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The Holocaust Lie.

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Holocaust happened and it was a shameful chapter in human history. Despite the propaganda---the evidence put up by official government sources are undeniable.

OP does not have the least bit of self-respect. Shame on you shinigami.

A little bit of thought before posting never hurt anybody.
it seems most of you are sheep. :lol: blindly believing just one side of the story.

All i am asking is to give the other side a ear.

As they say "Truth is the first casualty of war"

We do not need to be closed in our outlook to condemn a rape, or a murder of an innocent. There is no call to look at such matters in a neutral light.

There is only one side to the story. It is documented and substantiated to the point of excess. Only those with a political purpose set themselves to upset this,not in the interests of truth and balance, but to vilify the millions who died.
Anatoly Lieven, in his book Pakistan: A Hard Country, recounts that EVERY Pakistani who achieves even a small measure of power abuses it in his own interest - and that there are no exceptions.
And Jews were supposed to be the smartest people on earth?
Seriously, a fcking book? I think Lieven is a jewish name, so I'm guessing whatever **** he says is the truth right? Who the eff is this jerk anyways? You want some reading, read about Abdul Sattar Edhi, read about Ahmed Chinoy and there are many more.
And Jews were supposed to be the smartest people on earth?
Seriously, a fcking book? I think Lieven is a jewish name, so I'm guessing whatever **** he says is the truth right? Who the eff is this jerk anyways? You want some reading, read about Abdul Sattar Edhi, read about Ahmed Chinoy and there are many more.

What does his being Jewish have to do with his arguments? Are you a racist?

For the horrible little racist who thinks he is God's gift to the anti-Semitic cause, here is a little information about the man he haddetermined, using expert knowledge, to be Jewish:

Anatol Lieven is the third and youngest son and fourth child (of five children) of Alexander Lieven (of the Baltic German princely family, tracing ancestry to Liv chieftain Kaupo) by his first wife, Irishwoman, Veronica Monaghan (d. 1979).[1] He is the younger brother of academics Dominic Lieven and Elena Lieven, and distantly related to the Christopher Lieven (1774–1839), Ambassador to the Court of St James 1812-1834, whose wife was Dorothea von Benckendorff, later Princess Lieven (1785–1857), a notable society hostess. He is also the older brother of successful QC Nathalie Lieven.

We have here a bigot who is stupid.
it seems most of you are sheep. :lol: blindly believing just one side of the story.

All i am asking is to give the other side a ear.

As they say "Truth is the first casualty of war"
and what is the other side of the story. if you take a look at the cause for the death of Jews in concentration camps be it due to epidamic or gas chamber, its NAZIs who put them there and are punishable to death for their offences against humanity.
I do see Adolf Hitler as a great leader who made a significant achivement in organizing a national movement but that stops there. and the crude side can not be hidden just by propagating a lie that Holacast never happened.
It happened and there are numerous documents that tells the plight of the Jews during the reign of the Third Riche.

Don't dis regard the dead by denying it did not happen.
It seems that you have some difficulty in discriminating between respect for German military competence, based on wholesome characteristics such as thoroughness, attention to detail, devising an excellent methodology for planning and monitoring execution and, of course, soldierly qualities of discipline, courage and initiative, and the Nazi regime.

The two are not the same. No balanced, rational person can admire the track record of the Nazi regime. I am sorry to see you take the stand that you have taken. It diminishes you.

Well, i can care less what you think, i'm exercising my freedom of speech, the simple fact that you people jump to your feet to insult others, call them names, along with other things in your efforts to downplay them just goes to show the intolerant and insecure mindset of you people.

Secondly, the Wehrmacht and all branches of the German Military served under Hitler and his Generals.

^ You are obviously here to troll and not have an intelligent conversation. I'm done with this conversation, have a great day! :wave:
Can you not digest the fact that your racist supremacist intolerant nation loathes the Goyim, particularly the Dark skinned Goyim which includes most indians, at least 99.9% of the indian population. You're the one who's bringing up lame accusations, why not back them up with facts?
Well, i can care less what you think, i'm exercising my freedom of speech, the simple fact that you people jump to your feet to insult others, call them names, along with other things in your efforts to downplay them just goes to show the intolerant and insecure mindset of you people.

Secondly, the Wehrmacht and all branches of the Germany Military served under Hitler and his Generals.

How is their serving under Hitler a necessity for you to transfer your admiration of the Wehrmacht, the Heer, the Kriegsmarine and the Luftwaffe, to Hitler? Or to the Nazis?

Even the person in your avatar, the person whose appellation you use as your nickname, hated the Nazis, was involved in plotting to overthrow Hitler and was forced to his death by the Nazis.

I suggest you clean up your school boyish ideas about personalities and institutions.
Must not watch. There Germans have documented records of mass executions, mass graves have been uncovered, tens of thousands of eye witnesses have witnessed the execution including Germans, Jews or POW's in prison camps. Soviet and American soldiers have seen the concentration camps, the polish have seen the concentration camps German civilians have seen the concentration camps. The Germans themselves have acknowledged the killings and mass deportation. Many Russian Jews have been murder and deported.

The haulacast is one of the most documented invents in history, I even have family that has witnessed what happened to the Jews. Unless millions of people are liars its safe to say that some people love good conspiracy theories.

