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The Impact of Rafale & S400 induction into Indo/pak Theatre

It's off topic but the Klj 7a radar your referring too Is not fitted into block one and two thunders what you have currently is the mechanical radar called Klj7 onlyb
India has highest number of people living below poverty line compared to any country in the world: World Bank

India also has the largest middle income population in the world bar China .
India also has the the most millionaires and billionaires outside of China in Asia .
It's currently the fastest growing gdp in the world's top twenty economies.

Your point is meaningless
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It will change the balance ogmf poor for goid sake it will be eye ooener to our Air marshals and naval adniral we need big things to counter
It's off topic but the Klj 7a radar your referring too Is not fitted into block one and two thunders what you have currently is the mechanical radar called Klj7 onlyb
We can build 100 to 150 units of JF-17 block 3 with AESA radar (Klj-7A) and with new engines (WS-13). We can have as many thunders as we want and build them according to our needs and requirements and phase out the older models (Block 1). India on the other hand doesn't have such an option on the table. :agree:
We can build 100 to 150 units of JF-17 block 3 with AESA radar (Klj-7A) and with new engines (WS-13). We can have as many thunders as we want and build them according to our needs and requirements and phase out the older models (Block 1). India on the other hand doesn't have such an option on the table. :agree:
Good for you. But who is paying for them??

:welcome: تواڈی پہن دی سری

You know even with S400 you can't save india from nuclear attack.

So don't think for war with Pakistan, never.:smokin:
The main aim of these weapons is avoid war only

The OP is nothing more than a 12 year old fan boy who doesn't even knows the difference between an aircraft overhaul and an upgrade so no need to engage him.
As for Indians chest thumping on Rafales, well we have all been there with tall claims on the MKI being invincible and -29k being the best in South Asia which at one time was tethering on a soul destroying 15% operational availability.....no doubt in due course the Rafale bubble will burst.
Now u r talking like one
We can build 100 to 150 units of JF-17 block 3 with AESA radar (Klj-7A) and with new engines (WS-13). We can have as many thunders as we want and build them according to our needs and requirements and phase out the older models (Block 1). India on the other hand doesn't have such an option on the table. :agree:

Do you know what is this aircraft? There is something in this, which is going to find its way in all future IAF upgrades. The above is by the way already flying with quite a few up.
What a moronic reply

@Horus topics shud not be allowed on presumed acquisitions which are likely not to materialize... kindly close the thread or limit it to rafael only

just been confirmed the deal for s400 missle defense system to be signed in new delhi on 5th October during PUTIN visit to india ..

Your comments are going to look very very silly ……….. AND I did TELL you nothing not Even USA CAN stop this deal.

This is INDIA man a seriously important rising power
just been confirmed the deal for s400 missle defense system to be signed in new delhi on 5th October during PUTIN visit to india .

We will see...

Yesterday you said deal was already signed

Roz aik naya chutyapa...

Don't worry... by the time u get it we will make it already obsolete... it's just another weapons system like any other

Why was your airforce chief weeping on tv yesterday??

OF course its obsolete

But your rusty old F16 from the 1980s are state of the Art as are you cheap budget thunders

Russia Hopes to Sign S-400 Missile Contract With India in October

From your link...

Do you know English?? Or only hindutiva??

My guess is that u guys will not sign this deal and patriot pac 2 or 3 will be shoved down for back sides without lubrication....

But we will see... I m watchib
Russia Hopes to Sign S-400 Missile Contract With India in October

From your link...

Do you know English?? Or only hindutiva??

relax man.

Are you PRIVY to indo Russian defense deals …………… I TOLD YOU ……. its happening

RELAX take a chill pill man ………. They are coming as are Rafales

get used to it
Can’t afford to run country or government. But let’s buy jets and missiles. Yindooos haz itz.
S400 deal means India can create a 400km no fly zone along the westrn border . Never mind PAF shortlegged fighters even the AWACS they have can be shot down by S400 potentially from 300km

The Rafale is easily the most advanced fighter to ever arrive in our sub continent

Tiny RCS compared all current fighters in indo pak theatre
RBE2 aesa radars
Meteore ram jet missles have a NEZ of three times the amraam c5 & R27 or sd10a
The Rafale can carry 3 600km land attack cruise missles called scalp

The biggest advantage is the low maintenance and high turn round times

Survivabilkity in a thick hostile networked environment geared to fighting in west it will breeze through the big open south Asian skys that have relatively minor ew and sam systems at present

TO DATE the Pakistanis have no real effort to answer this $14 billion headache
good air forces will always find the weak spots of S-400 and rafales.
both haven't been used in wars yet.
Russian systems are always good on papers but failed miserably in war.
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