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The Luck Of The Chinese


Dec 20, 2008
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January 12, 2009: China will buy (license) military technology when it can, but because China is a police state, and often acts like one even to outsiders, most Western military technology is unavailable for license. So China steals it, or buys it in secret. Often China will steal the technology even when it is available for sale. China has been doing this to Russia for decades, and was recently forced, by Russian threats of legal and diplomatic action, to sign an agreement promising to stop the technology theft. It won't, but the agreement will make it more costly for China when they get caught in the future and the Russian lawyers come after them.

China regularly plunders military technology wherever it can find it. South Africa is a recent target. For example, last year, China offered for export sale an air-to-air missile similar to the U.S. AIM-9X, and the South African A-Darter. The Chinese had tried to buy the A-Darter technology, and some serious negotiations ensued (during which Chinese engineers got a close look at the A-Darter), but the deal fell through in 2001. Now the Chinese are selling what appears to be a clone of the A-Darter. Coincidence? Not likely, if you take a look at the Chinese track record.

For example, China has been trying to develop a helicopter gunship; the Z10, for over a decade. Eight prototypes have been built so far. Despite the Western arms embargo on China since 1989 (because of the Tiananmen Square massacre), the Z10 is powered by a Canadian engine (two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67Cs). The Canadian firm says it sold the engines to China with the understanding that they were for a new civilian transport helicopter.

Development of the Z-10 began during the early 1990s. China approached helicopter gunship manufacturers in South Africa and Italy for technical assistance. The South Africans turned them down in 2001, because all the Chinese apparently wanted was to buy a single Rooivalk gunship. The manufacturer, Denel, refused, realizing that the Chinese, as they have so often done in the past, simply wanted to reverse engineer elements of the Rooivalk, without paying for any technology used. South African firms has since uncovered evidence of China stealing technology for South African missiles, electronics and artillery.

Pratt & Whitney Canada will not sell any more engines to China, which means that the Z-10 cannot enter mass production until China develops a suitable replacement for the PT6C-67C engine. That might take a few years, at least. Until recently, China refused to release any information about the Z-10, but for the last few years, there have been increasing rumors of Western firms secretly assisting in the gunship's development. The Z-10 appears to be similar to the Agusta/Westland A129, or the upgraded versions of the U.S. AH-1 (especially the AH-1 SuperCobra). The 4.6 ton A-129 was the first helicopter gunship designed and built in Western Europe, and was introduced in the 1980s. The Z10 appears to have a FLIR (night vision device), radar and is armed with a 23mm autocannon and hard points for up to eight missiles or a larger number of unguided rockets. The Z10 is a Western style gunship. The only gunships the Chinese had previously were Russian designs. But even the Russians have since adopted the Western style, as pioneered with the AH-1. China has been developing its own helicopter for several decades. First they used helicopters and technical assistance from Russia, but for the last two decades, most of the tech has come from Europe.

China is pretty blatant about its technology theft, especially when it comes to weapons. When accused, they deny everything. So far, that works. But as China tries to export more weapons containing purloined technology, they are finding themselves meeting more angry lawyers, than eager buyers.

link Intelligence: The Luck Of The Chinese
Yet they will surpass the U.S. as the most powerful nation on earth. ;)
Copying their way to the top LOL ROFL. They are an ingenious lot I must say. But got a lot of catching up to do when tech comes into the foray!
Yet they will surpass the U.S. as the most powerful nation on earth. ;)

albert einstein once said " the art of invention lies in hiding your sources ".
i am afraid the chinese are not doing too well on this regard. almost all the major countries copies technologies, and its a fact but they are witty enough to make changes of their own unlike the chinese.
yes china will be a world power soon that does not give it the liberty of doing whatever it pleases,just like the US is doing at present or the USSR did in its peak.
thanx sir
Copying lays the foundation for invention. Each of us starts learning through mimicing others' language or action.

Critical Chinese inventions have been copied and used worldwide for centuries. They form the foundations of today’s technological advances. Who ever have cared to mention anything about nowadays “loyalty”?

Of course, copying can’t substitute invention.

It is to each party’s business interest as to what to reveal and what to keep in secret.

To those who can’t even copy, please refrain from laughing at those who can: your action will only put you at even more embarrassing situation. :lol:
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For example:





Let me see india





Do you know why LCA is so solw?

