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The Holocaust Lie.

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Must not watch. There Germans have documented records of mass executions, mass graves have been uncovered, tens of thousands of eye witnesses have witnessed the execution including Germans, Jews or POW's in prison camps. Soviet and American soldiers have seen the concentration camps, the polish have seen the concentration camps German civilians have seen the concentration camps. The Germans themselves have acknowledged the killings and mass deportation. Many Russian Jews have been murder and deported.

The haulacast is one of the most documented invents in history, I even have family that has witnessed what happened to the Jews. Unless millions of people are liars its safe to say that some people love good conspiracy theories.
Must not watch. There Germans have documented records of mass executions, mass graves have been uncovered, tens of thousands of eye witnesses have witnessed the execution including Germans, Jews or POW's in prison camps. Soviet and American soldiers have seen the concentration camps, the polish have seen the concentration camps German civilians have seen the concentration camps. The Germans themselves have acknowledged the killings and mass deportation. Many Russian Jews have been murder and deported..

thats exactly what i thought
we have all been made to believe that story.

Just watch the video
Must not watch. There Germans have documented records of mass executions, mass graves have been uncovered, tens of thousands of eye witnesses have witnessed the execution including Germans, Jews or POW's in prison camps. Soviet and American soldiers have seen the concentration camps, the polish have seen the concentration camps German civilians have seen the concentration camps. The Germans themselves have acknowledged the killings and mass deportation. Many Russian Jews have been murder and deported.

The haulacast is one of the most documented invents in history, I even have family that has witnessed what happened to the Jews. Unless millions of people are liars its safe to say that some people love good conspiracy theories.

lol so you will just believe what has been repeated even though it may not be as concrete as you think it is
Must not watch. There Germans have documented records of mass executions, mass graves have been uncovered, tens of thousands of eye witnesses have witnessed the execution including Germans, Jews or POW's in prison camps. Soviet and American soldiers have seen the concentration camps, the polish have seen the concentration camps German civilians have seen the concentration camps. The Germans themselves have acknowledged the killings and mass deportation. Many Russian Jews have been murder and deported.

The haulacast is one of the most documented invents in history, I even have family that has witnessed what happened to the Jews. Unless millions of people are liars its safe to say that some people love good conspiracy theories.

I do believe the haulacast occured BUT i do not believe the numbers the nor the ridiculous stories siding it- Most of which I used to read out of sheer interest but now am confused as to how this kid or that kid was the ONLY SURVIVOR? Or how his/her whole family and neighbours were murdered but she/he survived or how he/she hid somewhere for weeks and then managed to bring themselves up from scratch at the age of 8?!

And to top it all....all these "survived kids" suffered no psychological trauma of watching their OWN FAMILIES BEING TORTURED TO DEATH! They must be really heartless or just are emotionally cut off!

In 1993, I published a book called Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. In it I devoted maybe, in toto, a page to a man named David Irving, who was a writer of historical works, a British citizen. And, from 1988 on, he had been an outspoken Holocaust denier—that the Holocaust was a legend, that he's seen evidence that it never happened, etcetera, etcetera. So, I didn't think I was doing anything outrageous when I said the man is a Holocaust denier. He sued me for libel in England when the book appeared there. I was the defendant; I did not sue him. In any case, because this was a British case, I was forced to defend myself. So, if I had ignored it, he would have won by default, and, ipso facto, he could then have said that his version of the Holocaust was a legitimate version.

The trial lasted twelve weeks, and in the end we won a resounding victory. The judge found that every one of the claims David Irving made about the Holocaust was false. He used words like "travesty," "misleading," "untrue," "unfounded," "unjustified." It really was a devastating, devastating blow to Holocaust denial, demonstrating how there's—this is not a matter of opinion, that this is not a matter of two sides, but a matter of people outright lying about the history.

...am confused as to how this kid or that kid was the ONLY SURVIVOR? Or how his/her whole family and neighbours were murdered but she/he survived or how he/she hid somewhere for weeks and then managed to bring themselves up from scratch at the age of 8...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum can answer many of these questions.

we have all been made to believe that story.
Can you tell us, or even yourself, exactly WHY this "lie" is so important to you?
Been to Dachua and Mauthausen, not death-camps per say...but nasty none the less.Much of the worst deaths in the Western camps was from breakdown of supply (food, medical, sanitation, etc.) near the end of the war.
Well, thank you....Like I said I do not believe it is a lie...Am just not sure about how they elaborated it and extrapolated it!
It wasn't merely a matter of statistics or "extrapolation"; Germans are excellent record-keepers. They counted.

The USHMM tells the story of what happened to the Jews of Europe in WWII but I think it tells only half of The Holocaust story; the other half is how German society became corrupted to the point that it elected and supported a government that carried out such deeds, along with devastating world-wide warfare. The first half the world needs to remember; the second half much of the world, including power-mad truth-denying states like Pakistan, needs to learn.
including power-mad truth-denying states like Pakistan, needs to learn.

Very interesting...Just because a government is corrupt doesn't mean its people are similar...

Just because American presidents loved to wage wars (from the occupation of America from the American Indians to the civil wars and till date...WARS is the only agenda)...am I to assume that ALL AMERICANS are blood thirsty?
Very interesting...Just because a government is corrupt doesn't mean its people are similar...
Anatoly Lieven, in his book Pakistan: A Hard Country, recounts that EVERY Pakistani who achieves even a small measure of power abuses it in his own interest - and that there are no exceptions.

Just because American presidents loved to wage wars (from the occupation of America from the American Indians to the civil wars and till date...WARS is the only agenda)...am I to assume that ALL AMERICANS are blood thirsty?
I see you are trying to divert the subject from your own backyard. It's so ingrained in Pakistanis they aren't always aware that telling others to "hold up the mirror" is no substitute for looking in the mirror themselves. America today has its checks and balances, its functioning courts, its human rights lawyers examining its behavior at home and abroad bringing suit against the government if necessary. Will you commit yourself to change Pakistan so it, too, can rise to such success?
OP you believe the work of a Neo Nazi member? I'm sure he would appreciate the color of your brown skin, oh wait, no he wouldn't... You are an Indian and you post up work from a white supremacist? Are you F**king kidding me right now? Coconut much?
For those interested on a different view on the Jewish holocaust I suggest you look up Ernst zundel.
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