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The Jihad in Syria

Just to let you know, I live in Irbid, in Northern Jordan, I do deal with them as much as I deal with residents of Amman. So, you decide who knows Syria better. You can't claim that you know people just because you visited their country a couple of times more than people who speak their language and share the same culture as well as live among them.

When was that? 10 or 20 years ago? King's wife is Palestinian. Although I agree that there are people here don't like Hashemite regime, the vast majority of Jordanians have great respect for them especially Palestinians.

Really? Health sector, infrastructure, electricity, and education are the same? Jordanian public employees get <three times of what their Syrians counterparts get. Syrians, Egyptians and Iraqis come to Jordan for work.

This is not true, it's far more complicated that the simplicity you showed it with, this needs a lengthy discussion. However, once again, you come here and claim you know our own history more than us. I would like you to spare a little more time reading our history from our books.

If you think that the vast majority of Arabs who are with the revolution, who themselves know Syria it's history and people more than any others are naive, then we must be over stupid people. Do you really think we are that stupid?! For the first time, Israel has nothing to do with what's happening in Syria. The Syrians themselves carried out this revolution demanding dignity and freedom. And plz, understand that all 22 Arab countries are 100% with the Syrian people choice, with a more neutral stances for Lebanon and Algeria for specific internal reasons.

Nothing is going to repeat itself, if there will be any change it will absolutely be to the better. And if you think Bashar Alassad is worthy of ruling Syria, I pray that you get a leader just like him in Pakistan.

I just can't claim to believe in Muslim Ummah, I have never believed in it or even thought of it, I only thought of us helping/supporting eachother in times of need, cooperate, and that's what's happening right now. Just at us please Armstrong! Countries like Iran have made our countries hell in the name of Ummah!

Hon Sir,

I am not trying to teach you your history. I am trying to remind you. You are quite correct that it is not that simple. However, do you deny that partitioning of Bilad-e Sham & trans Jordan between Britain & France, Palestinian mandate and creation of Israel state are direct result of defeat of the Ottomans in WW1? This defeat was only possible because the Arab forces fought alongside the British against the Turks.

I am neutral and it does not matter to me one bit whether Bashar Al Asad continues or the Free Syrian Army prevails. However, when you see that Obama is putting more sanction on Syria, France is ready to recognize the rebel Syrian regime , Britain is also with them; you are not curious as to why these pro Israeli countries all of sudden ready to help Syrian rebels?
(Need I remind you that Britain, France and Israel were allies in the Suez war against Nasser?)

I just don&#8217;t like innocents getting killed, regardless of race, religion or nationality. When I see pictures of carnage in Syria, I feel sad, because in my humble opinion all of this carnage will not improve lot of the common Syrian.

Still it does not dawn on you that real beneficiary of this civil war among the Syrians will be Israel and the US; then I have nothing more to say to you. If Arabs insist on killing each other, who am I to stop them?
Any Pakistani who says that there is a Jihad in Syria should consider the words coming out of TTP that there is a Jihad against Pakistan. If your religion blinds you enough that you do not see the strings than it is better you not comment than be a traitor to your own country that faces the same problem with a lot less manpower and funds being thrown in. Syria gives an absolute answer that this could happen to us if we do not tow the line with the aggressor. If you are with the aggressor , then better not hear a peep out of you about drones or BLA or NATO supply lines or any of the other things that you keep complaining about. Because if you do not do all that is asked, General Kayani will become your Al Assad like the New York times has been saying that he is in charge.
Hon Sir,

