell only US action but didnt concerned about pakistani reaction in such case,
be a realistic US is a world power no one cant deny her defence power ,latest technology .but if pakistan is under US attack ,it will be hard task for US to accomplish ,
first in such case US forces will face alot of difficulties in afghanistan ,becoz they will be targeted by missiles, and commandos and ground forces. .US navy would be targeted by criuse missiles , it will directly affect CHINA as pakistan is key ally with china in defence , so interfarance from china is fact .ISRAEL is under range of pakistani ballistic missiles, so if not the america ,we can destroy her economy soul (ISRAEL) .PAKISATN ARMY is one of the organized and strong army ,hence will show a bitter resistance to US ground forces,as pakistan is atomic power so as last hope pakistan will play all its cards , so if pakistan will destroy ,US will also face its downfall .if u have doubt read carefully the history of russian downfall in AFGHANISTAN.pakistani ISI done alot and pak army and commandos fought against russia its an open secret ,russian aim was not the afghanistan but karachi(pakistan) but pakistan bury russian pride in the mountains of afghanistan.

Did anyone one told you that Israel is also a "atomic power".

And yeah ...I hope Pakistan won't be stupid enough to invite attack from two of the most advanced forces in the world...at the same time!
Stuart Slade related a story about a PLA Officer visiting the US who boasted that China, of all countries on earth, could survive a nuclear war. Stuart and his friends showed him what kind of targeting would be employed if the goal was genocide.

With the prevailing winds and the collapse of infrastructure, China was looking at a 5% survival rate scattered through out China with cities suffering 98% casualties. Most deaths are not from the nukes but rather starvation and disease.

In his estimation, there would be no community bigger than 1000 people.

The PLA Officer vomited.

N E V E R underestimate the effects of a nuclear strike.

In you opinion do you forsee a possible nuclear war in the subcontinent?

I have this sneaky feeling that there would be a major showdown between India,Pakistan and China further down couple of decades. May be not for land,but probably over resources as you nations with almost 25% of the world population to feed.
What i mean rearding two countries that will be destroyed are India and Pakistan (The war is between these two countries). Back Door Diplomacy between india and USA might be the reason (because Pakistan is the islamic nuclear state)or Kashmir will be the Issue of war.
Then USA will think of CHINA.
This means if USA is so strong no one can dear to stand infront of it.
I will say one thing "THERE'S ALWAYS A DOOR OPEN AND ITS THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO FIND THAT DOOR". So When there will be a war we have to search that door.
Uptill now the whole world is against MUSLIMS. USA or any EUROPEAN countries are not afaid of MUSLIMS but the thing they are afraid from is "MUSLIM UNITY".
Have a nice time fellows
In you opinion do you forsee a possible nuclear war in the subcontinent?

I gave up predicting the future when I didn't predict the fall of the Berlin Wall. Instead, I thought I was going to see a nuclear fireball or my grand kids would still see the Berlin Wall.

At this point in time, I don't see the need for nuclear release by anyone. There are no issues of national survival, even military ones, at stake here.

I have this sneaky feeling that there would be a major showdown between India,Pakistan and China further down couple of decades. May be not for land,but probably over resources as you nations with almost 25% of the world population to feed.

Water. Still, it's a question of who needs what and how much. There was an Academic, but not government, suggestion to dam up Tibet. This caused an uproar in India but then it was pointed out that it was an Academic suggestion and amongst the suggestion is to sell the electrical power to India who did not have to invest in building the dam.
well dear friends. one of my friend niaz try to say that saudi arabia is the powerfull country coze it can project power throughout the region. sorry man i donot agree with you.
My goal to post this thread was to compare the islamic armies in just pure militiarywise.
pakistan is the powerfull country in that aspect. the no1. I think i should have no need to prove them. in any aspect pakistan is no1. In form of projection of power ,in term of defending against a powerfull army,in term of potentioal and in term of geoghraphy.
I have posted that any islamic country that can damage and harm USA is pakistan.
I know in case of us invasion pakistan will be in stone age, and fighting with sole super power you have to accept that. but what will be the damage on other side,
Bye Bye israel
Bye Bye americans aircraft carrier
bye bye american bases all over the region that including degogarcia, qatar, bahrain and central asian bases.
bye bye american army in afghanistan.\
pakistan will be in stone age but america will be no more super power and will be presenting state of a thirld world country.
Now any islamic country that can harm usa as pakistan can? no man no
niaz also post that pakistan have no influence in afghanistan. haha
did you forget the abullah abdullah the afghan forign minister.
pakistan can wipe out american army in afganistan in one week musharraf said in adress to the nation.
economically, technologically and and in terms of conventional weapons there may countries powerfull than pakistan but overall pakistan is at the top of the list
yes ******** israel is atomic power but they have not second strike capability as five or six missile at once will vanish the 6 million israeli population from the face of the world mr con
and for those who think that pakistan cannot hit usa directly let me tell them that pakistan is working on tipu ICBM that can hit usa. it will be completed upto 2010. pakistan still have icbms but dont test coze of it,s forign policy
Did anyone one told you that Israel is also a "atomic power".

