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The Khalistan Diaries

This discussion is fruitless. You people are so confused over what you are saying that none of your posts are making sense. Honestly, people like you have turned such a wonderful forum into a free for all bashing zone................Pakistanis and Indian members got along fine when I joined in back in 09.

See dude u stop we stop ,u wanna continue u will keep geeting it from us .so better put a brake:flame::flame:
interesting how indians are playing with sentiments of sikhs after all this

Sikh always represented India. So you are wrong. See

A Sikh from India
I shall leave when the Pakistan bashing stops.........It's a pity I can't find a mod online or I would gladly have this thread closed. I'm not having the time of my life either.......

there is no pakistan bashing ,but instead u guys are try to involve urself in a dead topic of khalisthan(which was indian topic).....
No Khalistani has ever said they want part of Pakistan to be in Khalistan, it's only Indian Hindus like you that say that ;).[/QUOTE]

,See punjab kingdom under maharaja ranjit singh ,60% of pakistan belong to it ,punjab kingdom
There is no Khalistan(empty place) in india, everywhere you see slums taking over.
So they try luck outside of India, may be in Canada.
The Pakistani state doesn't kill minorities like you killed the Sikhs in 1994 or Gujarati Muslims in 2002. There lies your difference. There are also far less mob attacks against minorities in Pakistan in comparison to India.

One word,"East Pakistan" saw mother of all killings.
The Gurdwara is a building, you need food and clothing as well which is being provided by the govt. And what can I do if only this many sikhs were affected, I can't tear down their houses and send them to gurdwaras to increase the figure for you, can I ?

Langar (Sikhism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
see this from where those families get food
i think u dont know nothing about sikhism and still making useless comments



Subedar Joginder Singh was the commander of a platoon of the Sikh Regiment holding a defensive position at a ridge near Tongpen La in NEFA. At 0530 hours on 23 October 1962, the Chinese opened a very heavy attack on the Bumla axis with the intention of breaking through to Towang. The leading battalion of the enemy attacked the ridge in three waves, each about 200 strong. Subedar Joginder Singh and his men mowed down the first wave, and the enemy was temporarily halted by the heavy losses it suffered. Within a few minutes, a second wave came over and was dealt with similarly. But the platoon had, by then, lost half its men. Subedar Joginder Singh was wounded in the thigh but refused to be evacuated. Under his inspiring leadership the platoon stubbornly held its ground and would not withdraw. Meanwhile the position was attacked for the third time. Subedar Joginder Singh himself manned a light machine-gun and shot down a number of the enemy. The Chinese however continued to advance despite heavy losses. When the situation became untenable Subedar Joginder Singh and the few men that were left in the position fixed bayonets and charged the advancing Chinese, bayoneting a number of them before he and his comrades were overpowered. Throughout this action, Subedar joginder Singh displayed devotion to duty, inspiring leadership and bravery of the highest order.


1 SIKH (NO-22356)

Tithwal in Jammu and Kashmir was captured on 23 May 1948. After that date, the enemy made numerous attempts to recapture Richmar Gali, and thence Tithwal. On 13 October 1948, coinciding with Id, the enemy decided to launch a brigade attack to retake Richmar Gali, and bypassing Tithwal, advance into the Srinagar Valley . Lance Naik Karam Singh was commanding a section at Richmar Gali.
The enemy commenced its attack with heavy shelling of guns and mortars. The fire was so accurate that not a single bunker in the platoon locality was left unscathed.
Communication trenches caved in. Bravely, Lance Naik karam Singh went from bunker to bunker, giving succor to the wounded and urging the men to fight.
The enemy launched eight separate attacks that day. In one such attack, the enemy managed to obtain a foothold in the platoon locality. Immediately, Lance Naik Karam Singh, who was severely wounded by then, with a few men, hurled himself in a counter-attack and evicted the enemy after a close quarter encounter which accounted for many enemy dead, having been dispatched by the bayonet.
Lance Naik Karam Singh proved himself to be a dauntless leader of men in crisis. Nothing could subdue him and no amount of fire or hardship could break his spirit.
The Pakistani state doesn't kill minorities like you killed the Sikhs in 1994 or Gujarati Muslims in 2002. There lies your difference. There are also far less mob attacks against minorities in Pakistan in comparison to India.

ask GOP which sended mr tikka khan to bangladesh
The Pakistani state doesn't kill minorities like you killed the Sikhs in 1994 or Gujarati Muslims in 2002. There lies your difference. There are also far less mob attacks against minorities in Pakistan in comparison to India.

You need a minority to kill.

When Pakistani state had that luxury, they did splendidly in 1971. Many times more what India managed over the last 60 years.

After all, you are not bound by an inefficient bureaucracy like us :tup:
The Pakistani state doesn't kill minorities like you killed the Sikhs in 1994 or Gujarati Muslims in 2002. There lies your difference. There are also far less mob attacks against minorities in Pakistan in comparison to India.

1983 and 2002 were riots not like this

The minorities of Bangladesh, especially the Hindus, were specific targets of the Pakistan army.[10][34] There was widespread killing of Hindu males, and rapes of women. More than 60% of the Bengali refugees who fled to India were Hindus.[53] It is not exactly known what percentage of the people killed by the Pakistan army were Hindus, but it is safe to say it was disproportionately high.[54] This widespread violence against Hindus was motivated by a policy to purge East Pakistan of what was seen as Hindu and Indian influences. The West Pakistani rulers identified the Bengali culture with Hindu and Indian culture, and thought that the eradication of Hindus would remove such influences from the majority Muslims in East Pakistan.[55]

R.J. Rummel has stated states that

The genocide and gendercidal atrocities were also perpetrated by lower-ranking officers and ordinary soldiers. These “willing executioners” were fueled by an abiding anti-Bengali racism, especially against the Hindu minority. “Bengalis were often compared with monkeys and chickens. Said General Niazi, ‘It was a low lying land of low lying people.’ The Hindus among the Bengalis were as Jews to the Nazis: scum and vermin that [should] best be exterminated. As to the Moslem Bengalis, they were to live only on the sufferance of the soldiers: any infraction, any suspicion cast on them, any need for reprisal, could mean their death. And the soldiers were free to kill at will. The journalist Dan Coggin quoted one Punjabi captain as telling him, "We can kill anyone for anything. We are accountable to no one." This is the arrogance of Power.
—R.J. Rummel, Death by Government[56]

1971 Bangladesh atrocities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This discussion is fruitless. You people are so confused over what you are saying that none of your posts are making sense. Honestly, people like you have turned such a wonderful forum into a free for all bashing zone................Pakistanis and Indian members got along fine when I joined in back in 09.

Since you seem to talk sense, tell me honestly -- do you think Sikhs in India (not those in Canada) want to secede from India ?

Just tell that and the purpose of this thread will be over.

There is no torture or murder going on in Balochistan. Infact, the military does not patrol any city of Balochistan other than Sui.
This false information is only spread by the BLA to help garner support for their cause. However, throwing a grenade into someone's house or killing a pedestrian hardly makes an organized resistance.






Stop trolling. If I start quoting you latest news reports from Indian newspapers, you won't be liking it.

Do that. I'll return the favour from Pak newspapers

Lets compare.
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