I am not trying to teach you your history. I am trying to remind you. You are quite correct that it is not that simple. However, do you deny that partitioning of Bilad-e Sham & trans Jordan between Britain & France, Palestinian mandate and creation of Israel state are direct result of defeat of the Ottomans in WW1? This defeat was only possible because the Arab forces fought alongside the British against the Turks.
Arab revolution only started when Turks ultra nationalists seized the throne, and started a massive assimilation process in Arab countries, committed massacres, forced Arabs to pay all their savings as taxes...etc. Afterall of this, Islam, which was the only thing that made Arabs live under Ottoman rule, was nullified by those actions which continued over two decades. Thereafter, Al-Shareef Hussien dicided to take an action after calls from Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan calling for help. He gathered an army and headed to Jordan fighting the Turks, then Britain offered help and promised it will help him uniting Arab world. They deceived him and he admitted it.
I am neutral and it does not matter to me one bit whether Bashar Al Asad continues or the Free Syrian Army prevails. However, when you see that Obama is putting more sanction on Syria, France is ready to recognize the rebel Syrian regime , Britain is also with them; you are not curious as to why these pro Israeli countries all of sudden ready to help Syrian rebels?
(Need I remind you that Britain, France and Israel were allies in the Suez war against Nasser?)
I will answer your questions after you answer mine. According to your logic, I should support India since USA and the West were on Pakistan side in India-Pak wars. And I should side with Serbs since USA and NATO were on Bosinia side? However the West haven't made any tangible contribution in supporting the FSA, all the arms/logistics/money they are getting are from Arab countries and Turkey.
I just don&#8217;t like innocents getting killed, regardless of race, religion or nationality. When I see pictures of carnage in Syria, I feel sad, because in my humble opinion all of this carnage will not improve lot of the common Syrian.
The carnage is being committed by the regime forces.
Still it does not dawn on you that real beneficiary of this civil war among the Syrians will be Israel and the US; then I have nothing more to say to you. If Arabs insist on killing each other, who am I to stop them?

If you think a regime that uses jets, artillery, and tanks in mass killing/raping/torturing his own people would ever scarifies his regime fighting Israel for the sake of his people, you are wrong. Why don't you ask yourself why didn't he just step down and spared the country this disaster for his people and country sake that's if he had any regard for them? That's because he would burn the country to keep himself in power. This mad person has to be finished whatever it takes because he can't be trusted ruling the country anymore. He has lost the very last credibility and trust of Syrians.

A reminder:

Assad cousin to New York Times: No stability in Israel if there's no stability in Syria

Syrian tycoon Rami Makhlouf warned Israel of instability if the regime of his cousin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad falls, vowing to "fight to the end," according to The New York Times.

"If there is no stability here, there&#8217;s no way there will be stability in Israel," said Makhlouf, who is on a list of 13 Syrian figures subjected to European Union sanctions for their role in violence against protesters opposing Assad's autocratic government.

"Nobody can guarantee what will happen after, God forbids, anything happens to this regime," Makhlouf told the US daily.

"What I&#8217;m saying is don&#8217;t let us suffer, don&#8217;t put a lot of pressure on the president, don&#8217;t push Syria to do anything it is not happy to do," said Makhlouf who is a member of Assad's Alawite minority.

The regime of Assad has maintained calm along its borders despite close ties with Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Assad's regime has been battling a pro-democracy uprising across the country since March 15. Between 600 and 700 people have been killed and at least 8,000 arrested since then, rights groups say.

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Syrian magnate warns Israel against Syrian instability
Arab revolution only started when Turks ultra nationalists seized the throne, and started a massive assimilation process in Arab countries, committed massacres, forced Arabs to pay all their savings as taxes...etc. Afterall of this, Islam, which was the only thing that made Arabs live under Ottoman rule, was nullified by those actions which continued over two decades. Thereafter, Al-Shareef Hussien dicided to take an action after calls from Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan calling for help. He gathered an army and headed to Jordan fighting the Turks, then Britain offered help and promised it will help him uniting Arab world. They deceived him and he admitted it.

I will answer your questions after you answer mine. According to your logic, I should support India since USA and the West were on Pakistan side in India-Pak wars. And I should side with Serbs since USA and NATO were on Bosinia side? However the West haven't made any tangible contribution in supporting the FSA, all the arms/logistics/money they are getting are from Arab countries and Turkey.

The carnage is being committed by the regime forces.

If you think a regime that uses jets, artillery, and tanks in mass killing/raping/torturing his own people would ever scarifies his regime fighting Israel for the sake of his people, you are wrong. Why don't you ask yourself why didn't he just step down and spared the country this disaster for his people and country sake that's if he had any regard for them? That's because he would burn the country to keep himself in power. This mad person has to be finished whatever it takes because he can't be trusted ruling the country anymore. He has lost the very last credibility and trust of Syrians.

A reminder:

Assad cousin to New York Times: No stability in Israel if there's no stability in Syria

Syrian tycoon Rami Makhlouf warned Israel of instability if the regime of his cousin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad falls, vowing to "fight to the end," according to The New York Times.

"If there is no stability here, there&#8217;s no way there will be stability in Israel," said Makhlouf, who is on a list of 13 Syrian figures subjected to European Union sanctions for their role in violence against protesters opposing Assad's autocratic government.

"Nobody can guarantee what will happen after, God forbids, anything happens to this regime," Makhlouf told the US daily.

