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The Khalistan Diaries

India is a very very open society. You just have to put down your fanatic islamic lenses and look with your open eyes.

Seriously mate, At least come to India and see how it works. Dont believe all the propagandu material that is taught to you in madarassa.

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Leave aside the effort of quoting from your so called constitution... we know how many dictators have trampled on it.

Read an analysis of the persecution of the Ahmadiya Community published Harvard Human Rights Journal... and these people are Muslims, not any other religion.

Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Pakistan: An Analysis Under International Law and International Relations
84 happened due to instigating factor of Indira gandhi assasination. Gujrat happened due to godhra train burning as an instigating factor.
Its not like an ongoing process like what you people think it to be. Muslims in India are way way more safe and secure than a shiate muslim or an ahmedi muslim in pakistan. And its a fact

Figures ? If by this you are pointing towards the Taliban then obviously you have not been following this discussion very closely.
Leave aside the effort of quoting from your so called constitution... we know how many dictators have trampled on it.

Read an analysis of the persecution of the Ahmadiya Community published Harvard Human Rights Journal... and these people are Muslims, not any other religion.

Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Pakistan: An Analysis Under International Law and International Relations

Can you explain to me as to what basis they are they Muslims? This is what your Dar Uloom Deoband, in Deoband UP India says about Ahmadis on their website:

(Fatwa 332=307/N)

The Mirzais (Qadyanis, Ahmadiyas) are kafir. This issue is agreed upon by the Muslim Ummah.

These books may be useful: (1) Radd-e-Qadyaniat ke Zarrin Usool (2) Suboot Hazir Hain (3) Muhazarat of Darul Uloom on Qadyanism

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband


Well within our control.


I realize certain Dalits have done well in India. The Chief Minister of UP is a Dalit. However, the issue of untouchability still remains to a large extent, despite the certain upliftment improvements they have made in their status. But the concessions made to the Dalits applies only to those that remain Hindu.

Because Islam and Christianity brag that they don't have castes. Simple. Or do they ? ;)
Figures ? If by this you are pointing towards the Taliban then obviously you have not been following this discussion very closely.

TTP Talibanis are 1) Muslims 2) Pakistan nationals 3) Killers of impurer breed of muslims (Ahmedis/Sufis/Shiates)

Can you disagree birather?

Take on India on other hand, no one is seggregating impurer muslims form pure ones, or minorities from majority and killing them. What ever deatsh have happened due to pakistani sponsored terrorist attacks, the dying person was Indian and that includes, Hindus, muslims, sikhs and christains. Everyone. No wonder ghazi qadri types fanatics and sehzad faisal types are produced in pureland only.

You are comparing apples and oranges here.
There is no torture or murder going on in Balochistan. Infact, the military does not patrol any city of Balochistan other than Sui.
This false information is only spread by the BLA to help garner support for their cause. However, throwing a grenade into someone's house or killing a pedestrian hardly makes an organized resistance.

;I will suggest you to see threads on balochistan... ;) ... your propaganda against india is not going to work...
People are bringing up issues which are more than 15 to 20 years old. The OP gets immense mental satisfaction seeing members of both pakistan and india fight against each other. This is called waste of time in true meaning!!
In 1980's some people thought of themselves as Sikhs & misinterpreted Guru Govind Singh's teachings,so they had to pay their price.

Over 2000 people have died and crops worth over a billion dollars were destroyed. About 150 displaced Sikhs and Hindus have taken shelter at Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal and Gurdwara Dera Sahib in Lahore while 100 more are sheltering at Gurdwara Janamasthan in Nankana Sahib.

just a point government providing shelter to them,i think they are already in shelters in gurdwaras (so u can see a lie in that)
TTP Talibanis are 1) Muslims 2) Pakistan nationals 3) Killers of impurer breed of muslims (Ahmedis/Sufis/Shiates)

Can you disagree birather?

Taliban are mostly Pakistanis, yes they are muslims and yes they do kill other people but they don't just kill the stated groups. Their largest kill figures are of sunni muslims. Secondly, they DO NOT represent Pakistan infact, they denounce it in favour of a single Islamic state comprising of the whole world.
TTP Talibanis are 1) Muslims 2) Pakistan nationals 3) Killers of impurer breed of muslims (Ahmedis/Sufis/Shiates)

They are takfiris, and are being killed by the Pakistani Army through the full support of the people, because the TTP are terrorist scums.

Take on India on other hand, no one is seggregating impurer muslims form pure ones,

But you segregate 'purer' Hindus from the 'impurer'/untouchable Hindus in public places.

or minorities from majority and killing them.

I guess the 1984 attacks, Bhagalpur, Ayodhya, Gujarat, Orissa & many others are a figment of my imagination.
Can you explain to me as to what basis they are they Muslims?

Maybe in some other thread, but lets just stick to the topic now. Lets say I consider them to be non-muslims, then how do you justify the persecution?
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