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The India Pakistan geographical divide is at least 1600 years old

Dravidian as a language is 20% (mainly South Indian langauges)
Dravidian as a race (dark skinned people) - about the same. may be a little more 25-30%

The only problem is that Southern India is becoming mighty prosperous for you to ignore

My man... even sikhs make fun of your "north indians" from UP,Bihar etc... showing them as inferior,funny language speaking kammis,servants .. in their movies.
Indians have to understand that if they want to get united with Pakistan, they will have to say goodbye to Ladakh, whole of North-East sans Assam, South India...

They may gain Nepal,Bangladesh in the process
Nepalis especially the Indo-Aryan ones,only want to associate themselves with the fairer and sharper looking of Indians like Kashmiri Pandits,Kumaons,Rajputs and likes

and Pakistan would also then face a split with its Western Provinces and Gilgit Baltistan....(People from those provinces would not want to be associated with ethnicities further east due to huge disparity in looks)

All in All it would be a lose -lose situation in terms of looks and geo strategic reach for Pakistan
It would be a lose-lose situation in terms of GDP loss and mountainous territory loss for India

In short, It's not Happening..and the sooner many Indians give up the dream of Akhand Bharat (Historical reality only once for 120 years in 2,500 years documented history) the more conducive the neighbourhood situation would be, as many Pakistanis are wary of the claims of Akhand Bharat ....Both nations should be happy to have vast,diverse but still somewhat coherent Nation-states for themselves
Dravidian as a language is 20% (mainly South Indian langauges)
Dravidian as a race (dark skinned people) - about the same. may be a little more 25-30%

The only problem is that Southern India is becoming mighty prosperous for you to ignore

Afghanistan has more people than KPK

As for the initial census report KPK has a population of over 40+ million.

Afghanistans population is around 36 mollion or so.

Indians have to understand that if they want to get united with Pakistan, they will have to say goodbye to Ladakh, whole of North-East sans Assam, South India...

They may gain Nepal,Bangladesh in the process
Nepalis especially the Indo-Aryan ones,only want to associate themselves with the fairer and sharper looking of Indians like Kashmiri Pandits,Kumaons,Rajputs and likes

and Pakistan would also then face a split with its Western Provinces and Gilgit Baltistan....(People from those provinces would not want to be associated with ethnicities further east due to huge disparity in looks)

All in All it would be a lose -lose situation in terms of looks and geo strategic reach for Pakistan
It would be a lose-lose situation in terms of GDP loss and mountainous territory loss for India

In short, It's not Happening..and the sooner many Indians give up the dream of Akhand Bharat (Historical reality only once for 120 years in 2,500 years documented history) the more conducive the neighbourhood situation would be, as many Pakistanis are wary of the claims of Akhand Bharat ....Both nations should be happy to have vast,diverse but still somewhat coherent Nation-states for themselves
Absolutely... balochistan,KPK,GB would demand to be seperate states than merge with india.
Our similarities with Indians are shallow but our differences are deep and these are bound to get deeper with time. If we accept this reality (especially Indians), we may be able to live like good neighbours who do not need to be similar. We are Pakistani, we are majority Muslim and we have a lot more common with middle-eastern and central asian cultures and races than India but it shouldn't stop us being good friends like most of the EU nations are today.

We Pakistanis share some similarities with a minority in India (some north-western Indian people). The majority of Indians (South-eastern Indians) have nothing common with us except we both are human beings are sharing the same planet. The tribes in Amazon might have more similarities with south-eastern Indians than we have with them.
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Dravidian as a language is 20% (mainly South Indian langauges)
Dravidian as a race (dark skinned people) - about the same. may be a little more 25-30%

The only problem is that Southern India is becoming mighty prosperous for you to ignore

Afghanistan has more people than KPK
And KPK was 15% of Paks population in 2006-7. Which itself meant 25 mil population.