"What I&#8217;m saying is don&#8217;t let us suffer, don&#8217;t put a lot of pressure on the president, don&#8217;t push Syria to do anything it is not happy to do," said Makhlouf who is a member of Assad's Alawite minority.

The regime of Assad has maintained calm along its borders despite close ties with Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Assad's regime has been battling a pro-democracy uprising across the country since March 15. Between 600 and 700 people have been killed and at least 8,000 arrested since then, rights groups say.

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Syrian magnate warns Israel against Syrian instability

Honourable sir,

I have no idea how old you are, may you have forgotten that Baathist regime of Syria has fought and suffered at the hands of Israel a lot more than the Jordan has. Excluding 1967 war when Egypt, Syria & Jordan were bad mauled by Israel;

-Syria fought alongside Egypt in 1973 Yom Kippur war.

-Syria allied with PLO fought with an air war with Israel when Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982. Both the Syrian Air force as well as ground forces suffered heavily as a result.

-There was the Air Strike by Israel at Ain es Saheb just 15 miles north or Damascus on PLO camps on October 2003.

Your attempt to portray that Syrian regime is pro-Israeli based entirely on a single interview by a cousin of Bashar Al Assad is therefore incorrect. Opposition to Israel by the Syrian regime is beyond doubt.

It is no doubt true that a lot of carnage is caused by Syrian bombing the rebel stronghold, however scores of innocents are also being killed every day by the rebels bombs in planted the crowded cities.

It is also incorrect to say that USA & the West supported Pakistan in her wars with India. As soon hostilities started USA banned the supply of military equipment & spare parts to Pakistan. Since majority of Pak equipment was of US origin whereas that of India was sourced from USSR; Pakistan was put at great disadvantage Vis a Vis India. This is one of the reasons of the anti US sentiment in Pakistan.

US did support Muslims in Bosnia, as I posted earlier, their no black & white only shades of grey. Please don&#8217;t forget that Bosnians, despite being Muslims, are white blue eyed Europeans. Even then US acted at the last possible moment after massacres of Bosnian had taken place.

Now that frivolities have been set aside, let us get back to the Arab &#8211;Ottoman conflict. You deliberately chose to brush the division of Arab lands by the French and the English under the carpet.

After seeing the film Lawrence of Arabia as a young student in 1962; I read &#8216;Seven Pillars of Wisdom&#8217; , mainly the description of events in Wadi Rum in Jordan. It led me to read about the events in the Ottoman Eastern & Southern domains in great detail. I don&#8217;t presume that I know your history better than you, please indulge me to remind you what according to my humble knowledge happened.

First Ottoman / Wahhabi conflict took place in 1805 when Wahhabi captured Mecca & Medina and stopped Turkish pilgrims from performing Hajj. On the orders of Sultan Mustafa IV, Mohammed Ali Pasha defeated the Wahhabi forces commanded by Amir Abdulla Ibne Saud. Amir Abdulla was eventually captured and executed in Istanbul around 1819.

Young Turks revolution which forced the Sultan to restore 1876 Constitution may be one of the causes of the Arab revolt but was not the primary reason of Arabs siding with the Allies.

British sent an emissary to House of Saud in January 1915. In December 1915 they signed the treaty of Darin with Abdul Aziz Ibne Saud. Ibne Saud was given a stipend to continue fighting with Ibne Rashid family which was allied with the Ottoman and House of Saud was made a British protectorate.

In 1916 Capt. T.E Lawrence was introduced to Sharif Hussein of Mecca. TEL Lawrence (then a Colonel) writes in introduction of Seven Pillars of Wisdom:

&#8220;Several Englishmen, of whom Kitchener was the Chief, believed that a rebellion of Arabs against the Turks would enable England, while fighting Germany, to simultaneously defeat Turkey. Their knowledge and of the nature and power of the Arab speaking peoples made them think that the issue of such a rebellion would be happy and indicated its character and method. So they allowed it to begin...&#8221;

It is also recorded fact that in addition to the rifles and ammunition & armoured cars supplied by France & Britain; Arab forces were paid in gold coins to fight the Ottomans. By the end of 1916 French had paid 1.25-milion francs and by 1918 payment by British amounted to £220,000 per month to subsidize the revolt. Despite the Balfour declaration of creation of Jewish homeland in 1917, Arabs continued to fight the Ottomans until January 1919.