China is a developing country, belong to the third world. (Do not forget )
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albert einstein once said " the art of invention lies in hiding your sources ".
i am afraid the chinese are not doing too well on this regard. almost all the major countries copies technologies, and its a fact but they are witty enough to make changes of their own unlike the chinese.
yes china will be a world power soon that does not give it the liberty of doing whatever it pleases,just like the US is doing at present or the USSR did in its peak.
thanx sir

Remember the saying, "you only learn from the best"?
China may copy or "steal" technology, her scientists can use every piece of information, they can learn from it, adapt it to something they like, they gain so much knowledge and skills with that.
Do not forget that the Chinese invented ALOT of things we now use daily.
Who invented gunpowder? The Chinese, who studied space and understood the planetary motions? China, who invented paper? China did.
I can go on and on and on, although China did fall behind on Europe afterwards, you must agree that after the market reforms from the PRC, China is steadily gaining back their inventive knowledge nowadays and are well on their way to counter American technology or Russian with their own.
Hence why especially the U.S. is against China expanding its foreign influence and interests, the U.S. knows that in a few decades, their global dominance is over, (thank god).
It's easy labeling the Chinese as copycats, however, with 1.3 billion people (in these numbers, there will be quite ALOT of smart people ;) ), a booming economy, and the fact that China is now much better connected to the rest of the world means there will be a bigger increase of technological advancement and knowledge.
For example:





Let me see india



agreed to your post 100% but why always compare ind
For example:





Let me see india



agreed to your post 100% but why always compare ind


All that the Indians gave the world was 'ZERO'. Hmmn.....
India thinks Russia is thier friend Russia is a friend of $$$$$$$ when we are going to fight NATO vs Pakistan,Turkey,Iran,China,RSA,Syria,Suden,Yemen and Russia will not help India because US will be supplying India with some F-22s
For example, last year, China offered for export sale an air-to-air missile similar to the U.S. AIM-9X, and the South African A-Darter. The Chinese had tried to buy the A-Darter technology, and some serious negotiations ensued (during which Chinese engineers got a close look at the A-Darter), but the deal fell through in 2001. Now the Chinese are selling what appears to be a clone of the A-Darter.

Photogenics! Technically it is no crime. Japenese rose working on similar lines.
Copying or whatever, China far advanced in technology than the problematic aggressive south Asian empire. This is a fact. Even a number of electronic goods are sold in cheaper prices in that aggressive empire. For example the Chinese mobile handsets, which have a lot of features like TV, Touch Screen facility, Camera, FM, space for two sim cards and many others. Now the assembling of the parts is like almost a small industry in China. Now the empire has declared a ban on these handsets just like on other items as these goods are swallowing the markets of the aggressive south Asian empire. Why such advancement in China? Because China does not create trouble for her neighbors like building dams on rivers which are necessary for the survival of other countries, China does not think of occupying or capturing another country whole day... I think, everybody can understand which Zionist empire I am talking about... I am sorry, but this fascism is an axis round which everything revolves... And it explains everything....
Copying or whatever, China far advanced in technology than the problematic aggressive south Asian empire. This is a fact. Even a number of electronic goods are sold in cheaper prices in that aggressive empire. For example the Chinese mobile handsets, which have a lot of features like TV, Touch Screen facility, Camera, FM, space for two sim cards and many others. Now the assembling of the parts is like almost a small industry in China. Now the empire has declared a ban on these handsets just like on other items as these goods are swallowing the markets of the aggressive south Asian empire. Why such advancement in China? Because China does not create trouble for her neighbors like building dams on rivers which are necessary for the survival of other countries, China does not think of occupying or capturing another country whole day... I think, everybody can understand which Zionist empire I am talking about... I am sorry, but this fascism is an axis round which everything revolves... And it explains everything....

Chinese made handsets are banned in India for a very specific reason. These dont have IMEI numbers...in layman's terms... they cannot be traced, and such handsets are a potent headache for national security, not to mention the substandard quality of such handsets, which China has been known to dump in bulk in some countries!

Of course Chinese products are cheap to manufacture...have you checked the conditions of the workers under which they work?? Products sold to world class brands are of excellent quality, but then alas, same cannot be said for their other products! Visit any wall-mart store and check out any product made in China, u'll know! Now go to a little high-end/expensive quality products stores for shopping and checkout the labels where their inventory is manufactured. Its mostly Indian, Bangladeshi, Vietnamese, Malaysian or Indonesian!!

But the ban is mostly for their IMEI nonexistant factor!!
Hey Russian guy, when did you guys license the rocket idea from China? we invented that.
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