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The Khalistan Diaries

TTP Talibanis are 1) Muslims 2) Pakistan nationals 3) Killers of impurer breed of muslims (Ahmedis/Sufis/Shiates)

Can you disagree birather?

Take on India on other hand, no one is seggregating impurer muslims form pure ones, or minorities from majority and killing them. What ever deatsh have happened due to pakistani sponsored terrorist attacks, the dying person was Indian and that includes, Hindus, muslims, sikhs and christains. Everyone. No wonder ghazi qadri types fanatics and sehzad faisal types are produced in pureland only.

You are comparing apples and oranges here.

Infact, India is the country with the largest number of active insurgencies.........................and there is no state sponsored attack on minorities today. Half a decade ago is a different story......
Maybe in some other thread, but lets just stick to the topic now. Lets say I consider them to be non-muslims, then how do you justify the persecution?

Did I ever justify their persecution? There have been Ahmedis in many senior positions in the Army, government as well as in many other places too, & continue to do so.
Taliban are mostly Pakistanis, yes they are muslims and yes they do kill other people but they don't just kill the stated groups. Their largest kill figures are of sunni muslims. Secondly, they DO NOT represent Pakistan infact, they denounce it in favour of a single Islamic state comprising of the whole world.

the point here is if u guys cant stop taliban killing innocent lifes of ur people why are u sticking ur news in 3 decades old indian topic....
i think uunderstand wt i mean so better we leave this topic rather than fighting on useless things
^^^Most of the Sikh empire was in Pakistan. Googled and got this is the Sikh Empire.........


Welcome to Lahore, Kahlistan.
Maharaja Manmohan Singh.

Over 2000 people have died and crops worth over a billion dollars were destroyed. About 150 displaced Sikhs and Hindus have taken shelter at Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasanabdal and Gurdwara Dera Sahib in Lahore while 100 more are sheltering at Gurdwara Janamasthan in Nankana Sahib.

just a point government providing shelter to them,i think they are already in shelters in gurdwaras (so u can see a lie in that)

The Gurdwara is a building, you need food and clothing as well which is being provided by the govt. And what can I do if only this many sikhs were affected, I can't tear down their houses and send them to gurdwaras to increase the figure for you, can I ?
the point here is if u guys cant stop taliban killing innocent lifes of ur people why are u sticking ur news in 3 decades old indian topic....
i think uunderstand wt i mean so better we leave this topic rather than fighting on useless things

The Pakistani state doesn't kill minorities like you killed the Sikhs in 1994 or Gujarati Muslims in 2002. There lies your difference. There are also far less mob attacks against minorities in Pakistan in comparison to India.
the point here is if u guys cant stop taliban killing innocent lifes of ur people why are u sticking ur news in 3 decades old indian topic....
i think uunderstand wt i mean so better we leave this topic rather than fighting on useless things

I shall leave when the Pakistan bashing stops.........It's a pity I can't find a mod online or I would gladly have this thread closed. I'm not having the time of my life either.......
their empire might have existed in Pakistani punjab but they originated from indian punjab and thats their real homeland and the real khalsa how can sikhs forget operation shudi karan 1984 (raping sikh women) that was aimed at altering sikh genetics ??
How to altering genetics?

Violence against women

Numerous women were tortured, raped and killed during the war.[44] Again, exact numbers are not known and are a subject of debate. Bangladeshi sources cite a figure of 200,000 women raped, giving birth to thousands of war-babies. The Pakistan Army also kept numerous Bengali women as sex-slaves inside the Dhaka Cantonment. Most of the girls were captured from Dhaka University and private homes.[9]

Among other sources, Susan Brownmiller refers to an even higher number of over 400,000. Pakistani sources claim the number is much lower, though having not completely denied rape incidents.[45][46][47] Brownmiller quotes:[48]

Khadiga, thirteen years old, was interviewed by a photojournalist in Dacca. She was walking to school with four other girls when they were kidnapped by a gang of Pakistani soldiers. All five were put in a military brothel in Mohammedpur and held captive for six months until the end of the war.

