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The mods on this forum are super-biased and pro-America

Farhan Malik


New Recruit

Jun 28, 2017
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They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?
The only reasoning that comes to my mind is that these forums are covertly being run by people sitting somewhere in the U.S. who invented these websites to propagate their pro-US agenda among the Pakistanis.
If this truly is the case, then go on and ban me, I wouldn't care the least bit. If I am not allowed to speak out against Western hegemony and anti-Islamic policies here, then there's no point of me being here.
They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?

Iran deserves whatever it gets by posters on this forum.
How u reach on that conclusion just after 59 posts ???This forum is mostly anti US and pro Iran but not by policy simple fact.Irani users are here in large numbers and very few members from US and Israel so its not the fault of webmaster or mods they don't represent their side of story.Feel free to post anything share your opinion nobody cares until its follows guidelines
They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?
The only reasoning that comes to my mind is that these forums are covertly being run by people sitting somewhere in the U.S. who invented these websites to propagate their pro-US agenda among the Pakistanis.
They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?
The only reasoning that comes to my mind is that these forums are covertly being run by people sitting somewhere in the U.S. who invented these websites to propagate their pro-US agenda among the Pakistanis.

No, they pounce upon anyone who doesn't carry logic and wants to spread their ignorance around.

I'm as anti Zionists as it gets, but do you see me carrying several negative ratings or being blocked often?

Stop being a little crying girly, and present your opinion with logic and better use of language.
If not then go back to playing luddo with your fellas, instead of targeting mods out of nowhere after having nothing but a few dozen posts behind your alias.

If this truly is the case, then go on and ban me, I wouldn't care the least bit. If I am not allowed to speak out against Western hegemony and anti-Islamic policies here, then there's no point of me being here.

Grow up.
Be a man and not a pretentious girly.
They may be super-biased in their opinions,
They may be a little biased in their moderation sometimes,
But no one here gets banned/pounced upon by the mods for holding/expressing anti-US, anti-Israel, anti-Iran, anti-KSA or anti-xyz views as long as Forum Rules are followed..
They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?
The only reasoning that comes to my mind is that these forums are covertly being run by people sitting somewhere in the U.S. who invented these websites to propagate their pro-US agenda among the Pakistanis.

yes dear, you are right mods are pro-west and they have no love for ummah, they are so much westernized that they even wear western shoes, pants and shirts...
yes dear, you are right mods are pro-west and they have no love for ummah, they are so much westernized that they even wear western shoes, pants and shirts...

Also to run this forum they are even using computers and internet which are all western inventions.
Also to run this forum they are even using computers and internet which are all western inventions.
yes, they are even using cloud security west.. its very disgracing and embarrassing that cloud security is also provided by our neighbor that cloud security is so much secure that even military grade technology cannot pass through that cloud security and these westernized mods are not using that technology from neighbors.
They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?
The only reasoning that comes to my mind is that these forums are covertly being run by people sitting somewhere in the U.S. who invented these websites to propagate their pro-US agenda among the Pakistanis.
I think mods are sensible, fair and open minded. There are some very senior members who are snobs including one or two mods but then that is normal.
I have never seen any issues with positive criticism so please eloborate and give examples
They immediately pounce upon anyone who says anything even remotely derogatory towards American or Israeli hegemony whereas I have seen people insulting anti-Israel users belonging to Iran or other Islamic countries getting away with whatever they want to say.
What's the logic here?
The only reasoning that comes to my mind is that these forums are covertly being run by people sitting somewhere in the U.S. who invented these websites to propagate their pro-US agenda among the Pakistanis.

It's not covert, @WebMaster overtly lives in US :enjoy:
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