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The Iraqi Armed Forces


Your welcome 7abibi,

It really unfortunate how so many Arabs get excited when an Iraqi soldier or policeman is killed, they call them traitors and puppets... They no nothing about them or who they are. They are normal people like you and me, most of them signed up for the army at a time in which many of them had a high chance of getting killed, the pay was less than $100 at the time. Yet they signed up and were determined to fight for Iraq's future. Many people under appreciate all the sacrifice that these men have made.

dont care to what they say,If they get excited it just shows how much they are Inhuman . They have never faced chaos,war, insecurity and don't know how much security is valuable. They don't care what is yous decision, they just wanna another saddam to run the country, another dictator who Suppress shia and majority of iraqi people and doesn't let they decide about their country. they have problem with democracy in iraq, Look at them, some dictator sheikh fat-a$$ who are lack of proud and history,who just spend oil money for games.
be proud of yourself, at least with all wars you passed you still have honor that they never can imagine it.
Lets see them in few years later.
Recent events

Commander of the Iraqi Air Force meets with US, Chinese and Pakistani defense representatives.
US rep, General Martin: discussed training courses.
Pakistani rep, Mohammed Rashed: discussed training courses in Pakistan for Iraqi officers / pilots.
Chinese rep head of CATIC: The manufacturer of the JF17 fighter, k8 trainer and UAVs. Iraqi AF commander indicated that they are prepared to test and evaluate aircraft that CATIC offers to Iraq.

The F16 pilots are training in the US and will return in September 2014 to begin flying the F16s over Iraq's skies.
First F16s will arrive in September 2014 and final aircraft delivered in 2017.
Now there are 6 Iraqi pilots flying F16s in the US and one is already a professional. More pilots are on the way.

The Czech deal is still in negotiations. Aero Vodochody continues to negotiate with the Iraqi government over the potential sale of 28 L-159 light attack and training aircraft. Senior management has stated that talks with the Iraqi government have stalled due to fierce competition faced by the L-159 from the Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) TA-50 Golden Eagle.

Russia has started fulfilling its recent arms exports contract with Iraq after receiving an advance payment from Baghdad, Russian Technologies (Rostech) CEO Sergei Chemezov said. “The contract is being implemented, the production [of ordered equipment] has started,” Chemezov told RIA Novosti on Thursday. No details as to when delivering and the numbers and types of equipment continue to be all over the place: 28-42 Mi28NE, 42-50 Pantsir S1, 6 Mi35, and now MiG-29s have been mentioned in this buy, Iraqi Minister of Defence mentioned an Air defence system with the cost of $210 million each, most likely S300 ( unconfirmed ).

Example of air defence, Pantsir S1 + S300
Rare photo from 2006.


Iraqi-Arabic poem for the Iraqi forces

صناديد المعارك يازلم كانون **** ياسيف النفر وكت الوغى اكرابه

يصكور الزمان وياليوث الغاب *** ياريح التهز ادروع دبابه

ياجيش المناية اليحذروك اعداك *** مايخطي سهمكم يذبح اصوابه

براكين وعجيبة جيوشكم بالكون *** من يكحم رعدها ونار لهابه

يذراع الوطن من يكدر ايلاويك *** غشيم الحاربك ومفارك احبابه

يانسل الحسين ويا حجر سجيل **** على جيش ابرهه نيران صبابه

عنيد شكد عنيد وتعشك الصعبات **** خصمك لو يكون الموت متهابه

ياسور الوطن ويافرج وكت الضيج *** كاس الذل صفة لعداك شرابه

مثل روج البحر ياسفن التعاديك *** اذا يصعد صكركم ينزل أغرابه

اسود انتوا ونعم منكم نهيل اشبال*** اذا يزأر اسدكم تسكت اجلابه

شهيد الراح منكم حي وابد مامات **** اذا تنخاه يكوم وينفض اترابه
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