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The Lengends of the Dalai Lama

Then also Maoists don't want Autonomous regions here in India :D .. nice try though ..better luck next time :cheers:

Buddy, don't forget the Maoists wants a new government and political

system of their own, but nobody in tibet demanding the same.

Whats do you think ? :smitten::pakistan::china:
Buddy, do you know whats your problem ?

Hatred had blind your mind due to the frustration on this forum,

Not looking good for your mental health in the long run.:smitten:

lolz I was about to say the same thing about you...seems like we have some thing in similar :cheers:.. I have to admit i got inspiration from you in trolling :mps: ... Still you didnt answer me :D
Buddy, don't forget the Maoists wants a new government and political

system of their own, but nobody in tibet demanding the same.

Whats do you think ? :smitten::pakistan::china:

The only thing maoists demand is development in there region, Work for them and Many other poor people like them, They want a govt who understands them.. And till homeminister dosent take action on thses issues they will not lay down there arms.....

India cannot be all out offensive on them, they are our citizens...
Buddy, don't forget the Maoists wants a new government and political

system of their own, but nobody in tibet demanding the same.

Whats do you think ? :smitten::pakistan::china:

Too bad they wont be successful in it :cheers:
Now, no more trolling from anybody, including me,

Since i am the thread starter, i hereby demand "Stick to the Topic"

Otherwise, i will start reporting.:smitten::cheers:
Now, no more trolling from anybody, including me,

Since i am the thread starter, i hereby demand "Stick to the Topic"

Otherwise, i will start reporting.:smitten::cheers:

I agree with you..We can have a healthy discussion
maybe tibet was a free country, but i think it is part of china since the 2 supreme tibeten leaders accepted the title "Dalai Lama" and "Pan Chan" which were confered by the central government. however,the 14th "Dalai Lama", the one who lived in india, was confered by the Republic of China(1938), not People's Republic of China. so according to his vow he should loyal to KMT of Taiwan not CCP of China. (the documents of the ceremony are now being preserved in Tai Pei museum).

lastly, no one proclaim or recognize tibet as a free country, not even the 14th Dalai Lama nor the Indian goverment. so why are we arguing?
True to form, another piece of unadulterated human excrement has found its way to the pages of this forum.

What is really galling about the article is not whether the Dalai Lama is or is not who he and his supporters claim he is and what he stands for, but that the article is attributed to 'Die Weltwoche', a publication which has absolutely no credibility what so ever.

A few nugets of information about 'this very authoritative source':-
'Founded 1933 as a weekly newspaper in the mold of French weeklies, it started off somewhat sympathetic to the Nazi government of Germany, but soon joined the other Swiss media in vigorously opposing it.........Already distinguishing itself somewhat from the generally center-left Swiss media by its general orientation, the magazine is now especially noted for its interviews with controversial public figures and for the diversity of opinion represented in its pages, with a dominant right-wing view however. For instance, virtually alone among Swiss publications, Die Weltwoche in 2003 and 2004 printed lengthy articles mainly arguing for the 2003 invasion of Iraq or the reelection of George W. Bush to the U.S. presidency............On January 12, 2006, Die Weltwoche was the first German-speaking publication to reprint some of the controversial cartoons of the prophet Muhammad originally published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.............The accession of Switzerland to the European Union is rejected by the editorial staff, as was Swiss acceptance of the Schengen Agreement.[3] The Weltwoche also represents the view that welfare and other state-administered assistance programs are inherently flawed. It is, therefore, entirely pointless to hold a discussion concerning "abuse of the welfare state," as these flaws cannot be removed from the system. The system itself is unreformable.[4].....................'

In short, this magazine is a damned joke. A bigger joke is the fact that it is being qouted here as a knowledgable and authoratative piece of research.

I would request the thread starter that since his views on the subject are well known, a more credible source to substantiate his views would be appreciated.

