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The Holocaust Lie.

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For those interested on a different view on the Jewish holocaust I suggest you look up Ernst zundel.

Oh, you mean yet another white supremacist banned from the US Canada, the UK, and even his home country of Germany?

The guy who promoted the idea that UFOs were really secret weapons of the Nazis who had fled to New Swabia in Antarctica.

The UFOs supposedly monitor humanity and are part of a secret plan to re-conquer the world at an unspecified time

:rofl: :lol:

Also the guy who was imprisoned in his home country of Germany, sounds like a legit source. :tup:
OP you believe the work of a Neo Nazi member? I'm sure he would appreciate the color of your brown skin, oh wait, no he wouldn't... You are an Indian and you post up work from a white supremacist? Are you F**king kidding me right now? Coconut much?

David Irving is not a Neo-Nazi, i don't see a Swastika tattooed on his forehead or a big Swastika on his shirt.

BTW, speaking of discriminating against people of dark skin color:

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Israeli minors charged with robbing, beating African migrants in Tel Aviv Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Elderly African Refugee Attacked And Beaten In Jerusalem - FailedMessiah.com

Are you kidding me? David Irving (who the hell is David Irwin?) is a known fascist/neo nazi. He refers to himself as a "stone washer. cleaning the slime that adorns the stones of Adolf Hitler's memory"

Also what are those links supposed to mean? You can't repudiate what I told you so instead you try and post articles hinting of racism in Israel? What does that have to do with anything? Oh that's right, nothing.
For those interested on a different view on the Jewish holocaust I suggest you look up Ernst zundel.

He's a very intelligent man, i actually used to believed that he was a Racist Neo-NAZI White Supremacist until i watched his videos ,one of them where he was interviewed by a Israeli Journalist. The guy brought up some pretty valid arguments, which even the israeli was unable to refute.

Now this man David Irving, he's become popular among many people i know, and surprisingly most of the people who read his books are not white. His sources are not other historians, rather he quotes the actual original German and allied Documents from the archives.

Are you kidding me? David Irving (who the hell is David Irwin?) is a known fascist/neo nazi. He refers to himself as a "stone washer. cleaning the slime that adorns the stones of Adolf Hitler's memory"
David Irving is not a Nazi, prove that he is a NAZI.

Also what are those links supposed to mean? You can't repudiate what I told you so instead you try and post articles hinting of racism in Israel? What does that have to do with anything? Oh that's right, nothing.

I think you have a hard time comprehending links about your racist supremacist country, why is that?

Violent Riots Target African Nationals Living In Israel : NPR

Jews in Israel Start Race Riot Against African Immigrants | Occidental Dissent

African asylum seekers injured in Tel Aviv race riots | World news | guardian.co.uk

More U.S. groups slam anti-African migrant rioting in Tel Aviv | Israel | Jewish Journal

Israeli anti-immigration riots hit African neighbourhood of Tel Aviv - Telegraph

Now before you label anyone else a racist you hypocrite, post these links about your country along with your accusation ok??
^ You are obviously here to troll and not have an intelligent conversation. I'm done with this conversation, have a great day! :wave:
It wasn't merely a matter of statistics or "extrapolation"; Germans are excellent record-keepers. They counted.

The USHMM tells the story of what happened to the Jews of Europe in WWII but I think it tells only half of The Holocaust story; the other half is how German society became corrupted to the point that it elected and supported a government that carried out such deeds, along with devastating world-wide warfare. The first half the world needs to remember; the second half much of the world, including power-mad truth-denying states like Pakistan, needs to learn.

I wouldn't say the Germans became corrupted. They became desperate more than anything else, to bring Germany back from economic ruin and saw a nationalistic furor in Hitler that they thought would benefit them.
Oh, you mean yet another white supremacist banned from the US Canada, the UK, and even his home country of Germany?

The guy who promoted the idea that UFOs were really secret weapons of the Nazis who had fled to New Swabia in Antarctica.

