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The Karzai problem for Pakistan!!!!



New Recruit

May 5, 2006
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No one can now deny the fact that Pakistan is trying its hardest to fight the taleban inside FATA. Daily there are reports of x numbers of millitants being killed and occasionally of security jawans being martered. This is news that even the western media is now picking up on, even though our idiotic politicians are fighting!!!! the catch is, its amongst themselves. The focus without any doubt has not been there from our Mr 10%ers and their affiliates. Non of these idiots respond to the critiscism that our soldeirs get everyday in the western press of not being able to control FATA. The response can be eliquantly and simply made by asking the accusing western press and politicians:

Tell me, Have your 70,000 NATO forces brought order to Afghanistan?
Is there complete security?

Your telling pakistan to commit more troops, (they have 90,000 in FATA already), but do you think 70000 is enough for a country the size of france and spain put together?

Has the Taleban been routed yet?

You acuse pakistan of being a safe haven for the Taleban, but how is it that in every documentry shown in the western media, just 50 yards outside of the heavily fortified NATO bases, your own officers and base commanders call it enemy territory?

How is it that attacks by the Taliban have been mounted deep inside Afghanistan, several hundered miles from the Pak border, if you have total control over the country, better than what pakistan has in FATA?

If the attack on the Kandahar prison was organized in pakistan, surley in the most heavily millitarized area (helmand province), someone should have spotted as suspicious when 20 people on motorbikes converged upon Kandahar, does that not raise any suspiscions? how did all those motorbikes heavily ladened with weapons manage to travel 150 miles along a heavily watched road with many security road blocks? Either NATO is completly incompetant (and you can therefore not blame any shortcomings the PAK army has) or the attack was planned and orchestrated in the city itself? And about the prisoners that got away to pakistan, did NATO not consider blocking the main road to pakistan? and for that matter how come non were rearrested on that road, not even one? where did these prisoners go?

Do you think the Pakistani Taleban have developed a teletransportation device which explains this?

If you expect Pakistan to do more and better, shouldnt you too?

Is it not that afghanistan is a safe haven? considering outside the main cities and now even within them is termed 'enemy territory' by NATO soldiers?

What is NATO doing about Taleban moving across into pakistan? Most international border security is the responsibilty of both neighbouring countries and not just one?

Can NATO wage another war in FATA with a population of 7 million when it cant even control any area/province in afghanistan?

Why does NATO ignore pakistani intelligence about Taleban movements and not act on it, when virtually 70% of the leading Taleban and Al Qaeda fighters have been arrested by pakistan in many cases and from ISI intelligence given to ISAF?

Should Pakistan be allowed to chase Taleban into afghanistan, or bomb areas if it has intelligence?

Can you have a relationship with someone that constanly criticises you and implies you are carrying out acts of terrorism delibratley?

Can you trust someone who does nothing to help the release of one of your own kidnapped citizens or ambassidors as in our case?

Can you trust someone who sees having informants (spies) in the Taleban, who are their to do a job and who's work has led to countless terrorist attacks being foiled in pakistan, afghanistan and the UK, as being accomplicances of the terrorists?

These are all the questions i wish our politicians can respond with, again and again, only then will our message and sacrifice be respected. Our politicians need to become very angry with the ill informed reporter or western politician which seems to think 3000 pakistani lives of which 1000 have been of security personel is not enough to fight thier war, or when where asked about the so called billions weve recieved to fight the war. Are our 3000 matryrs worth that little. We should ask them How much are 3000 of your citizens worth? and add the $10 billion is worthless, dont you dare tell us we are not doing enough.

I started off my rant about the Dog Karzia (sorry to all the dogs in the world, for insulting you), what should we do about him?

I Know, lets silence him (hint hint ISI).

The man says that there are no Taliban in Afghanistan and NATO is doing nothing but bombing civilians (to show off their macho side no doubt).

There is no credibility left for him, his government and those who control him - at this point the intentions and propaganda of the US to pressure Pakistan through the 'anonymous sources' leaking info about the ISI stinking as bad as his smelly arse.

Too many leaves out of the Indian "Idiots guide for blaming the ISI - from your local grocers mugging to an attack on interests on international soil!"

On sale for Rs. 55 only!

That or a 123 Nuclear Agreement!;)
On another note - the title would be more apt if it read 'Karzai's problem with Pakistan'.

But there is a reason for his animosity towards Pakistan, and his accommodation of Indian strategic interests at the cost of antagonizing Pakistan. The reason is derived from his desire to recreate a united Pashtun land.

This isn't just speculation pulled out of thin air - Stephen Coll in his Pulitzer prize winning book Ghost Wars, argues that Karzai and his family, along with some other powerful Afghan Pashtun leaders, were initially supportive of the Taliban in Afghanistan because of the narrative of 'recreating the Durrani Pashtun legacy'. Karzai now sees the same potential opportunity to recapture what he considers 'Afghan territory (NWFP) by destabilizing Pakistan.

The tactics are not really that different, though the scale is larger - Afghanistan, since Pakistan's inception, has refused to accept it, has provided support and sanctuary to Baluch militants, and through the Khad (Afghan Intel) was responsible for carrying out terrorist attacks in Pakistan. It also attempted to create a 'Pashtun seperatist movement' in the NWFP, which failed. Now of course Karzai is trying to leverage both the US and India in his efforts against Pakistan.

To that count it is interesting to note that Mark Mazetti, the author of that tripe in the NYT blaming the ISI (a bit on that later) in his first piece in that series of article on the ISI, argued that his 'sources' claimed the Islamabad and Afghan offices were conflicted in their assessment of the ISI's role. If the GoA's intelligence agency (a government that is virulently anti-Pakistani) is responsible for providing a considerable amount of input to the CIA, then that would explain the divergent views.

Back to Mazetti's tripe - one has to wonder why, as the piece claims, US officials were 'aha-ing' over finding out that 'senior ISI officials were involved', the US did not hand over evidence about who it was, as they did with AQ Khan, and with General Mehmood Ahmed (who was removed from the post of DG ISI because of his Islamist credentials by Musharraf).

Instead we get comments by Indian military officials, when confronted by a Pakistani Defense attache at a conference, about providing Pakistan with evidence, that 'India is being neighborly' or some such rubbish. The NSA adviser blows his top demanding the ISI be destroyed and advocates state sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, and India is concerned about being neighborly when it comes to sharing evidence.
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Karzai is just a symptom, we have to recognize what the disease and only then can we opt for treating that disease.
Karzai is just a symptom, we have to recognize what the disease and only then can we opt for treating that disease.

oh muse . . . please let me diagnose the disease . . . could it be American imperialism !?

The same American imperialism that is creating havoc in places as far apart as Georgia, Iraq and Palestine !?

The same American imperialism that is turning its guns on Iran !?

The same US imperialism that wants to see Islam reformed because its the only cultural force that is standing against it - [communism having been long defunct] !?

Please tell me I've passed my medical exam !???

Am I free to practice on this forum !?
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