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The most neutral documentary on Ghazwa-e-Hind..... By MRFFKT

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:lol: do we still have buyers to these kinda c$&p in this day & age..? Then again.. it's a normal human tendency I suppose. When something humanly not possible to achieve.... you rely on supernatural powers to make your dream come true! & that's when you are on your way downhill. Wakey.. wakey!!
Let me upload Facebook versions so Pakistani can see that because Indians are too much frightened after seeing that....

I think India is strong now and it is united and integrated after the independence from British. if, you as a momin wants to prove this prophecy as truth. then - ghazwa-e-sindh(hind) happened. wild nomadic uncivilized arab invaders came, conquered and prophecy fulfilled. the kind of cruelty and medievalism which Indian subcontinent never faced happened with the arrival of prophecy fulfil-lers(arbi) and that is now current region of Pakistan although India got inflicted by those mad warlords("swashbucklers").

btw, is these beliefs instilled by ostads and alims from childhood itself to the sheeps? the extremist slaves who upload videos on utube and elsewhere are proof of this psychology. religion must be questioned.

Apparently one thing which I got from the video was that the British rule of India was the actual Gazwa Hind becuase the queen of England had under the seat of her throne a stone of some dude - so she acted out the gazwa on behalf of the Hadees. The Bin qasim one was Gazwa Sind - which is different from Gazwa Hind - there seems to be a Gazwa Hind part deux too according to hadees's.

What a rant of a video - as I said I wasted 10 minutes viewing this cr@p.
Ahh....Another kid in the block with fantasy's of Ghajwa-e-Hind farts

Leave him alone guys, he just got excited. :lol:

Wasted 10 minutes of my time on that retard video - I did'nt understand jack.

Poor you!

I didnt even bothered to click on this looney crap.
Apparently one thing which I got from the video was that the British rule of India was the actual Gazwa Hind becuase the queen of England had under the seat of her throne a stone of some dude - so she acted out the gazwa on behalf of the Hadees. The Bin qasim one was Gazwa Sind - which is different from Gazwa Hind - there seems to be a Gazwa Hind part deux too according to hadees's.

What a rant of a video - as I said I wasted 10 minutes viewing this cr@p.

At last someone came with something then just trolling.....

Ahh....Another kid in the block with fantasy's of Ghajwa-e-Hind farts

Leave him alone guys, he just got excited. :lol:

Poor you!

I didnt even bothered to click on this looney crap.

This why i said watch first then comment but the word Ghazwa-e-hind fright you too much...
All these fantasies prove that these ''god''s words were just convenient stuff created by imperialists to justify their imperialism and religious dominance. I mean this stuff kept popping up for hundreds of years. Come on man, one can't narrate what happened y'day properly without some bias and commission and ommission, and we are talking about hundreds of years of hearsay here anyways.
It's different from Zaid Hamid's version - were you trying to highlight that?

Yes he was not barking like ZH

He has some great research behind his explanation not arrowing in dark like ZH...... he is neutral not talking $hit

This why i said watch first then comment but the word Ghazwa-e-hind fright you too much...

Fright ? :lol:

Actually i am just allergic to Bullsh!t , so the matter is, i dont give a flying f@3k about your fantasy farts of 'Tamasha-e-khas'. :)

I am out of this thread, Enjoy your Dreams.

Yes he was not barking like ZH

He has some great research behind his explanation not arrowing in dark like ZH...... he is neutral not talking $hit

The fact this so called documentary was all over the place and the quality was really bad I lost interest in the first few minutes, why don't you go ahead and explain it out to members who are not keen to see it and try and save your thread - which apparently seems be your 2nd or 3rd one.
yes less funny then Akhand Bahrat.....:angry:

Dude, its says, your Pakistan had a Jew Government and Ghazwa-e-Hind was actually going to happen in Pakistan!! :woot:

Akhand Bharat is not a joke.. It will start rolling just after you complete Ghazwa-e-Hind.. Your army will be weak with all those Ghazwa-e-Hind and its a perfect time to attack your country and convert all you guys to Hinduism :sniper:
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