And yeah ...I hope Pakistan won't be stupid enough to invite attack from two of the most advanced forces in the world...at the same time!

if u wana know why i pointed ISRAEL as target for pushing back USA , plz first go to that link


ISRAEL has great impact on US economy ,it cant deny .so inorder to give jerk to USA economy destroy ISRAEL , thats was the point i was saying .and about nuclear war it doesnt matter to have rivalry with two atomic powers ,its all about who get more destruction .
and if we talk about conventional war ,dont seek iraq n afghanistan ,countires with poor organization ,poor economy n lack of national unity at the time of war .but supposing pakistan or india pushing into such war will surely give good lesson to opposition .

and also dont think USA as not defeatable , study the vietnam war .
yes exactly i agree with you. in purely conventional terms pakistan too can harm usa.
it has one of the most modern, well equipped , well trained army.
our army is not like iraq or afghanistan. and who knows about ssg who knock out russian spetnaz i afghanistan.
Bye Bye israel
Bye Bye americans aircraft carrier
bye bye american bases all over the region that including degogarcia, qatar, bahrain and central asian bases.
bye bye american army in afghanistan.\
pakistan will be in stone age but america will be no more super power and will be presenting state of a thirld world country.

:woot: ....lol.................
Originally Posted by sehranasheens
Bye Bye israel
Bye Bye americans aircraft carrier
bye bye american bases all over the region that including degogarcia, qatar, bahrain and central asian bases.
bye bye american army in afghanistan.
pakistan will be in stone age but america will be no more super power and will be presenting state of a thirld world country.

Dude, try decafe for a change! :disagree:
well dear friends. one of my friend niaz try to say that saudi arabia is the powerfull country coze it can project power throughout the region. sorry man i donot agree with you.
My goal to post this thread was to compare the islamic armies in just pure militiarywise.
pakistan is the powerfull country in that aspect. the no1. I think i should have no need to prove them. in any aspect pakistan is no1. In form of projection of power ,in term of defending against a powerfull army,in term of potentioal and in term of geoghraphy.
I have posted that any islamic country that can damage and harm USA is pakistan.
I know in case of us invasion pakistan will be in stone age, and fighting with sole super power you have to accept that. but what will be the damage on other side,
Bye Bye israel
Bye Bye americans aircraft carrier
bye bye american bases all over the region that including degogarcia, qatar, bahrain and central asian bases.
bye bye american army in afghanistan.\
pakistan will be in stone age but america will be no more super power and will be presenting state of a thirld world country.
Now any islamic country that can harm usa as pakistan can? no man no
niaz also post that pakistan have no influence in afghanistan. haha
did you forget the abullah abdullah the afghan forign minister.
pakistan can wipe out american army in afganistan in one week musharraf said in adress to the nation.
economically, technologically and and in terms of conventional weapons there may countries powerfull than pakistan but overall pakistan is at the top of the list

Honourable Sir,

You have every right to hold opinions that suit your flight of fancy. I dont expect people to concur with my opinions but I expect logical counter agruments if they dont.

IMO your views go far beyond what I would call " Wishful thinking". You are however welcome to your point of view. I dont think any arguments that I could think of would change your mind. Lets us agree to disagree.
haha Some words from a Chinese boy:
Pakistan is surely no.1 as the sole nuclear-weapon-owning force.
then Iran,considering expriences from wars battled.
and then Egypt?Malaysia?But Saudi is absolutely weak...or it won't need America bases any more.
Just be personal opinion.
I have posted that any islamic country that can damage and harm USA is pakistan.
A pure myth without any concrete proof. But I will debunk it for you.

Proven Fact: Never under-estimate USA. They can surprise anybody.

I know in case of us invasion pakistan will be in stone age, and fighting with sole super power you have to accept that. but what will be the damage on other side,
Nothing major will change apart from our beloved nation getting destroyed. It is a sad fact.

Bye Bye israel
And what about the Palestinians? Do they need to be exterminated too? Because a Nuclear attack on Israel will also assure destruction of Palestine in the process.

And Israel is also a Nuclear Power. Isreali military has developed some long range Missiles that can directly reach and hit any region of Pakistan. Guess what? they will retaliate too?

And let us not forget that Israel also has a functioning Missile Defense System & Program.

Bye Bye americans aircraft carrier
And Americans are stupid enough to place an Aircraft Carrier within our target range?

Also American Aircraft Carriers have some very good defense systems.

bye bye american bases all over the region that including degogarcia, qatar, bahrain and central asian bases.
Iraq fired 91 Scud Missiles in to different target regions and 36 of them were aimed at Israel during the Gulf War 1991. Some of the Scud Missiles managed to hit US military bases but caused very low damage. Guess what? Americans had prepared for such kind of attack.

Also many American military bases in Middle East are protected by PAC 3 Systems, which are far better then PAC 1 Systems used in the Gulf War 1991.

And if you are talking about a Nuclear Attack from Pakistan, then you are talking about killing millions of muslims in the process in the Middle East. Am I right?

bye bye american army in afghanistan.
Yeah right? we need to kill our Afghan brothers too in the process? US can evacuate its troops from Afghanistan before it decides to hit Pakistan? Can't it?

pakistan will be in stone age but america will be no more super power and will be presenting state of a thirld world country.
Vietnam disaster did nothing to US. It remained a Super-power. How can Pakistan change that?

Wake up! America has large number of Long Range Weapons. They can easily defeat us in a war without even landing on our territory, if they decide to do so. We can't do ****.

Now any islamic country that can harm usa as pakistan can? no man no
No Islamic country (including Pakistan) can defeat or harm USA. Our major strength lies in the unity of entire Muslim Ummah, which I don't know that when will it happen.

pakistan can wipe out american army in afganistan in one week musharraf said in adress to the nation.
Care to provide me the exacte quote?

This same Musharraf does not have the balls to stop US Army from raiding and killing Pakistani citizens in our own territory. An act which is considered to be enough for declaration of war and you expect him to wipe out Americans in Afghanistan in 1 week? Yeah right? :disagree:
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