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The most neutral documentary on Ghazwa-e-Hind..... By MRFFKT

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What happend to the Ghazwa-e-Hind which was supposed to happen in 2012?

Another tall claim like "Kashmir Banega Pakistan"?? :rofl:
unless Indians have fear that this might be true they shouldnt reply to it and give reasons to invalidate since its a childish idea, so why grown up asnwering/reasoning to childish ideas
First save Pakistan - God will take care of Ghazwa-e-Hind
First watch then comment don't fart from your mouth ......

COW fart
Hey Spongebob, there is no need to write your messages in big colored letters, we all got good eyes here.

PS: I never heard of this Ghazwa-e-Hind crap till I joined PDF.... Always funny to see how people believe in those nonsensical prophecies.... this must be like the Mayan dooms day BS for some posters here :coffee:

Better take care that the Taliban wont establish sharia law in your country.

Peace out.


i cannot see it, As youtube is banned here in Pakistan.... what is in this vid?

Are u serious btw in this ghazwa e hind or are u a reader of Oriya Maqbool Jaan.

It is good to hope for +ve future........but this type of fore-cast.....is beyond my understanding

In wet dreams of Ghazwa e Hind, we have become Tamasha E Hind!

good words, 100% agreed:)
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i cannot see it, As youtube is banned here in Pakistan.... what is in this vid?

Are u serious btw in this ghazwa e hind or are u a reader of Oriya Maqbool Jaan.

It is good to hope for +ve future........but this type of fore-cast.....is beyond my understanding

good words, 100% agreed:)

let me upload facebook version

Mohammed - Bin- Qasim 17 year old kid defeated Hindu Raja of Sindh that is explained in video if u watch then you will understand...

ohh yes no doubts about his prowess.He also got your forefathers converted to Islam.Thats why you are a Muslim now.
In Ziad Hamid vision, Indian muslims will march up to the support of their Pakistani brothers when they invade India.

In reality, Indian muslims will be going WTF and beating the crap out of invading talibans!

Apparently this video is not ZH's version but Iranian version.
I think India is strong now and it is united and integrated after the independence from British. if, you as a momin wants to prove this prophecy as truth. then - ghazwa-e-sindh(hind) happened. wild nomadic uncivilized arab invaders came, conquered and prophecy fulfilled. the kind of cruelty and medievalism which Indian subcontinent never faced happened with the arrival of prophecy fulfil-lers(arbi) and that is now current region of Pakistan although India got inflicted by those mad warlords("swashbucklers").

btw, is these beliefs instilled by ostads and alims from childhood itself to the sheeps? the extremist slaves who upload videos on utube and elsewhere are proof of this psychology. religion must be questioned.

Mohammed - Bin- Qasim 17 year old kid defeated Hindu Raja of Sindh that is explained in video if u watch then you will understand...

Oh come on...1st exist in the present and save your self or pray GOD so that you can save your pakistan from daily terrorist blast...Then talk about some kind of bs hind....bla bla..
Let me upload Facebook versions so Pakistani can see that because Indians are too much frightened after seeing that....
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