The UFOs supposedly monitor humanity and are part of a secret plan to re-conquer the world at an unspecified time

:rofl: :lol:

Also the guy who was imprisoned in his home country of Germany, sounds like a legit source. :tup:

Any one who is a revisionist to history of the Jewish holocaust will never be accepted as a legit source in your view. However people should be free to make up there own minds and not be persecuted or criminalised if they choose not to accept the official narrative.
^ You are obviously here to troll and not have an intelligent conversation. I'm done with this conversation, have a great day! :wave:

Yes you had a very Intelligent conversation didn't you, MAking Racist comments against another member calling him a coconut

OP you believe the work of a Neo Nazi member? I'm sure he would appreciate the color of your brown skin, oh wait, no he wouldn't... You are an Indian and you post up work from a white supremacist? Are you F**king kidding me right now? Coconut much?[/QUOTE]

Post reported


Anatoly Lieven, in his book Pakistan: A Hard Country, recounts that EVERY Pakistani who achieves even a small measure of power abuses it in his own interest - and that there are no exceptions.

I see you are trying to divert the subject from your own backyard. It's so ingrained in Pakistanis they aren't always aware that telling others to "hold up the mirror" is no substitute for looking in the mirror themselves. America today has its checks and balances, its functioning courts, its human rights lawyers examining its behavior at home and abroad bringing suit against the government if necessary. Will you commit yourself to change Pakistan so it, too, can rise to such success?

No he is not Solomon and you know it. He just merely pointed out the facts

Original post of Talon qouted by solomon2:

Very interesting...Just because a government is corrupt doesn't mean its people are similar...

Just because American presidents loved to wage wars (from the occupation of America from the American Indians to the civil wars and till date...WARS is the only agenda)...am I to assume that ALL AMERICANS are blood thirsty?
guys, give it a break.
historical documents can claim either way. Holucast happened or not, now its a 65 year old topic.
if Being organised in a crime, then no other religion should be calling for unity among its faith. Jews are good at being united and promoting their cause. we are just jelouse about them as they are able to control the world as it is today.
David Irving is not a Neo-Nazi, i don't see a Swastika tattooed on his forehead or a big Swastika on his shirt.

BTW, speaking of discriminating against people of dark skin color:

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Israeli minors charged with robbing, beating African migrants in Tel Aviv Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Elderly African Refugee Attacked And Beaten In Jerusalem - FailedMessiah.com

Isn't this the same David Irwing who claimed that 400,000 people were killed in Dresden when a commission by the German Government found that the death toll to be about 25,000.

And I am suppose to believe this nut on the Holocaust. :rofl:
thats exactly what i thought
we have all been made to believe that story.

Just watch the video

I deeply resent this immature and childish step of publicizing a known falsified of records and information to make an anti-Holocaust case. The man has been banned In a number of countries, and has been a fascist sympathizer since his student days.

Here is an extract about his unsuccessful libel case when he was accused of Holocaust denial:

Irving's reputation as an historian was widely discredited after he brought an unsuccessful libel case against the American historian Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books. The English court found that Irving was an active Holocaust denier, antisemite, and racist, who "associates with right-wing extremists who promote neo-Nazism", and that he had "for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence".

Earlier he had lost a libel case for his falsification of the PQ 17 Russian convoy (his father was an RN Commander who suffered when his ship was torpedoed during another Russian convoy, QP 11). His major work was on the bombing of Dresden, but his original figure of over 200,000 casualties was successively revised, and now the most authentic third-party sources talk of 20,000 to 25,000 casualties - 25,000 too many, but not what Irving claimed to have established. His use of evidence was horrible; people talked to him about rumours they had heard, and he reported them as estimates by expert witnesses.

I am really appalled that this person has received publicity in PDF. it has repercussions which are not pleasant. It is certainly not an initiation that an OP can take pride in.

thats exactly what i thought
we have all been made to believe that story.

Just watch the video

Utterly irresponsible behaviour.

Do not, please, come to conclusions about such historical events on the basis of a YouTube video.

I do believe the haulacast occured BUT i do not believe the numbers the nor the ridiculous stories siding it- Most of which I used to read out of sheer interest but now am confused as to how this kid or that kid was the ONLY SURVIVOR? Or how his/her whole family and neighbours were murdered but she/he survived or how he/she hid somewhere for weeks and then managed to bring themselves up from scratch at the age of 8?!

And to top it all....all these "survived kids" suffered no psychological trauma of watching their OWN FAMILIES BEING TORTURED TO DEATH! They must be really heartless or just are emotionally cut off!

Hardly the evidence on which to come to any conclusions.

As in every other academic discipline, history is 'done' by historians in a very careful environment. This man has Violated the sanctity of evidence he has gathered in every single case that he has covered, sometimes misrepresenting the facts, sometimes distorting the background and topicality of the witness, sometimes simply falsifying stuff.

He is toxic.