I am surprized by the fact that while my countrymen see Zionist & CIA Conspiracy in everything that happens in Pakistan, they cannot see that Syrian uprising is clearly benefitting Israel?

I would like to restate that I am not pro Bashar al Assad neither do I support Syrian rebels. IMO Arab regimes are playing in the hands of Israel & USA and that major beneficiary of this civil war would be the State of Israel. This is my only contention.
I am surprized by the fact that while my countrymen see Zionist & CIA Conspiracy in everything that happens in Pakistan, they cannot see that Syrian uprising is clearly benefitting Israel?

I would like to restate that I am not pro Bashar al Assad neither do I support Syrian rebels. IMO Arab regimes are playing in the hands of Israel & USA and that major beneficiary of this civil war would be the State of Israel. This is my only contention.

So what are u suggesting my friend? to keep Bashar in power just because Israel is the only beneficiary of this crisis? Why don't you think of it the other way, why didn't Bashar step down and spared the country this crisis? Syria is not his property man. Syrians have had it, they couldn't take it anymore. Believe me, Arabs had no other choice, either to support the regime or Syrians, and we chose the latter. Arabs had not stepped in but after 6 months of the crisis in hope it would end peacefully, and then offered peace initiatives to the regime, and after then Arabs started pressuring him by cutting off diplomatic relations and imposing economic sanctions, he took advantage of all the times Arab gave him for reconciliation. He was always manipulating Arabs, until Syrians accused Arabs of complicity, They had no choice left, they have tried every possible peaceful way to solve the issue but the regime was always there to foil them. I lived this uprising day by day and I know that Arabs were very keen to keep Syrian issue inside Arab house to prevent foreign intervention. It's very complicated, if you didn't live it day by day, then it is harder to understand it. However, Syrians and Arabs have been calling for no fly zone for months and nothing happened, yet I would ask, where are west, Zionist lobby, the USA? Where are they anyway?
So what are u suggesting my friend? to keep Bashar in power just because Israel is the only beneficiary of this crisis? Why don't you think of it the other way, why didn't Bashar step down and spared the country this crisis? Syria is not his property man. Syrians have had it, they couldn't take it anymore. Believe me, Arabs had no other choice, either to support the regime or Syrians, and we chose the latter. Arabs had not stepped in but after 6 months of the crisis in hope it would end peacefully, and then offered peace initiatives to the regime, and after then Arabs started pressuring him by cutting off diplomatic relations and imposing economic sanctions, he took advantage of all the times Arab gave him for reconciliation. He was always manipulating Arabs, until Syrians accused Arabs of complicity, They had no choice left, they have tried every possible peaceful way to solve the issue but the regime was always there to foil them. I lived this uprising day by day and I know that Arabs were very keen to keep Syrian issue inside Arab house to prevent foreign intervention. It's very complicated, if you didn't live it day by day, then it is harder to understand it. However, Syrians and Arabs have been calling for no fly zone for months and nothing happened, yet I would ask, where are west, Zionist lobby, the USA? Where are they anyway?

Only naive people will believe you, what peace you talking about? sanctions on the Syrian people? how did Alasad get hurt by those sanctions? it was Syrian people who were harmed by those sanctions. and the Arab League observer mission report was that Syrian Army is defensive and there are terrorist in Syria. which is why you wont hear anything about the Arab League mission results in the news, because its said the truth. plus who are you to speak for Syrians??? don't say you are their brother or what not, because you are not. enough bs from you, you're starting to believe your own lies and spreading them.

And if you want the west to attack Syria, then in your dreams, no power on this earth can attack Syria, you know why? because Syria has more then 20 million soldiers to fight.

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This regime is much worse than Israel and pose a very great danger to Syrians and Arabs. Iran as well pose the greatest danger, that is because Israel has never told us that they are the representatives of Muslims then back stab them, they tell you their intentions openly, while Iran babbles day and night about Islam and represents herself as Muslims defender, and yet kill more Muslims and undermine them everywhere they have footsteps. I refuse to call Syrians or Saudi Wahabis, this term is used by Iranian Mullahs to show them as the worst Muslims. I agree that there are Qaeda in Syria from Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria...etc. But they are very few and step in a very late stage of Syrian revolution. The main force in Syria is the FSA which is mainly defectors from the regular army.

Appears to me a near perfect statement of Bibi's spokesman!!!