Anyone not inclined to share my lack of faith in the magazine only has to check out the link for the cover for the magazine in 2006 File:Die Weltwoche cover 2006-15.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"World Governments Recognize Tibet: The Tibetan Perspective
International law states that recognition can occur by explicit or implicit acts including treaties, negotiations, and diplomatic relations. Mongolia and Tibet signed a formal treaty of recognition in 1913. Historically, Nepal and Tibet had peace treaties. Tibetºs independence was also confirmed at the Treaty of Simla (1914) which was concluded by Tibet and British India. In 1949, Tibet maintained diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations with such countries as Nepal, Sikkim, Mongolia, China, British India, and to some extent, Russia and Japan. Further, Nepal maintained an Ambassador in Lhasa and told the U.N. in 1949 that it conducted international relations with Tibet. In fact, Britian, Bhutan, India, and even China also maintained diplomatic missions in Tibet's capitol, Lhasa. The Tibetan Foreign Office conducted talks with President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he sent representatives to Lhasa to discuss the allied war effort against Japan during World War II. In 1950, El Salvador formally requested that China's aggression against Tibet be placed on the agenda of the U.N. General Assembly. The issue was not discussed. However, during four U.N. General Assembly debates on Tibet (1959, 1960, 1961, & 1965), many countries (e.g., Philippines, Nicaragua, Thailand. United States, Ireland) openly stated that Tibet was an independent country illegally occupied by China. In fact, the U.N. passed three resolutions (1959, 1961, & 1965) concerning Tibet stating that Tibetans were deprived of their inalienable rights to self-determination. Even Mao Zedong during the Long March admitted that Tibet was an independent country when he passed through the border regions of Tibet remarking, "This is our only foreign debt, and some day we must pay the Mantzu (sic) and the Tibetans for the provisions we were obliged to take from them." Tibetans clearly constitute a people under international law, as described, for instance, by the UNESCO International Meeting of Experts on Further Study of the Concept of the Rights of Peoples. They are a distinct people and fulfill all the characteristics of this concept: commonality of history, shared language, culture, and ethnicity. " Source -http://www.rangzen.com/history/views.htm

Now there are divergent views on whether Tibet was a prt of China or not. But the truth is that before the Mongol invasion in 13th century, Tibet n China were never under the same ruler. And if China didnt invade Tibet, then what was the battle in Chamdo in 1950? A cultural exchange festival?

And I guess thousands of Tibetans that migrated to India in 1950s and set up a govt. in exile just for fun! I mean one day they got up from sleep and said, "Hey I know what. Gather all the villagers and lets go to India".

No dispute that Tibet was independent at a time. It was called Tubo in Chinese history.

That doesn't mean it has legitimacy to be independent now. Just as India, that once was also composed of tens or hundreds of states, has to be in hundreds of pieces now.

The paragraph you quoted has a lot of fallacy.

In revolving against Qing (or warlord?) government of China, Mao said his province (Hunan) should be independent. Mao had a lot similar statements to fit his political agenda at that time.

I guess many foreign countries set up stations in a Chinese province, that doesn't mean that province is independent.

In early 50s or 60s, Western world viewed China as an enemy, so they could say anything remotely related against anything China did. Even now.

Racial wise, Tibetans are extremely close to Han. Their baby both bear distinct, blue colored "birth mark" which is about the size of an adult's palm and looks like a bruise. It normally vanishes in a year or so. Reportedly, some Chinese immigrants in US were arrested due to their alleged child abuse, simply because of US doctors' ignorance of the blue mark. :hitwall:

Language wise, Tibetan language and Mandarin both belongs to sino-tibetan system:

The Sino-Tibetan languages form a language family composed of, at least, the Chinese and the Tibeto-Burman languages, including some 250 languages of East Asia, Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia. They are second only to the Indo-European languages in terms of the number of native speakers.

Sino-Tibetan languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In practice, I guess it is high time to stop the trash of Tibet independence, but focus on human rights and management.

For India, yes, Chinese Tibet is an enormous strategic disadvantage for you. But sorry... :wave:
Buddy,you are very correct, even the boy chosen by this old faker

abandon him.

Boy Chosen by Dalai Lama Abandons Buddhism

Spanish-born Lama says order 'was like living a lie'By Jason Farago| Posted Jun 1, 09 7:19 AM

When he was still a toddler, Osel Hita Torres was brought from Spain to an Indian monastery, where the Dalai Lama proclaimed him the reincarnation of one of Tibetan Buddhism's spiritual leaders. But Torres, now 24, has abandoned the order and returned to Spain, where he studies film and says he has no affection for the Buddhists who worship him almost as a god. "It was like living a lie," he told a Spanish newspaper.

"They took me away from my family and stuck me in a medieval situation in which I suffered a great deal," said Torres, who as a child was only allowed to socialize with other people who had been proclaimed reincarnations. At age 18 he had never seen couples kiss, and his first experience at a disco dumbfounded him. "What were all those people doing," he wondered, "bouncing, stuck to one another, enclosed in a box full of smoke?"

Boy Chosen by Dalai Lama Abandons Buddhism - World News Summaries | Newser

lolz......so this is already proved...these are liars..:china:
Isnt it better to keep shut about the fact which you are totally ignorant or unaware of, mr MZUBAIR?

Reincarnation or rebirth is there, atleast there are people who believe in it, And its totally wrong to go against ones strong belief.

Dear, I am not playing with ur emotions. I am quoting genral perception...which ofcourse is that there is no concept of rebirth.
this is chicken and egg problem..
- indians: if you say tibet is free nation , then we should get out of kashmir.
- Pakis : if you say tibet is chinese then you should stop sending terrorists to india and supporiting terrorism in kashmir
- chinese: just turn vegetarian and do thwe world some good. lol
dalai is a great soul. he is the real leader of tibetans. so peacefully he has been requesting china to please vacate their lands and stop vanquishing their race. poor man.

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