Strangely, NONE OF THE MUSLIMS NOR HINDUS NOR BUDHISTS were witness to it. Doesn't that in-itself sound like a conspiracy to you - that - ALL of the MUSLIMS + HINDUS + BUDHISTS were asleep while all this **** was going on? Not one single witness to this ginormous crime against humanity?

At-least we could have read one historical record by either Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammad Ali Jinnah condemning it, or even better, maybe some signs of it in the poems of our revered poets?


Well, I don't deny that there might be casualties of sort (couple hundred thousands / one million). But MULTIPLE of millions? Next time, historians need to do a better job, with believable numbers.

My attitude towards the historical record of holocaust is the same as if Moses really did walk on water. Someone please come up with a better explanation.

Whatever the case, even one person dying at the hands of that crazy Hitler, for his or her religious beliefs is the biggest shame on the face of humanity!

My sole problem is the MAGNITUDE and the witnesses to it.
Strangely, NONE OF THE MUSLIMS NOR HINDUS NOR BUDHISTS were witness to it. Doesn't that in-itself sound like a conspiracy to you - that - ALL of the MUSLIMS + HINDUS + BUDHISTS were asleep while all this **** was going on? Not one single witness to this ginormous crime against humanity?

At-least we could have read one historical record by either Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammad Ali Jinnah condemning it, or even better, maybe some signs of it in the poems of our revered poets?


Well, I don't deny that there might be casualties of sort (couple hundred thousands / one million). But MULTIPLE of millions? Next time, historians need to do a better job, with believable numbers.

My attitude towards the historical record of holocaust is the same as if Moses really did walk on water. Someone please come up with a better explanation.

Whatever the case, even one person dying at the hands of that crazy Hitler, for his or her religious beliefs is the biggest shame on the face of humanity!

My sole problem is the MAGNITUDE and the witnesses to it.

This is utterly silly.

Gandhi was sitting in India while all this was going on. There were perhaps one or two Muslims throughout the war zone inEurope. No Buddhists at all; unless Switzerland had turned Buddhist.

And before posting dumb comments like this, look up Iqbal's life for the dates; check when he died.


Now go back to your homework.
Ah ofcourse the holocaust was lie. Such a grand conspiracy it was, developed by the West to justify the killing of Arabs years after it actually took place. Imagine the incredible foresight required to plan something a decade in advance...magical. And then the Soviets who actually discovered virtually all of the major death camps in Poland, the same Soviets that were supporting the Arabs in their conflicts and were sworn enemies of the West, were part of the lie as well! Playing along with the US and the Allies, who used this horrendously fake event to beat Soviet allies into the ground. Finally, let us not forget the role of six million Jews (half or their population at the time), who must have hid in a cave in Texas surely, to perpetuate this myth. Which explains why the Jewish population today is...er...the same as it was 70 years ago. Well that's proves it, the dangerous population growth that threatens are planet is also a lie created by the West to stunt our development and destroy our families.

Or maybe...just maybe...the holocaust happened and people are claiming otherwise with absolutely no understanding of the subject and the immense suffering endured by those involved. No, the first explanation made more sense.

On side note, it makes a mockery of those suffering today in Palestine or whichever cause people here believe in, when you disregard the suffering of their counterparts of the past.
Ah ofcourse the holocaust was lie. Such a grand conspiracy it was, developed by the West to justify the killing of Arabs years after it actually took place. Imagine the incredible foresight required to plan something a decade in advance...magical. And then the Soviets who actually discovered virtually all of the major death camps in Poland, the same Soviets that were supporting the Arabs in their conflicts and were sworn enemies of the West, were part of the lie as well! Playing along with the US and the Allies, who used this horrendously fake event to beat Soviet allies into the ground. Finally, let us not forget the role of six million Jews (half or their population at the time), who must have hid in a cave in Texas surely, to perpetuate this myth. Which explains why the Jewish population today is...er...the same as it was 70 years ago. Well that's proves it, the dangerous population growth that threatens are planet is also a lie created by the West to stunt our development and destroy our families.

Or maybe...just maybe...the holocaust happened and people are claiming otherwise with absolutely no understanding of the subject and the immense suffering endured by those involved. No, the first explanation made more sense.

PLEASE don't do this in future without warning. Remember that some of us are not as young as we were. And thank you for the sparkling, witty comment.
This is utterly silly.

Gandhi was sitting in India while all this was going on. There were perhaps one or two Muslims throughout the war zone inEurope. No Buddhists at all; unless Switzerland had turned Buddhist.

And before posting dumb comments like this, look up Iqbal's life for the dates; check when he died.


Now go back to your homework.

Where did I mention Iqbal?
Gandhi and Jinnah were totally oblivious to the whole second world war?
Are you kidding me, do you know how many from the sub-continent fought in the second world war? AND NO not all were in the Eastern theater, numerous units operated inside Europe as well!

Were you the book-keeper during the war, that you're better informed?

How the hell can you attest to the numbers? As I said, I am not saying that it was a lie or it didn't happen, I'm challenging the scale of it.

Which historical records actually do check out? Or is it just the word of victor that you're used to believing in blindly? On that accord, think about it, EVERYONE in Pakistan still believes that we won the war with India in 1971! :D Maybe you're from the same stock of people, devoid of relative thinking! :blink:

Stop being a smarty-pant, and li**** your masters balls without using all the grey matter. Or is it defiance just for the sake of adversity that you crave against muslims as a whole?
Some people believe in outrageous conspiracy theories because it makes them feel special and enlightened. They need a life!

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