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The Khalistan Diaries

I think I have made it clear in the past that the Taliban do not represent the state, it's people or it's policies. They persecute muslims and sikhs alike. If however you wish to see state sponsored terrorism against sikh well, the killings of sikhs in Delhi after Ms. Gandhi's murder is a fine example of just that.
I agree to you point and similarly I can claim that there is no state sponsored terrorism against the Sikhs in India today. The unfortunate events that led to 84 need to be considered before making a judgement. I needn't say more on this issue.

There are as bad if not worse problems for minorities inside India. There is no place free from persecution for anyone, whether that's Pakistan or the US. I can post you news reports of kidnappings & murders of people from different religious groups as well.
Find me a sikh in India who feels persecuted by the policies of the Indian govt.
Stop trolling. If I start quoting you latest news reports from Indian newspapers, you won't be liking it.

Dude, if you think I'm trolling, report me to the moderators. And I'll be grateful if you can from somewhere show me that Muslims are killed everyday..! :)
Stop trolling. If I start quoting you latest news reports from Indian newspapers, you won't be liking it.

Yes you have proved that you are good in that..plz continue with the reports, dont let us keep you back.
What the hell... The person who terminate Pakistani supported Khalistani movement was a Punjabi.. (K.P.S. Gill Sir) Pakistan is trying to bring life to this dead organization, but they forget that Sikhs are not illiterate like others... :P

Charity begins at home, Instead of reviving Kalistani movement, I will suggest Pakistani brothers to think bout torture and murder going in Baluchistan...

Apna ghar to sambhalta nahi hai, chale hai hamare ghar ko dekhne...

There is no torture or murder going on in Balochistan. Infact, the military does not patrol any city of Balochistan other than Sui.
This false information is only spread by the BLA to help garner support for their cause. However, throwing a grenade into someone's house or killing a pedestrian hardly makes an organized resistance.
India is a very very open society. You just have to put down your fanatic islamic lenses and look with your open eyes.

Seriously mate, At least come to India and see how it works. Dont believe all the propaganda material that is taught to you in madarassa.
I never said that Sikhs have any problem in India. Nor that there is any killing going on. My reason for joining this pathetic excuse for a discussion is to defend my country from the insults and taunts being hurled at it.

see brother clapping is with to hand ,better not to start it ,,,,,,
i agree with u taliban dont see while they kill ,but government sees they dont help sikhs when they r in trouble ,even when floods came to ur country the hindus and sikh family didnt got any help from gop they survived on there own ,

Absolutely incorrect ! The govt spent huge amounts of money to get affected sikhs and hindus from all over Pakistan to be relocated to Hassanabdal where the govt along with various Pakistani Sikh NGOs(Working on Pakistani donations) catered to the sikhs needs until they were fit to go back home.
If the minorities in India is bad than there is no minorities all over the world, I do not even mention Pakistan which have state law against religious freedom.

FALSE!!! Quoted directly from the Pakistani constitution:

20. Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions.
Subject to law, public order and morality:-
(a) every citizen shall have the right to profess, practise and propagate his religion; and
(b) every religious denomination and every sect thereof shall have the right to establish, maintain and manage its religious institutions.

21. Safeguard against taxation for purposes of any particular religion.
No person shall be compelled to pay any special tax the proceeds of which are to be spent on the propagation or maintenance of any religion other than his own.

22. Safeguards as to educational institutions in respect of religion, etc.
(1) No person attending any educational institution shall be required to receive religious instruction, or take part in any religious ceremony, or attend religious worship, if such instruction, ceremony or worship relates to a religion other than his own.
(2) In respect of any religious institution, there shall be no discrimination against any community in the granting of exemption or concession in relation to taxation.
(3) Subject to law:
(a) no religious community or denomination shall be prevented from providing religious instruction for pupils of that community or denomination in any educational institution maintained wholly by that community or denomination; and
(b) no citizen shall be denied admission to any educational institution receiving aid from public revenues on the ground only of race, religion, caste or place of birth.

