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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

We all have to be careful with what we wish for, especially related to war. Little posturing here and there is okay, but don't push your luck for winning the war. In war, even the winner lose. Strive for peace.

And although we have to be ready for the worst, that is war. But don't wish for war.

I'm happy for the competition of trade, export, ... as the subject of this thread.
personal idea, feel free to discuss.
Let spend few minutes look back Vietnam War.

It's North Vietnam soldiers ( lately the winner ) who fight against South Vietnam and US soldiers ( SVN ally ).
not any Soviet or Chinese soldiers ( as in Korean war ) did that

It's North Vietnam pilots who fly Mig-17, Mig-21 engaged in air combats to American pilots in B-52, F4 Phantom, F-105, ... not Chinese or Soviet pilots ( as in Korean war ) did that.

Nowaday, Vietnam is adopting 3 Nos : No military alliance ; No foreign military bases in Vietnam ; and No come along with a nation to confront against another nation.

That's why I can't confirm to you, who is the military ally of Vietnam ( officially, No ally )
Chinese took part in air defense of Hanoi. Many will killed by American bombers. With Chinese defense , more north vietnamese can be freed up to fight in south.

It was the Chinese gurantee that north vietnam will not be invaded. It was the Chinese food and small arms supplies that ensure war can be continued.
Chinese took part in air defense of Hanoi. Many will killed by American bombers. With Chinese defense , more north vietnamese can be freed up to fight in south.

It was the Chinese gurantee that north vietnam will not be invaded. It was the Chinese food and small arms supplies that ensure war can be continued.

Chinese soldiers were logistic who built the road from China to Vietnam. They were in Langson, Thainguyen and Yenbai. from 1968, they disappeared from North Vietnam.
Chinese soldiers were logistic who built the road from China to Vietnam. They were in Langson, Thainguyen and Yenbai. from 1968, they disappeared from North Vietnam.
No, they took part in air defense of vietnam in north. You vietnamese are so ungrateful to even recognised such effort.
No, they took part in air defense of vietnam in north. You vietnamese are so ungrateful to even recognised such effort.

don't say like that to Hanoi people. They could have big laugh on you.
No, they took part in air defense of vietnam in north. You vietnamese are so ungrateful to even recognised such effort.

the support of China is real. but for the air defense, let me correct you.

Any factory in North at the time also has their air self defense gun. Rarely those guns could shoot down any US aircraft







This is the real air defense.




The Mig carrying signs 3426, terror of American pilots ( during 1967-1972 )
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Chinese took part in air defense of Hanoi. Many will killed by American bombers. With Chinese defense , more north vietnamese can be freed up to fight in south.

It was the Chinese gurantee that north vietnam will not be invaded. It was the Chinese food and small arms supplies that ensure war can be continued.

Not "will" but "were" ... :whistle:

China wanted take a part in that war, so they did it !? :coffee:
It's China who shake hand with USA, and agreed to bomb Hanoi and Northern Vietnam to stone ages, in 1972, I remind you that.
The one no guts to fight China is vietnam. We are all happy if Vietnam going to start first. It will be a good excuse to teach vietnam a lessons. Want to check out our PLAN Inventory, how many warship and submarine we have?

You want to pick a fight and you are bound to lose. You are just an egg while China is a rock.

Boring as ever by Chinese PDF troll ... count the number and you win the war ! Ah-ha! :meeting:

You guys 're always so proud about event in 1988, when Vietnam exhaust by Cambodia war (against genocide Khmer-rough was backed by China) and economic-social crisis, China was supported by USA, and Soviet Union was weaken, don't want against two big enemies.

Have no guts !? :sarcastic:
Did we surrender to China !? No

Our Navy at that time was weak, we only had transport ships at scene our troop armed with AK and RPG, and counter PRC warship with big guns.

We hold the line until Chinese troop fired first, and then we fired back. With unbalance firepower, we lost the battle, but PRC can't continue their advance.
And until now, with no ally support in officially, we're till counter China in SCS, at the area where China declared their control from 1974 while Philippines was pushing back into their EEZ.

Just wish so many like you become PRC leaders, that will be great.:partay:
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@xunzi my dear, your post is so hilarious I don't even know whether you are being serious or just making an April fool's day joke. LOL

I'm putting you little Vietnamese in your own space and place. Like I said, nobody cares about Vietnam if it doesn't contain China in it. Post some Vietnamese news without China and see how many people interesting in commenting. LOL

This is really funny. Not only do you often appear in Vietnamese threads that has nothing to do with China, you've also created threads with articles about Vietnam that has nothing to do with China. See for example these threads created by you:

Agent Orange Legacy Scourges Vietnam

With Vietnam's economic advance comes stark income inequality

LOL please do think a little before you type.

This is the first time I heard a person believe we lost the oil rig faceoff. LOL Almost every analysts wrote article at the time claiming we left on our term. Plain simple, we save your face from further humiliation. Your concession is not to join Philippine tribunal case.