Poisoning relations between Muslims by systematically dividing them by spreading lies and half lies has been a smart criminal strategy indeed!!! However, in case of Syria, a much smarter strategy has been adopted by creating an ideal atmosphere that ensures a slow but consistent war of attrition of Muslims only!! Can you see that on both sides, mostly Muslims are victims?

Even more dangerous is the prospect of evaporation of the power balance that roughly existed so far against Israel, once Syria is defeated!!!
No one can justify son taking over as head of the State from his father. However, must we accept so much chaos for the sake of change? There must be some other way such as more political power to the Sunni majority etc.

An article published in the News is noted for members perusal.

The Syrian debacle

Iftekhar A Khan
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are engaged in a proxy war at the behest of the United States to destabilise Syria and change the regime in Damascus. Saudi Arabia bankrolls the insurgency, Qatar plays a role similar to the one it played in the overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, and Turkey provides bases to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighting President Bashar al-Assad. It is incredible how the FSA irregulars inflict heavy casualties on the battle-hardened Syrian army and knock out its tanks and helicopter-gunships.

The United States, Britain and France have thrown their might behind the Syrian rebels by providing them intelligence support and sophisticated weapons. The clandestine operation going on for the last 17 months against Syria is meant to weaken the influence of Iran in the region.

The Iranian leadership refuses to acquiesce to imperial designs in the Middle East, unlike the oil-rich sheikdoms. The pattern of Western intervention in Syria is all too familiar. It is the same old pretext of weapons of mass destruction as it was in Iraq, and the same powers-mainly the US, the UK and France.

The Iraq invasion in March 2003 was fresh in people’s minds when Libya was attacked by Western forces and its leader Muammar Qaddafi lynched. The new candidate for regime change is Syria and its leader Bashar al-Assad. In Libya the opposition was the Transitional National Council (TNC), and in Syria it is the Syrian National Council (SNC). Tony Blair played out the US agenda in Iraq, and David Cameron is faithfully doing the same in Syria.

Britain has already given £5 million in aid to opposition groups in Syria, and its special envoy to the Syrian opposition, John Wilks, has remained in contact with FSA members in Istanbul. Western powers continue to change the regimes of countries which cannot defend themselves and they do it too often and too brazenly.

The recently held summit of the OIC in Mecca has suspended Syria’s membership and backed calls for arming Syrian rebels to launch offensives against Bashar al-Assad’s regime. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has accused Assad of acts of repression against his own people. It is strange for the Arab League, which also contains repressive monarchies and dynastic emirates, to declare one of its member-states tyrannical. Who knows the scenario could change for the worse for Muslim countries which are now instigating rebellion in Syria.

For instance, what would happen if the Western media suddenly began to advocate the arrival of democracy in, say, Saudi Arabia, asking it to hold elections? And the CNN and The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, known for influencing US foreign policy, could take up the sensitive issue of emancipation of women in the ultra-conservative Saudi society and insist that the Saudi Arabia granted them the right to vote. Ridding Afghan women of their blue cloak was part of the lofty agenda of the US invasion in Afghanistan, although the cloak stays when the invaders pack up to leave.

It is sad that the Muslim countries allow themselves to be part of campaigns against other Muslim countries because of sectarian prejudices. Iran has always assured Saudi Arabia and the emirates that it has no ill will towards them. Without outside support Qatar can hardly face Iran. In fact, Qatar is so vulnerable on its own that if threatened by Iran it would have to back off. Turkey, which is dreaming of becoming a member of the European Union, should first act as democratically and responsibly as the countries of Europe do.

The writer is a freelance columnist based in Lahore. Email:pinecity@gmail.com
The Syrian debacle - Iftekhar A Khan
As I keep saying, there is nothing in this fiasco that is 'Black or white'. Another anlaysis by an impartial observer. However, this is certainly not "Jihad"

Syria aflame

Farooq Sulehria
Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Arab Spring in its Syrian version has claimed over 20,000 lives since March 2011. Assad dynasty is losing ground. On August 6, Prime Minister Riad Hijab defected to the opposition. However, Bashar al-Assad, who inherited the presidency in 2000 from his father, refuses to budge.

Meantime, the Syrian Intifada’s original aims – democratic rights and economic justice – remain a distant objective as multi-pronged foreign manipulation has complicated the situation beyond description. Outside of Syria, opinion is divided. Broadly, three positions are being taken.