The licentious attitude of the soldiers, although generally supported by the superiors, alarmed the regional high command of Pakistan army. On April 15, 1971, in a secret memorandum to the divisional commanders, Niazi complained,
“ Since my arrival, I have heard numerous reports of troops indulging in loot and arson, killing people at random and without reasons in areas cleared of the anti state elements; of late there have been reports of rape and even the West Pakistanis are not being spared; on 12 April two West Pakistani women were raped, and an attempt was made on two others.[49] ”

Another work that has included direct experiences from the women raped is Ami Birangona Bolchhi ("I, the heroine, speak") by Nilima Ibrahim. The work includes in its name from the word Birangona (Heroine), given by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman after the war, to the raped and tortured women during the war. This was a conscious effort to alleviate any social stigma the women might face in the society. How successful this effort was is doubtful, though. In October 2005 Sarmila Bose (a Boston, Massachusetts born Harvard-educated Bengali Indian academic), published a paper suggesting that the casualties and rape allegations in the war have been greatly exaggerated for political purposes.[50][51] This work has been criticised in Bangladesh and her research methods have been attacked by expatriate Bengalis as shoddy and biased because of the work's heavy reliance on Pakistani sources and for discrediting victims' testimonies based on their lack of formal education.[52]
Violence against minorities

1971 Bangladesh atrocities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
why is everyone discussing taliban here. If there is nothing to be discussed regarding Khalistan, then Plz close the thread MODS...oops i think they are not here. carry on boys:lol:
These guys could not forget humiliations by the Indian Sikhs in various wars. Specially this.

Look at this Sikh.
This discussion is fruitless. You people are so confused over what you are saying that none of your posts are making sense. Honestly, people like you have turned such a wonderful forum into a free for all bashing zone................Pakistanis and Indian members got along fine when I joined in back in 09.
Any sources? Forgive my ignorance but how can someone be a Hindu nationalist and in favour of the Sikhs? A paradox surely? And Sikhs are NOT Hindus, look them up they have very different ideologies.

There is nothing called Hindu nationalist IMO though It can be a Dharmic nationalist.

And most of the Hindus view all the four Hindus,Sikhs,Buddists and Jains as part of the Dharmic/Indic culture as different from the Semitic/Abrahamic culture. This is NOT to say one religion is superior to another in India but purely from a cultural perspective. And Hindus remember the Sikh Gurus who have fought side by side with them against the tyrannical Mughals and again they fought side by side in 1947.

Also the level of integration,inter-marriages between the Hindus and Sikhs is very high as much as I have seen which is obviously lacking between Hindu-Muslim or Hindu-Christian.

I myself have seen many many Sikhs praying in Mandirs and I have been to Gurudwaras.

Again let me clarify Hindus and Sikhs are distinct religions but the level of integration is very close and is rivaled only by that between Hindu-Jain.

I hope this answers your question.
What you can post far far worse? Massacre of 200000 Hindus in 1971? Blasphemy law?

You forget that most of those massacres were committed by the Mukti Bahini that India supported :azn:

Same BS, I am talking about post 1947.

Post 1947, Pakistan had Bangladesh as East Pakistan that had most of Pakistan's non-Muslim population. When Bangladesh separated from Pakistan in 1971, Pakistan's minorities % also went down.

What? Is this an argument here for increased minority in India and decreased in Pakistan?

Yes, the majority of the non-Muslim population was in Bangladesh, which separated from Pakistan in 1971. There was no such thing in India, & due to the high birth rates in Muslim families, the Muslim population in India grew over time.

You wanna compare majority with minority?

You forget that India has 7 times the total population of Pakistan, & hence there will be a bigger influence of Indian minorities in India than Pakistani minorities in Pakistan. Case in point being the similar population of 13.2% Indian Muslims & 95% Pakistani Muslims.

Let compare. How many Muslims killed in Pakistan since 1947 and how many in India. You cannot compare that because alone in Bangladesh too many you killed. So better see where you are.

You forget that the majority of Kashmiris you've been killing since 1947 all the way till today have been Muslims :azn:

Why you said proudly that Pakistan took 45% of Kashmir?

Because you and your government say that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Period.

When you support khalistan you did not say what baout Lahore being capital of it? When most of the Sikh lands are in Pakistan punjab now. [/B]

No Khalistani has ever said they want part of Pakistan to be in Khalistan, it's only Indian Hindus like you that say that ;).
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