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THE "MOON"...Ah, the moon!!!

well then dispute it on evidence instead of showing your retardation. TELL ME WHAT IT GETS YOU...SOMETHING TANGIBLE, VERIFIABLE, how does it help the common indian struggling to make ends meet? how does it help ANYTHING? let's hear it.

but that technology did NOT arise from going to the moon...its already BEEN there. NEXT excuse?
View attachment 578594
Washing machines evolved during research for space....
Metallurgy in specific seen dramatic changes
well then dispute it on evidence instead of showing your retardation. TELL ME WHAT IT GETS YOU...SOMETHING TANGIBLE, VERIFIABLE, how does it help the common indian struggling to make ends meet? how does it help ANYTHING? let's hear it.
Two reasons:
  1. Not doing the space missions won't help poverty eradication or sanitation one iota. All that money will end up in foreign accounts of politicians.
  2. And whether it helps or not, it's our prerogative. You shouldn't be losing sleep and starting threads. If Indians come to brag on your forums, nobody is stopping you from blocking them.
P.S.: And the most important reason for these space missions are it helps in diverting the attention of international community from the Kashmir problem. In fact that's the ulterior motive behind these space missions.
It is for every nation to decide for itself what resources it may wish to spend on space exploration according to its national interests. Many such large projects throughout human history have set off cascades of downstream development. May be moon shots of today are like the pyramids of yesteryear?
It is quite simple...nations need to do as a COLLECTIVE what humans do as an INDIVIDUAL.

By this I mean FIRST take care of the NEEDS then once the needs are met and u have enough resources left for ur WANTS...then u may pursue ur wants. If a nation's ppl r hungry, struggling to find jobs, facing water scarcity, sewage issues, lack a roof over their head, etc. then investing in a space program and exploring heavenly bodies is a waste of the nation's resources. A government is an organization formed by the ppl to SERVE the ppl. For a poor nation this means that the government should first lift the ppl out of poverty and then once the standard of living is up to par and there's still loads of money...then look towards a space program(which can be very beneficial...but as a WANT...a luxury).

For rich developed nations like USA, European nations, Russia, China, and the oil rich nations...it makes sense for them to invest billions in space exploration. For a country like India, Pakistan, and other such countries that are not yet developed and the ppl are facing lots of issues...it makes no sense to throw billions at funding a space program. Recently ppl have been poking fun at India's failed moon mission...it's nothing but trolling. Failures happen...it's part of the journey. However instead of making the debate about the success or failure of the moon mission...IMO Indians should be debating whether they should have a space program. Why not use these billions to lift ppl out of poverty first? Why not provide incentives to farmers...that have been forced to take their own lives? Why not provide housing(like Singapore did) for the poor so that slums can be cleared? Maybe provide clean drinking water? Create more jobs for the massive population? The list is long...and the ppl are too blind...they r rather happy to jump up and down in joy with their empty stomachs when they hear that India is going to reach mars(or some other meaningless achievement).
Myopic vision.....
Space is the next frontier
Any nation which can't even step on moon can't aim longer..
really? "new frontiers"??? have you seen the butchery that our species has unleashed the existing frontiers? imagine that crap infesting the solar system for God's sakes...and it STILL does not get us anything. It is utterly illogical & ignorant to think (for example) that now that we've all but ruined planet earth, we'll some how go and OXYGENATE planet mars, grow plants their outta our own poop and then populate that planet with humans who will turn around and do the same damn thing to mars that they did to earth. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the easiest solution is TO TAKE CARE OF EARTH ITSELF! sheesh!
I will give just one example: the need to recycle fluids in space gave rise to modern renal dialysis, that helps untold millions today.
To be fair, that's space travel, not moon landing. It is a valid question to ask Wtf does Moon landing do for anyone that is of any worth.
Washing machines evolved during research for space....
Metallurgy in specific seen dramatic changes
all that was achieved in the process of just sending satellites into orbit. I am talking about deep space travel, i.e. moon and beyond. what does it get us? NOTHING that you mentioned was EXCLUSIVELY achieved only by going to the moon, as if it was impossible otherwise. very ludicrous thinking.
well then dispute it on evidence instead of showing your retardation. TELL ME WHAT IT GETS YOU...SOMETHING TANGIBLE, VERIFIABLE, how does it help the common indian struggling to make ends meet? how does it help ANYTHING? let's hear it.

but that technology did NOT arise from going to the moon...its already BEEN there. NEXT excuse?
View attachment 578594

It's advancement of technology. Private companies, countries are heavily investing in space. It's because of the resources that are there.