Firstly, there are certain progressives, liberals and pro-Iran elements. For pro-Assad progressives, this regime is anti-Israel and anti-imperialist, and hence it should be supported against US manipulations. Certain liberals are horrified at the prospect of pro-Saudi rebels winning in Syria. The pro-Iran elements consider the Assad regime a vital link that joins Hezbollah-controlled south Lebanon with Tehran via post-Saddam Iraq.

Secondly, there are puritan pro-Saudi elements, Al-Qaida-style. For these elements, an Alawite and “secularist” Assad dynasty is an infidel aberration.

Thirdly, there are sections of the left that refuse to lend any support to the Assad regime but oppose any foreign intervention whatsoever. They argue against CIA supplies to rebel groups as well as the Russian and Iranian arming of the Assad regime. Sympathising with the third position, this writer will map the geopolitics of the Syrian intifada besides taking issue with characterisition of the Assad regime as secularist, anti-imperialist, anti-Israel.

Let us begin with Israel. Ideally, Israel would like to have pliant pharaohs like Hosni Mubarak at the helm in all its neighbouring countries. The Assads, father and son, have been tricky partners. They have been hosting Palestinian resistance forces of all hues, partnering with the Ayotollahs of Iran and backing Hezbollah. Most importantly, the Assad dynasty never withdrew the Syrian claim to Golan Heights occupied by Israel in 1967. However, Syria has maintained a comfortable status quo with Israel. Since 1973, not a bullet has been fired to disturb the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights. On the contrary, Palestinian blood was mercilessly shed in 1976 and 1985-86 to demonstrate to Israel that Syria under Hafez al-Assad would prove as good a Camp David partner as Egypt under the Mubarak regime. The Muslim Brotherhood or an even radical Saudi-backed faction coming to power in post-Assad Syria is least likely to maintain the status quo. That by removing Assad, Israel will undermine the Shia axis stretching from Lebanon to Iran is not what Israel is counting upon. If Assad is replaced by Salafis, Israel will be surrounded by an even more radical Sunni axis: Hamas in Palestine, the Brotherhood in Egypt and Salafis at the helm in Damascus. For Israel, Assad is a lesser evil. Most likely, Israel will prefer to maintain the Baath regime, but without Assad. Probably Washington would also prefer such an arrangement. However, elements backed by the Gulf monarchies and Turkey will be incorporated in a new Baath-dominated regime. Turkey’s major concern is the Kurdish population. Before the present uprising, Syria and Turkey were cooperating in the suppression of the Kurds besides improving trade ties. But Turkish interest is not restricted to the Kurdish question. Ankara is trying to revive soft Ottomanism under Islamists: an Arab market for Turkish capital emerging in Anatolia. Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamist AKP, analysts argue, represents “peripheral” Anatolian capital unlike Kemalism that represented the traditional bourgeoisie concentrated in Istanbul. Turkey remained neutral initially in the case of Libya as well as Syria because it wanted to avoid an impression of an aggressive neo-Ottoman imperial force.

The Gulf monarchies, however, have different concerns. They stand to lose most if democracy gains a foothold in the Arab world. Hence, they intervened through their proxies to control the Arab revolutions from above instead of blocking the unstoppable changes. Qatar has been supporting a moderate Islamic Brotherhood while Saudi Arabia patronises Salafi elements. However, whenever possible the Gulf sultans have intervened more decisively to derail the revolution. Bahrain is a case in point. In Yemen, Riyadh was also able to win a favourable compromise. Beyond the counter-revolutionary political considerations, the Gulf monarchies have an equally important concern in the case of Syria. By removing Assad, the sultans of the Arab Peninsula want to contain Tehran. Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) rule over restless Shia populations. The Assad dynasty draws its social support largely from Syria’s Alawites, who constitute ten percent of the Syrian population.

But the Assad dynasty, in spite of its sectarian social base and a secularist outlook rooted in its Baathist past, opportunistically maintained good relations with the Saudi dynasty too. This opportunism is a hallmark of the Assad regime. As a matter of fact, the Assad dynasty was neither anti-imperialist nor anti-Israel. It was opportunist through and through. While a status quo was maintained with Israel, Hafez al-Assad joined George H W Bush to attack Iraq in 1991. A thorough account of the Assads’ anti-imperialism will require a separate report. A genuine secular, anti-imperialist Arab world will take shape when the Arab masses will themselves form their policies in a democratic fashion.

The writer is a freelance contributor.

Email: mfsulehria@hotmail.com
Syria aflame - Farooq Sulehria
But i think it's not in the interest of the americans and israel to have a sunni wahabbi regime in syria, later it will be against them..

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