So one must stand behind bullet proof glass if he denies the holocaust to save himself from the shitstorm, while the Zionists deny Palestinian holocausts everyday.


One crime does not justify another.

OP you believe the work of a Neo Nazi member? I'm sure he would appreciate the color of your brown skin, oh wait, no he wouldn't... You are an Indian and you post up work from a white supremacist? Are you F**king kidding me right now? Coconut much?

I share your anger and fury at the act of posting this, but do not understand why you have to stand in the gutter yourself, and make racist remarks.

He's a very intelligent man, i actually used to believed that he was a Racist Neo-NAZI White Supremacist until i watched his videos ,one of them where he was interviewed by a Israeli Journalist. The guy brought up some pretty valid arguments, which even the israeli was unable to refute.

Now this man David Irving, he's become popular among many people i know, and surprisingly most of the people who read his books are not white. His sources are not other historians, rather he quotes the actual original German and allied Documents from the archives.

David Irving is not a Nazi, prove that he is a NAZI.

I think you have a hard time comprehending links about your racist supremacist country, why is that?

Violent Riots Target African Nationals Living In Israel : NPR

Jews in Israel Start Race Riot Against African Immigrants | Occidental Dissent

African asylum seekers injured in Tel Aviv race riots | World news | guardian.co.uk

More U.S. groups slam anti-African migrant rioting in Tel Aviv | Israel | Jewish Journal

Israeli anti-immigration riots hit African neighbourhood of Tel Aviv - Telegraph

Now before you label anyone else a racist you hypocrite, post these links about your country along with your accusation ok??

It seems that you have some difficulty in discriminating between respect for German military competence, based on wholesome characteristics such as thoroughness, attention to detail, devising an excellent methodology for planning and monitoring execution and, of course, soldierly qualities of discipline, courage and initiative, and the Nazi regime.

The two are not the same. No balanced, rational person can admire the track record of the Nazi regime. I am sorry to see you take the stand that you have taken. It diminishes you.

Any one who is a revisionist to history of the Jewish holocaust will never be accepted as a legit source in your view. However people should be free to make up there own minds and not be persecuted or criminalised if they choose not to accept the official narrative.

Seeking an alternative for the sake of seeking an alternative does not make much sense.
it seems most of you are sheep. :lol: blindly believing just one side of the story.

All i am asking is to give the other side a ear.

As they say "Truth is the first casualty of war"
From the judgement of Charles Gray delivered his 333-page decision on the trial on April 11th

Irving is anti-Semitic. His words are directed against Jews, either individually or collectively, in the sense that they are by turns hostile, critical, offensive and derisory in their references to Semitic people, their characteristics and appearances…[and therefore,] it appears to me that the correct and inevitable inference must be that for the most part the falsification of the historical record was deliberate and that Irving was motivated by a desire to present events in a manner consistent with his own ideological beliefs even if that involved distortion and manipulation of historical evidence

Perhaps rather than reading irvings creations you could read accounts from the people that were there.


This file contains excerpts from testimonies of SS men, with sources.

One example

From the statement of Hans Stark, registrar of new arrivals, Auschwitz:
[Quoted in "'The Good Old Days'" - E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The
Free Press, NY, 1988, p. 255].
At another, later gassing -- also in autumn 1941 -- Grabner* ordered
me to pour Zyklon B into the opening because only one medical orderly
had shown up. During a gassing Zyklon B had to be poured through both
openings of the gas-chamber room at the same time. This gassing was
also a transport of 200-250 Jews, once again men, women and children.
As the Zyklon B -- as already mentioned -- was in granular form, it
trickled down over the people as it was being poured in. They then
started to cry out terribly for they now knew what was happening to
them. I did not look through the opening because it had to be closed
as soon as the Zyklon B had been poured in. After a few minutes there
was silence. After some time had passed, it may have been ten to
fifteen minutes, the gas chamber was opened. The dead lay
higgledy-piggedly all over the place. It was a dreadful sight.

* Maximillian Grabner, Head of Political Department, Auschwitz
If Israel is racist supremacy country, then why tens of thousands of Africans come here risking their lives? :rolleyes: They pay to Bedouins in Sinai 3000$ per person just to come to Israel.


it seems most of you are sheep. :lol: blindly believing just one side of the story.

All i am asking is to give the other side a ear.

As they say "Truth is the first casualty of war"
OK. Plz tell me where disappeared 3 million Polish Jews. I am kindly listening to your side of the story.
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