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The Largest Country Without Medals in Rio: Pakistan

The Golds will come -- you need to invest -- you need a sporting culture.

And, for me I'd rather the investments be made to win Nobel prizes, Field medals, Godel prizes, Turing Awards, etc.

And run a successful doping program. No one wins gold in athletics and weightlifting without doping. Just be smart and use designer drugs, rather than tradition ones which can be detected.

And you need trannies for women olympice. In Olympic 800m race, real women has came 5th. Top 4 are trannies which have been allowed to compete as women from this year.

The Olympics for example the entire Hockey team of Pakistan would have the hope of one medal while a track and field athlete alone can win a handful of medals per Olympic game.

Unless Pakistan import full blooded negros, it has exactly zero chance to win a track and field medal. Same goes for all South Asian countries.


To date I think there is no person of Indian or Muslim origin to win the Turing award.


Person of Indian origin had won it in 1994.

+Awards like Nobel and Turing are heavily politicized.
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Also gave us a Silver Medal :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:, close to a gold...
Asians got the three Women medals even if Lynda Ko represented New Zealand.

How many medals did women got in women track and field?

In most women track and field events, winners were trannies or hermaphodites. If IOC want them to compete as women, they should allow normal women to dope.
any thing that floats your boat of desperation............

Side effects of neglecting the real needs of Pakistan and running the country as a security state are ought to have consequences in bigger scheme of things.

All is not well as the Gernals would want you to believe.



@pakistani342 : tagged you here, prolly its better in a dedicated thread here.
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I read about a Pakistani who once won a medal in the Olympics and now has to drive a riksha for a living. The point to be taken here is that athletes in Pakistan don't get proper facilities and they don't get recognised for what they do. I'm a huge cricket fan, but it is unfair that Pakistani's only focus on one sport. Maybe in the next 10 years we could see a revival of hockey. If not win a medal at least we can try and qualify.
I already answer this in the other thread. but let me paste some statistics

India: 1.2 billion 1 Bronze,
Israel: Intellectual Powerhouse -- zero medals?

I'd rather be like India and Israel -- Olympics in my books mean nothing for a poor country like Pakistan

@A-Team if you want to know what is on my list:

1. It is the number of quality universities
2. Number of Nobel prizes in the hard sciences -- not Peace or the like
3. Number of start-up that go public

The Olympics for example the entire Hockey team of Pakistan would have the hope of one medal while a track and field athlete alone can win a handful of medals per Olympic game.

And if you read the article the Author is observant enough to point those things out.
Its india's failure to build infrastructure that can enable us to compete in olympics.. its not either or, 100 percent of people cannot be intellectuals or businessperson.. some will be sporty...
i agree that we need to be smart about choosing category of sports, 1 medal for whole football team but tonnes in swimming...

South Asia is one of the poorest region of the world. An Olympic medal is certainly not in our top priorities.
We all will improve gradually.
we spend billions of rupees on cricket... not that poor...
What's wrong with that? you play and win because it's your passion and you should be thankful to the country to let you represent the country/nation in an international arena. Driving a rickshaw is also your choice of making a living.
For better life nothing comes close to education. Education is timeless and stays with you forever, all other things beauty, fitness, speed, endurance are temporary things and should never be relied upon for long term success.

Sportsman are hard-working, competitive and fighters, they fight against odds, if the subject person could come one up against all his opponents to win an Olympic gold medal, what kept him from doing better in life?

I'll tell you what, attitude! typical Pakistani attitude of expecting someone/anyone/government to take care of them as by winning that one medal they have become the government's responsibility to feed them or provide them with a job they are not capable of getting on merit. It's the self defeating, self pitying no self respect attitude that we see all around us. Every one is blaming government for their self inflicted plight............get up people, get up on your feet, thank GOD for what he has given you and make a life out of that, stop bitching and complaining no one can lift, run, box, or wrestle at least in competitive sports after 30/35/40..........what's your back up plan?

It's the same problem with the actors and singers who never pay a penny in tax and when get old and sick due to their own indulgence in un-healthy lifestyle, they expect the tax payers to take the tab of their medical bills? Why?

I read about a Pakistani who once won a medal in the Olympics and now has to drive a riksha for a living. The point to be taken here is that athletes in Pakistan don't get proper facilities and they don't get recognised for what they do. I'm a huge cricket fan, but it is unfair that Pakistani's only focus on one sport. Maybe in the next 10 years we could see a revival of hockey. If not win a medal at least we can try and qualify.
What's wrong with that? you play and win because it's your passion and you should be thankful to the country to let you represent the country/nation in an international arena. Driving a rickshaw is also your choice of making a living.
For better life nothing comes close to education. Education is timeless and stays with you forever, all other things beauty, fitness, speed, endurance are temporary things and should never be relied upon for long term success.

Sportsman are hard-working, competitive and fighters, they fight against odds, if the subject person could come one up against all his opponents to win an Olympic gold medal, what kept him from doing better in life?

