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The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion


Mar 1, 2019
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This is not the Iraqi gov't but there are rogue elements within Iraq and none state actors that will be purified as they are terrorists who don't understand rule of law. Hence an operation in iraq is much likier today then it was a year ago..

Areas of potential target is the southern to central parts of Iraq... They even launched a drone attack on the president of Iraq weeks ago and they have gone completely rogue they aren't militarily threat but they could undermine regional security and trade routes or worst case scenario they could turn to sea privacy they are just rogue elements and road robbers.. KSA led-coalition could venture into Iraq..

There is murmuring of in pending military operation and an invasion into Iraq should things falter further in Iraq's security..

The Peninsula shield could go ahead with this in collaboration with Egypt and Jordan...

Or make it more politically correct by using the existing framework and terrorism fight treaty

IMCTC (The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition)

They could go ahead with this anytime depending on the rogue elements and especially if the Iraqi gov't loses control of them
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This is about as accurate as your prediction that Azerbaijan would join the Yemen conflict.
Never said that before...

But this is as real as it comes.. If the rogue elements get out of control there will 100% be an invasion into Iraq besides there is an economical upside to it
Can you imagine the fear that will cripple Iraq once Peninsula shield coalition puts large forces armed to the teeth on their borders.. The fear will be 1000 times higher then ukraine... The Iraqis know these guys are dangerous when they invade they take everything hence their hearts will come to their throats once they see them roll out..
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This is not the Iraqi gov't but there are rogue elements within Iraq and none state actors that will be purified as they are terrorists who don't understand rule of law. Hence an operation in iraq is much likier today then it was a year ago..

Areas of potential target is the southern to central parts of Iraq... They even launched a drone attack on the president of Iraq weeks ago and they have gone completely rogue they aren't militarily threat but they could undermine regional security and trade routes or worst case scenario they could turn to sea privacy they are just rogue elements and road robbers.. KSA led-coalition could venture into Iraq..

There is murmuring of in pending military operation and an invasion into Iraq should things falter further in Iraq's security..

The Peninsula shield could go ahead with this in collaboration with Egypt and Jordan...

Or make it more politically correct by using the existing framework and terrorism fight treaty

IMCTC (The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition)

They could go ahead with this anytime depending on the rogue elements and especially if the Iraqi gov't loses control of them

Those rogue elements saved Iraq when its Presidential army and government collapsed. Those rogues came out snd fought Daesh to death when your blah blah shield, KSA Sheikhs or Murican Masters were arming Daesh, PMF came out victorious.

Now if you wanna go ahead and try your luck against them through the whole GCC or the Americans.

Also, these people came out to fight the Americans along with the government, didn't wait for 20 years in caves and waited for the Americans to leave so they could attack the government troops.
Those rogue elements saved Iraq when its Presidential army and government collapsed. Those rogues came out snd fought Daesh to death when your blah blah shield, KSA Sheikhs or Murican Masters were arming Daesh, PMF came out victorious.

Now if you wanna go ahead and try your luck against them through the whole GCC or the Americans.

Daesh was fought collectively by everyone US, Turkey, Peshmerga, Iraq gov't, FSA, SDF, Jordan, France, Russia, KSA, UAE, PMU etc etc.. don't get it wrong.. GCC were actively bombing ISIS inside iraq on daily basis during the campaign..

Iraq is a flat terrain will be swipped aside quickly and sitting ducks conventionally by virtue of terrain.. Its an unfriendly terrain for militias against anyone with firepower
Those rogue elements saved Iraq when its Presidential army and government collapsed. Those rogues came out snd fought Daesh to death when your blah blah shield, KSA Sheikhs or Murican Masters were arming Daesh, PMF came out victorious.

Now if you wanna go ahead and try your luck against them through the whole GCC or the Americans.

Also, these people came out to fight the Americans along with the government, didn't wait for 20 years in caves and waited for the Americans to leave so they could attack the government troops.
You can guess who saved the fall of Baghdad when ISIL/Daesh was 70 miles away. ISIL planned, after taking over Iraq, the next destination was Mecca. They were already in Yemen. ME politics and ground realities are extremely messed up.
Here is the report on US media.
Interesting senate hearing committee proceeding 2015 ...
You can guess who saved the fall of Baghdad when ISIL/Daesh was 70 miles away. ISIL planned, after taking over Iraq, the next destination was Mecca. They were already in Yemen. ME politics and ground realities are extremely messed up.
Here is the report on US media.
Interesting senate hearing committee proceeding 2015 ...

