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The Largest Country Without Medals in Rio: Pakistan

This should be eye opener for our leaders. Its really shame. We need to provide extra curricular activities and all games in schools and promote positive environment. We need to build sports complex in every union council. Schools must have extra space or arrangements for sports. There should be compulsory swimming, athletes, biking, hiking tours etc from younger age to bring awareness
in the end his only logic will be bashing GHQ and Pakistan

give him time -- give him time -- look at his posts from a year or more ago -- look how far he's come.

You have to give it to him -- he's persistent and have been on the forum arguing, fighting, listening, learning.

Credit must be given where it is due.
give him time -- give him time -- look at his posts from a year or more ago -- look how far he's come.

You have to give it to him -- he's persistent and have been on the forum arguing, fighting, listening, learning.

Credit must be given where it is due.

as you say sir
good luck to you ,him and of course to both Pakistan and Afghanistan.may they find peace and leave our country as soon as possible
stay blessed all of you
From 280 million population not a single 1 bronze from 1992 , not a single person qualified either... ????
Side effects of neglecting the real needs of Pakistan and running the country as a security state are ought to have consequences in bigger scheme of things.

All is not well as the Gernals would want you to believe.



@pakistani342 : tagged you here, prolly its better in a dedicated thread here.
I think Pakistan has bigger priorities than sports. You can criticize Pakistan for being a "security state", but considering the level of terrorism it has faced, can you really blame Pakistan for emphasizing security over sport?

Besides, it's not all bad in Pakistan's sports scene. Pakistan is #1 in test cricket right now, finally after a few decades.
Afghanistan better not worry about others olympic medals when so many of its cities are under threat and they need foreign forces to prevent it from overrunning .


More than a hundred US troops have been sent to Lashkar Gah to help prevent theTaliban from overrunning the capital of Afghanistan’s Helmand province, in what is thought to be the first US deployment to the embattled city since foreign troops withdrew in 2014.

Since late July, the Taliban have seized new territory across Helmand, defying a series of about 30 US airstrikes, and raising concern of an attack on the capital. The militants have also stepped up attacks in the country’s north, closing in on Kunduz, which they briefly captured last year.

“This is a big effort by the Taliban. This is probably the most serious push we’ve seen of the season,” Brig Gen Charles Cleveland, spokesman for the coalition forces in Afghanistan, told reporters on Monday.

Cleveland called the US reinforcement in Helmand a “temporary effort” to advise the Afghan police, though he declined to say how long it was expected to last, citing “security reasons”.

“They’re not about to go out and conduct operations or something like that,” Cleveland said.

Neither did he specify the exact number of troops, but said they numbered “about a hundred”. Sources in Helmand believe about 130 US troops have arrived at the airport where they will be based.

The most significant Taliban advances have been Nawa and Nad Ali districts, a stone’s throw west of Lashkar Gah, where the government retain control of only a few administrative buildings.

The situation has become so bad that civilian elders of Nawa, traditionally one of Helmand’s most peaceful districts, have asked the provincial governor for weapons to join the fight, said Wali Mohammad, a villager from that district.

The Taliban also continue to block parts of the main highway leading north from Lashkar Gah, said Mohammad Rasoul Zazai, spokesman of the Afghan army’s 215th Corps. He said the road would take days to clear because it had been heavily mined.

In recent days, the Taliban have also closed in on Baghlan province, as well as Kunduz, the northern city they seized for two weeks last year, where a US airstrike destroyed a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) trauma centre.

On Saturday, government forces were briefly pushed out of the nearby Khanabad district. Fighting has already forced families to flee, as they did barely one year ago.

In Helmand, MSF has relocated part of its international staff from Lashkar Gah.

The uptick in violence has caused the Afghan army to send senior commanders around the country in a flurry to boost morale. Efforts have concentrated on Helmand, where government forces have reportedly fled the battlefield when faced with attacks, despite vastly outnumbering the Taliban.

Meanwhile, as soldiers and police are looking to commanders for military guidance, the political leadership in Kabul is on the brink of disaster as well.

In a rare public outburst, President Ashraf Ghani’s government partner, chief executive Abdullah Abdullah, recently lashed out at the president for neglecting him, calling him “unfit” to rule the country.
Side effects of neglecting the real needs of Pakistan and running the country as a security state .
Agreed, mate. The Jenaraals missed this boat. Solution. Go into import business. Import truckload of these 'Groids and rest assured next Olympics they will need a container to bring back the medals.


Bring them in ...


and win medals

Not only that, some of the western countries are trying to throw Wrestling out of Olympics just coz they have no representation in the sports. I think there will be a voting on the next session of IOC for wrestling, I can't imagine olympics without wrestling, I thought when greeks started Olympics, wrestling was part of it.

The reason Wrestling is on the ropes are the fake matches, with bribed referees.

Golf is a legacy sport. One of the 5 sports that was present in olympics since the 1st one.
Also gave us a Silver Medal :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:, close to a gold...
Asians got the three Women medals even if Lynda Ko represented New Zealand.
South asia may not be good at producing athletes. But it has some the best it professionals lawyers doctors accountants engineers businessmen ceos..
Some ppl are good at sports others are not.
this thread throws up one good reason why desi will never win bcos they compare with each other instead of setting high standards.

1. It is the number of quality universities
2. Number of Nobel prizes in the hard sciences -- not Peace or the like
3. Number of start-up that go public
I dont think south asia does very well in all these criteria any way. Instead of num of startups that go public it should be valuation.

leave us did afghanistan ever win any medal ? you have chance to win charsi medal if we have weed tournament :partay:
Dude , seriously thats a new low comparing pakistan with afghanistan. pakistan even failed to qualify for hockey this time.

Olympic medals are indirect reference to prosperity,culture and system of respective countries. guess south asia has none of them in better shape.
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