We can't harvest anything yet. But each of this mission helps go towards that goal. But besides that, the purpose is to analyse the Moon more and better.

Pakistan needs to get in the space race, SUPARCO was given a big boost in 80s or 60s I believe for this exact reason: to compete in the space race.

Also, many things don't solve world hunger, cure cancer or anything of such sort. But they do help promote technological advancement and economic prosperity as well as project power.
Two reasons:
  1. Not doing the space missions won't help poverty eradication or sanitation one iota. All that money will end up in foreign accounts of politicians.
  2. And whether it helps or not, it's our prerogative. You shouldn't be losing sleep and starting threads. If Indians come to brag on your forums, nobody is stopping you from blocking them.
#1 is one of the dumbest excuses I've heard to date...politicians would gobble up the money so might as well spend it on something even more worthless. #2 is also dead on arrival since "bragging" was never the topic of this thread to begin with. the topic is that WHAT DOES IT GET HUMANITY THAT IT COULD NOT HAVE OTHERWISE ACHIEVED?

P.S.: And the most important reason for these space missions are it helps in diverting the attention of international community from the Kashmir problem. In fact that's the ulterior motive behind these space missions.
Well I'd hate to bust your bubble but even THAT aim failed since all it did was give the international community a good laugh before focusing BACK on the Kashmir issue. dumbest excuse yet...
I reworded below ur reasoning.
Two reasons:
Not doing the space missions won't help poverty eradication or sanitation one iota. All that money will end up in foreign accounts of politicians.
We don't want the politicians to pocket the money...so let's find some other way to waste it so that the politicians won't be able to get it...but whatever we do...let's not fix the actual problem(poverty among others).
And whether it helps or not, it's our prerogative. You shouldn't be losing sleep and starting threads. If Indians come to brag on your forums, nobody is stopping you from blocking them.
Hey why are u Pakistanis here telling us why our government should focus on solving our problems first...if we r content with our heads buried in the sand then let us be.
That is a hypothetical question that cannot be answered. What if the resources were spent elsewhere? Well, who knows? Would the world have GPS, as an example?
YES the world would've had gps without going to the moon...gps works through man made satellites, going to the MOON has nothing to do with it. Come on man...and just to be clear, I am NOT discount putting satellites, into orbit albeit they do create issues but they are manageable. I am strictly talking about going to the moon and beyond.
Space is useless.

This duniya is just a temporary place for us. We should focus on our people.

YES the world would've had gps without going to the moon...gps works through man made satellites, going to the MOON has nothing to do with it. Come on man...and just to be clear, I am NOT discount putting satellites, into orbit albeit they do create issues but they are manageable. I am strictly talking about going to the moon and beyond.
Just a way to waste money.
It's advancement of technology. Private companies, countries are heavily investing in space. It's because of the resources that are there.

We can't harvest anything yet. But each of this mission helps go towards that goal. But besides that, the purpose is to analyse the Moon more and better.

Pakistan needs to get in the space race, SUPARCO was given a big boost in 80s or 60s I believe for this exact reason: to compete in the space race.

Also, many things don't solve world hunger, cure cancer or anything of such sort. But they do help promote technological advancement and economic prosperity as well as project power.
I'd rather not waste money on all that for the foreseeable future. For now, Just develop enough Tech needed to shoot Indian junk out of orbit if necessary.
It's advancement of technology. Private companies, countries are heavily investing in space. It's because of the resources that are there.

We can't harvest anything yet. But each of this mission helps go towards that goal. But besides that, the purpose is to analyse the Moon more and better.

Pakistan needs to get in the space race, SUPARCO was given a big boost in 80s or 60s I believe for this exact reason: to compete in the space race.

Also, many things don't solve world hunger, cure cancer or anything of such sort. But they do help promote technological advancement and economic prosperity as well as project power.
been over 50 years exploring space yar and all the "resources" we got was a few rocks from the moon that give us NOTHING! is it REALLY worth spending the finances on when those same finances would produce ENORMOUS results in curing diseases and other problems on earth??? dude come on, we won't be seeing resources like minerals & energy coming from mars and other planets even in our grand children's life times...

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