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The Impact of Rafale & S400 induction into Indo/pak Theatre

And you think Pakistan is sitting idle and not preparing to deal this kind of threat.

And you think Pakistan will not deploy ASAT, PL-15 & PL-21D etc. in future. Crossing Pakistani air defense will also be hell for India too.

The AESA radar of JFT will allow it to use PL-15/21D up to 170km against your MKIs now do your math about Rafael, also PA want latest Pantsir with another LR SAM.

It's easier said then done.

Asat is out of reach to pakisPak due to many technology restrictions.

Can u quote source for 170 km scan range of jf-17 radar
bhai jan, s-400s range is 400 km that does not mean that you can please s-400 batteries on wagah border so that they can shoot down Pakistani fighters..

S-400 will be placed 400 km away from border so that any fighter from Pakistan crosses border should be shoot down and S-400 should remain safe from any counter attack via air launched missiles or ground launch missiles..

Normt necessarily 400. They will be placed where it can be defended easily and covers more pakistaPa forward air bases.

Main advantage of s-400 is for pre emptive defense by offense.

It will track with probable range of 400 KMS and a no fly zone of 250 KMS for fighter jets will reduce PAF ability to Operate freely
S400 failed miserably in Syria ineffective both against tomahawks of which equivalent Babar we have or f16 upon which we based our jf17

As for rafale practicality other then range or payloads fourth gen jets don't have any clear advantage over other members
As for electronics new aesa radar upgrade r due for both f16 and jf17

S-400 going to be integrated with green pines and swordfish most probably with AWACS ....... so it will be a part of very complex web of radars and bottom line it’s a defensive weapon not a offensive weapon so it not gonna hurt anyone until someone tries to attack.....
So u believe that usa Israel r gonna let u integrate.Russian system with western based network system so Russians can get know how of Western Israeli systems even with this rising tension between the two sides
And that too after u as signed comcasa and USA has said no agreement on s400

Talk about Indian wet dreams ;)
The OP is nothing more than a 12 year old fan boy who doesn't even knows the difference between an aircraft overhaul and an upgrade so no need to engage him.
As for Indians chest thumping on Rafales, well we have all been there with tall claims on the MKI being invincible and -29k being the best in South Asia which at one time was tethering on a soul destroying 15% operational availability.....no doubt in due course the Rafale bubble will burst.
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Asat is out of reach to pakisPak due to many technology restrictions.

Can u quote source for 170 km scan range of jf-17 radar

You just don't have clue how Pakistan and China resolve issues, so when ASAT will be needed then Pakistan will have it.

Kindly Google about KLJ-7A.

The KLJ-7, also referred to as the Type 1478, is an X band airborne fire-control radar (FCR) developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET), also known as the China Electronics Technology Company's (CETC's) No. 14 Research Institute. The KLJ-7 radar is being built at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. The upgraded KLJ-7A is an AESA radar with an reported range of 170km for a 3 m2 target and 200km for 5 m2, with the ability to track 15 targets and engage 4.

KLJ-7A eliminates the former antenna and transmitter, preserves the latter's control system and display system, and upgrades the processor. This improvement and the United States APG-63V2 active phased array radar is the same, the purpose is to maximize the existing radar with the versatility, simplify logistics, reduce costs and costs.

According to fourteen experts, KLJ-7A air detection range of 200 km have exceeded the Indian Air Force Su-30MKI radar with is the BARS radar on the air target maximum detection distance of about 130 km, so JF-17 can rely on their smaller RCS, farther detection radar.

Smart Alec it will be deployed as mobile units along strategic needs and scenario at the given time.

Your bafoon we are not trying to create a air dominance bubble over land mass of five times the size of Pakistan..

Your argument is childish.

The loc either side near key locations of military use is where they can be deployed

We aare not spunkibg over five billion dollars to have the protect remote villages

Think before you post
Continue with ur idiotic thinking...u cannot be helped.
So you think Rafale is not a good aircraft?
The OP is nothing more than a 12 year old fan boy who doesn't even knows the difference between an aircraft overhaul and an upgrade so no need to engage him.
As for Indians chest thumping on Rafales, well we have all been there with tall claims on the MKI being invincible and -29k being the best in South Asia which at one time was tethering on a soul destroying 15% operational availability.....no doubt in due course the Rafale bubble will burst.
The OP is nothing more than a 12 year old fan boy who doesn't even knows the difference between an aircraft overhaul and an upgrade so no need to engage him.
As for Indians chest thumping on Rafales, well we have all been there with tall claims on the MKI being invincible and -29k being the best in South Asia which at one time was tethering on a soul destroying 15% operational availability.....no doubt in due course the Rafale bubble will burst.

Like I said in opening thread Pakistan has no hope of acquiring a suitable alternative platform to counter these hi end purchases.

Token gestureges will be made
Tall claims on thunder
Some minor Sam purchases.

I don't see anything now USA has aligned with India
And China never sells their hi end equipment to you guys
So you think Rafale is not a good aircraft?
Never said that, however it's a common knowledge that an aircraft is only as good as it's pilot and the support team.

Like I said in opening thread Pakistan has no hope of acquiring a suitable alternative platform to counter these hi end purchases.

Token gestureges will be made
Tall claims on thunder
Some minor Sam purchases.

I don't see anything now USA has aligned with India
And China never sells their hi end equipment to you guys
And as i said, every time India purchases something, it's out of this world, no one ever has anything to match it but then in due course all the fanfare evaporates, Pakistan declined the J-10 so no sweat over your tall claims.
Just watch this space. ;)
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