I'll tell you what, attitude! typical Pakistani attitude of expecting someone/anyone/government to take care of them as by winning that one medal they have become the government's responsibility to feed them or provide them with a job they are not capable of getting on merit. It's the self defeating, self pitying no self respect attitude that we see all around us. Every one is blaming government for their self inflicted plight............get up people, get up on your feet, thank GOD for what he has given you and make a life out of that, stop bitching and complaining no one can lift, run, box, or wrestle at least in competitive sports after 30/35/40..........what's your back up plan?

It's the same problem with the actors and singers who never pay a penny in tax and when get old and sick due to their own indulgence in un-healthy lifestyle, they expect the tax payers to take the tab of their medical bills? Why?
if you cant feed yourself you cant win at highest level... and if you cant make career out of it and earn a decent living then you will only be a part time amateur ... no sane parents will allow their kids to sports if thats the case.
(and its a big problem in india too, due to same attitude of people, no respect for sportsperson, and no money).
What's wrong with that? you play and win because it's your passion and you should be thankful to the country to let you represent the country/nation in an international arena. Driving a rickshaw is also your choice of making a living.
For better life nothing comes close to education. Education is timeless and stays with you forever, all other things beauty, fitness, speed, endurance are temporary things and should never be relied upon for long term success.

Sportsman are hard-working, competitive and fighters, they fight against odds, if the subject person could come one up against all his opponents to win an Olympic gold medal, what kept him from doing better in life?

I'll tell you what, attitude! typical Pakistani attitude of expecting someone/anyone/government to take care of them as by winning that one medal they have become the government's responsibility to feed them or provide them with a job they are not capable of getting on merit. It's the self defeating, self pitying no self respect attitude that we see all around us. Every one is blaming government for their self inflicted plight............get up people, get up on your feet, thank GOD for what he has given you and make a life out of that, stop bitching and complaining no one can lift, run, box, or wrestle at least in competitive sports after 30/35/40..........what's your back up plan?

It's the same problem with the actors and singers who never pay a penny in tax and when get old and sick due to their own indulgence in un-healthy lifestyle, they expect the tax payers to take the tab of their medical bills? Why?

I agree with your point that Pakistani's should learn to get on their own feet. Successful nations didn't get where they are by relying on other people. However, that man didn't get any recognition whatsoever. It's the governments job to make sure their people have opportunities. He could have coached new athletes, but instead he was left to drive rikshas. But I completely agree with you. Pakistani's need to become stand on their own feet and develop a stronger attitude.
I agree with your point that Pakistani's should learn to get on their own feet. Successful nations didn't get where they are by relying on other people. However, that man didn't get any recognition whatsoever. It's the governments job to make sure their people have opportunities. He could have coached new athletes, but instead he was left to drive rikshas. But I completely agree with you. Pakistani's need to become stand on their own feet and develop a stronger attitude.
how do you stand on your feet? you need money to feed yourself... if not govt then corporate or crowdfunding....
if you spent good part of your youth in sports how can you compete with others for jobs? if this is the attitude only rich can afford sports and only sports you will see people participate from pak are shooting or show jumping..
Whats the news in here? when you send a contingent where number of officials is around three times the number of players this is what you get. To be fair, the south asians really sucked at the games, look at India for example with 100 plus atheletes! Also will give some rope to Pakistan considering the situation in country for past 10 12 years now. Not the very best of times for sports! STILL this is no excuse for the sorry little story of ours in olympics. We need to get tHose SOB gov authorities working and get some private sector involved. Need to invest and pay EXTRAORDINARY attention to individual sports so we can improve our level in next 2 3 games time
how do you stand on your feet? you need money to feed yourself... if not govt then corporate or crowdfunding....
if you spent good part of your youth in sports how can you compete with others for jobs? if this is the attitude only rich can afford sports and only sports you will see people participate from pak are shooting or show jumping..

As I said the government should recognise athletes and try to get the public's interest. So you're absolutely right, it is a lot tougher for poor countries to compete in the Olympics. However, Pakistan's government should at least try and make an effort.
As I said the government should recognise athletes and try to get the public's interest. So you're absolutely right, it is a lot tougher for poor countries to compete in the Olympics. However, Pakistan's government should at least try and make an effort.
mere recognition is not enough.. people are known to sell medals because they could not earn money...
if you want professional sportsperson, you need a career path for them for their whole life... only then you can find people who will be interested, and out of 1000s of such people you will get some winners.
its expensive to have a unversal social care like rich countries but at least we can afford to pay our athletes who can compete at national level... thats not very expensive.
It is unfair to say India only won 2 medals and paint it as if we were only slightly better than Pakistan. Nothing could be further from the truth! We had a team of 120 athletes and all of them qualified on merit, Pakistan had 0. We also came close of winning quite a few medals. I mean you get no medal for both coming 4th and not qualifying, that does not mean both suck equally. Of course we have a lot of room for improvement but we were not very far from getting a respectable tally. There were a lot of near misses.
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