25. Equality of citizens.
(1) All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

26. Non-discrimination in respect of access to public places.
(1) In respect of access to places of public entertainment or resort not intended for religious purposes only, there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on the ground only of race, religion, caste, sex, residence or place of birth.

27. Safeguard against discrimination in services.
(1) No citizen otherwise qualified for appointment in the service of Pakistan shall be discriminated against in respect of any such appointment on the ground only of race, religion, caste, sex, residence or place of birth.

[Chapter 1: Fundamental Rights] of [Part II: Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy]
84 happened due to instigating factor of Indira gandhi assasination. Gujrat happened due to godhra train burning as an instigating factor.
Its not like an ongoing process like what you people think it to be. Muslims in India are way way more safe and secure than a shiate muslim or an ahmedi muslim in pakistan. And its a fact
dont teach india secularism it has successfully stayed the way it is for more than 60 years with so much diversity not only in religion but language and culture
I agree to you point and similarly I can claim that there is no state sponsored terrorism against the Sikhs in India today. The unfortunate events that led to 84 need to be considered before making a judgement. I needn't say more on this issue.

Find me a sikh in India who feels persecuted by the policies of the Indian govt.

I agree, I hate it when people try to bring back the 80s and if you read my posts I tried to avoid doing that. The only reason I jumped into the discussion as mentioned before is because I could not sit by and see all this Pakistan bashing.........
They are more than welcome to be part of Pakistani Punjab sure ;)

Most of India's fertile land will be gone, & there are already too many farmers that commit suicide in other parts of India every year.

Lol lol lol.

We have enough arable land all along the Ganges and our rice granaries are down south in the Krishna-Godavari and Kaveri deltas.

Worry about Pakistan once your part of Punjab goes to Khalistan.

Think you better take care of Jammu & Kashmir before we start thinking about Balochistan.

These are the separatist movements against the Indian state in J&K:

1. Lashkar-e-Omar (LeO)
2. Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM)
3. Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA, presently known as Harkat-ul Mujahideen)
4. Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT)
5. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)
6. Harkat-ul Mujahideen (HuM, previously known as Harkat-ul-Ansar)
7. Al Badr
8. Jamait-ul-Mujahideen (JuM)
9. Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)
10. Harkat-ul-Jehad-i-Islami
11. Al Barq
12. Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen
13. Al Jehad
14. Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army
15. People’s League
16. Muslim Janbaz Force
17. Kashmir Jehad Force
18. Al Jehad Force (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir Jehad Force)
19. Al Umar Mujahideen
20. Mahaz-e-Azadi
21. Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba
22. Jammu & Kashmir Students Liberation Front
23. Ikhwan-ul-Mujahideen
24. Islamic Students League
25. Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir
26. Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria
27. Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters
28. Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami
29. Muslim Mujahideen
30. Al Mujahid Force
31. Tehrik-e-Jehad
32. Islami Inquilabi Mahaz
33. Mutahida Jehad Council (MJC)
34. Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)
35. All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC)
36. Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM)

These are the separatist movements inside Balochistan:

1. Balochistan Liberation Front
2. Balochistan Liberation Army

These two are doing a heck of a job compared to the 3 dozen of those impotent Kashmiri/Pakistani Punjabi outfits.

Got to give credit to those tough Balochis.

And after Pak Punjab goes to Khalistan immediately two different stans will be formed one starting with pash*** and another with Bal*****.

What will be left - only Sindh and they are already at each other's throats along Pathan-Muhajir-Sindhi ethnic lines. :lol:
Absolutely incorrect ! The govt spent huge amounts of money to get affected sikhs and hindus from all over Pakistan to be relocated to Hassanabdal where the govt along with various Pakistani Sikh NGOs(Working on Pakistani donations) catered to the sikhs needs until they were fit to go back home.

i hope this will help u .if u need more i can give u some more links
http://www.umeed.ewebsite.com/articles/post-flood-visit.html (written by a pakistan person)
Sikhs are the worlds best community in the world. Great amount of socil service they do.

Their identity is based on foundation of sanathan dharma ( Hindusim), same case with Jains and buddhists.

All the sardarjis I have met are very courteous, warm hearted and simple people with good integrity.
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