Not counting FATA or the Pashtun belt of Balochistan and Panjab. Or the millions of Pashtuns living in sindh.
Okay I think at best I would concede that the demography in Pakistan as a whole has significant overarching aspects with Indians living in westerly states. If India can divide herself like [below] this I think we can certainly sit down and talk "same".


or how about a Tibeto-Burman and Dravidian zones partitioned from India? Any takers? @wiseone2


You see I find it hilarious how Indians take the knife out and start dividing our people along ethnic lines. But hey let's take the knife out of their hands and turn it on India and see how they like their Dravids, Austrolids, Tibeto-Burmans get sliced and diced from their Indo-Aryan speakers? Boot on their feet feel nice?
Alternate Reality (Donot take it seriously)......It's another way of organizing 7-8 political entities

Main point is as said earlier, Looks more than economics is the biggest deciding factor in identity..and quite frankly there are many who think , any sort of unification will bring wide disparities in looks that is unsustainable in the long run.....There is natural logic behind the Indo-Pak division even without the Hinduism-Islam dichotomy

Ladakh----------------------------Independent like Bhutan
Bhutan---------------------------Independent as this reality
Indo-Aryan Land----------------North India,Bangladesh,Nepal,Pakistani Punjab,Sindh,Islamabad,Hazara,AK
North-West Belt country--------Balochistan,NWFP,FATA,Gilgit Baltistan
North-East Belt country---------Arunachal,Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram,part Tripura,Bodo,Meghalaya,Chittagong Hill tract and Port (cannot be landlocked)
Deccan Land--------------------South India but Goa stays in the North :D
Sri-Lanka-----------------------Stays Sri Lanka
Maldives------------------------stays Maldives
Nepal---------------------------merges with Indo-Aryan Land
Our similarities with Indians are shallow but our differences are deeper and these are bound to get deeper with time. If we accept this reality (especially Indians), we may be able to live like good neighbours who do not need to be similar. We are Pakistani, we are majority Muslim and we have a lot more common with middle-eastern and central asian cultures and races than India but it shouldn't stop us being good friends like most of the EU nations are today.

We Pakistanis share some similarities with a minority in India (some north-western Indian people). The majority of Indians (South-eastern Indians) have nothing common with us except we both are human beings are sharing the same planet. The tribes in Amazon might have more similarities with south-eastern Indians than we have with them.
Can you elaborate which similarities Pakistanis have with middle eastern countries in terms of race except religion.
Great to see more and more Indians admitting it. We are two different peoples, even though we share similarities in culture due to partition era migration and centuries of Mughal/British rule. Pakistanis are a distinct people, with a distinct heritage, culture, history, practices, beliefs and etc... different from Indians.

Some false flag posts and responds to his own comment.
then you concluded that Indians are admitting it !!!:lol:

Why 1600 years make it 5000 years , say indus valley ppl were wearing burqa and close the case once for all.
Can you elaborate which similarities Pakistanis have with middle eastern countries in terms of race except religion.

Most of North India only got a single pulse of Indo-European admixture---the Indo-Aryans
Most of Eastern Pakistan got admixture from Persians,Greeks,Scythians,Kushanas,Wusuns,Yuezhis,Alchon Huns,Nezak Huns,Kidarites, Hepthalites on top of the earliest Aryan admixture..This is discounting the later Islamic nomadic admixtures ..I am focussing on purely pre-Islamic times

only some parts of Western India got the Scythian and Hunnic admixture....but even then not at the same level as Eastern Pakistan...

Western Pakistan is of course the Direct descendant of Nomadic tribes

As you go from Bangladesh to Eastern Pakistan, there is gradual change in the median look in terms of sharpness of facial features, skin colour, acquiliníty of nose, shoulder width
I am surprised by this debate so often discussed on PDF. How does it matter now? 1947, we choose to go different. Our destiny are different. Move on.
confused ppl who belong now where keep searching for who they are.
Its like eternal philosophical search for origin of universe and ones own existence.

I bet solution for universe will be available when we meet alien life after 1000 years but the pakistan conundrum will continue.
Can you elaborate which similarities Pakistanis have with middle eastern countries in terms of race except religion.
Islam is not simply a religion but a way of living thus it affects everything...dress, food, manners, habits, heroes, etc. in addition to, a lot of Arab and other lineages are mixed.

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