The operation will go ahead depending that they get out of line and become rogue and causing security chellenges to the iraqi gov't.. They will not negotiate with anyone regarding security.. If the Iraq gov't government loses control over them an operation will proceed guaraanteed
The operation will go ahead depending that they get out of line and become rogue and causing security chellenges to the iraqi gov't.. They will not negotiate with anyone regarding security.. If the Iraq gov't government loses control over them an operation will proceed guaraanteed
I don't know which operation you are talking about. Nothing is going on in Iraq. It's calm except a few rogue elements cause problems. Halliburton doing business as usual. All tradelines are intact. US oil tankers loading gas without any interruption.
Can you imagine the fear that will cripple Iraq once Peninsula shield coalition puts large forces armed to the teeth on their borders.. The fear will be 1000 times higher then ukraine... The Iraqis know these guys are dangerous when they invade they take everything hence their hearts will come to their throats once they see them roll out..
This is not the Iraqi gov't but there are rogue elements within Iraq and none state actors that will be purified as they are terrorists who don't understand rule of law. Hence an operation in iraq is much likier today then it was a year ago..

Areas of potential target is the southern to central parts of Iraq... They even launched a drone attack on the president of Iraq weeks ago and they have gone completely rogue they aren't militarily threat but they could undermine regional security and trade routes or worst case scenario they could turn to sea privacy they are just rogue elements and road robbers.. KSA led-coalition could venture into Iraq..

There is murmuring of in pending military operation and an invasion into Iraq should things falter further in Iraq's security..

The Peninsula shield could go ahead with this in collaboration with Egypt and Jordan...

Or make it more politically correct by using the existing framework and terrorism fight treaty

IMCTC (The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition)

They could go ahead with this anytime depending on the rogue elements and especially if the Iraqi gov't loses control of them
You knew we won't tolerate any change of borders in our neighborhood and if rouge elements in PGCC try to invade Iraq then they may find they are fighting in several different fronts
You knew we won't tolerate any change of borders in our neighborhood and if rouge elements in PGCC try to invade Iraq then they may find they are fighting in several different fronts

Iraq is already under US and Turkey occupation you will not do anything.. You have no relations with the gov't.. If illegal terrorists get out of hand they must be fight.. Jihad because Fard Ain upon them and religious obligation
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This is not the Iraqi gov't but there are rogue elements within Iraq and none state actors that will be purified as they are terrorists who don't understand rule of law. Hence an operation in iraq is much likier today then it was a year ago..

Areas of potential target is the southern to central parts of Iraq... They even launched a drone attack on the president of Iraq weeks ago and they have gone completely rogue they aren't militarily threat but they could undermine regional security and trade routes or worst case scenario they could turn to sea privacy they are just rogue elements and road robbers.. KSA led-coalition could venture into Iraq..

There is murmuring of in pending military operation and an invasion into Iraq should things falter further in Iraq's security..

The Peninsula shield could go ahead with this in collaboration with Egypt and Jordan...

Or make it more politically correct by using the existing framework and terrorism fight treaty

IMCTC (The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition)

They could go ahead with this anytime depending on the rogue elements and especially if the Iraqi gov't loses control of them
There actually was a global so called "islamic" alliance that tried to attack us, in which extremists from all over the world tried to establish a "caliphate", it was called ISIS. Now they have been reduced to nothing more than sleeper cells.

The Peninsula shield could go ahead with this in collaboration with Egypt and Jordan...

Now this is the part that actually made me laugh at your post, I mean come on man. If you really think Egypt is going to invade Iraq then you need to check yourself in a lab.

This thread is nothing more than a fanfic of a terrorist sympathizer who can't sleep at night unless he Google searches "dead shia muslim pics".

The likes of you are like the cancer that is eating the muslim world from the inside out, well it's a good thing you are in the west now and not in a muslim country anymore, keep your cancerous ideology to yourself, or well if you want to spread it you are welcome to spread it in the west.

One of the dumbest things the west did (which I'm glad they did since this would weaken the west) was to have an open door policy towards people with low IQ & extremist ideologies like yourself.

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