The first time? This analyst examine several assessments about the oil rig skirmish and agree with those who think China blinked:

Vietnam, China and the Oil Rig Crisis: Who Blinked? | The Diplomat

Now I'm not sure if you are lying or you just don't do much reading. I'm inclined to think the latter because you've previously confused the definition of a fighter's ferry range with its combat radius. Even when we tried to inform you the definition of a combat radius, you still didn't read it and had no clue about it as you then divided it in half to take into account the return flight lol. I think you're not here to debate and learn but just to write some keyboard warrior nonsense to make Internet friends. I think I might be wasting my time.

But here are a few words to debunk your nonsense:

1. Before the oil rig skirmish, no Vietnamese officials has ever officially declared that VN will join the Philippines' arbitration case. So you are deluding yourself with ypur Ah Q victory by thinking that VN was joining the Philippines, but since VN didn't join, it is a Chinese victory. So please provide me some source to prove that VN was going to join the Philippines before you celebrate your strawman Ah Q victory.

2. Your other Ah Q explanation is even more funny. China withdrew the rig earlier than what they've planned because it wants to save face for VN? Ah Q victory. This must be a April Fools joke right?

You think paying lip service to the Filipino will change outcome? Substance is what matter, my friend. No you didn't openly supports the Philippines. You wrote a letter to the UN tribunal telling that them to protect your interest in that case.

Vietnam didn't openly supports the Philippines? Really? You do realize that the "letter" they've sent also clearly said they agree with the Philippines that the Tribunal has jurisdiction. Only an Ah Q would selectively ignore this part to write about his moral victory lol. Some Vietnamese PDF'er has previously unfairly labelled other members as Ah Q but I really think I've now found a real Ah Q.

Finally, this is all offtopic as mentioned by BoQ77. So if you want to continue debate about Vietnam giving concessions, then open a new thread and tag me there.
No we have something called a brain. A conflict with China will benefit no one.

Ok, you admit it. You have no backbone. You would rather let someone bigger and stronger than you pick on you like a toy. You would rather let them rape, torture your women. You would rather watch your wife being raped by someone stronger than you. Sounds like you bud. Enjoy your pathetic life you think you have a brain and no gut.

Simply no guts to pick a fight and now claim others are chicken. When China put a oil rig at paracel island where is vietnamese warship?

Currently China is enlarging all our island in spratly island and what did vietnam do?

Who is the chicken now? I will not laugh at your impotent. :lol:

You can certainly build a replica of Beijing city on those islands. Hell if I care, but as I said earlier, you don't have the gut to declare a full invasion in Vietnam mainland. You still trying to dodge my question above "If you're so bold, why don't you declare a full invasion into Vietnam?"

"China put a oil rig at paracel island where is vietnamese warship?"
The last time I heard, the Chinese oil rig left the area and went back to China. There was no force required for the Chinese to pack up and leave. I don't see what was the big deal about that. But you still can't answer my question as to "If you're so bold, then why don't you declare a full invasion to Vietnam?"

Calling someone a "chicken" and being a hypocrite at the same time doesn't make you any better. You're just a fool, happy April fools day, cuckoo.

We all have to be careful with what we wish for, especially related to war. Little posturing here and there is okay, but don't push your luck for winning the war. In war, even the winner lose. Strive for peace.

And although we have to be ready for the worst, that is war. But don't wish for war.

China wants a war, not Vietnam. Do you even know what the Vietnam war was all about? Have you even experienced or being into a country that is war torn for two and a half decades? Of course we all have to be careful. You have been fed by a lot of junk by the Chinese propaganda and trolls on this site. There's some luck in war but it isn't everything to determine winners and losers. I don't think you even know the situation between Vietnam and China and USA and Russia.

Since when Vietnam is striving for a war with China? what on earth are you even talking about.
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Ok, you admit it. You have no backbone. You would rather let someone bigger and stronger than you pick on you like a toy. You would rather let them rape, torture your women. You would rather watch your wife being raped by someone stronger than you. Sounds like you bud. Enjoy your pathetic life you think you have a brain and no gut.

Doesn't seems like it. He said that, he would rather let someone bigger and stronger than you pick you like a toy. He would rather let them rape, torture your woman. He would rather watch your wife being rape by someone stronger than you. And he would enjoy watching your pathetic life, since you have only gut and have no brain. Whoever you are.

China wants a war, not Vietnam. Do you even know what the Vietnam war was all about? Have you even experienced or being into a country that is war torn for two and a half decades? Of course we all have to be careful. You have been fed by a lot of junk by the Chinese propaganda and trolls on this site. There's some luck in war but it isn't everything to determine winners and losers. I don't think you even know the situation between Vietnam and China and USA and Russia.

Since when Vietnam is striving for a war with China? what on earth are you even talking about.

Everybody preparing for the worst in this region, even indonesia. We strengthen our position on natuna and quietly joining forces with all regional powers to keep any tension down in this region, but advocating for war is garbage. Our position is clear. Indonesia always strive for peace and stability of ASEAN.

Our vietnamese friend sounds quite reasonable, i only quoted your statement asking for real war.
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Doesn't seems like it. He said that, he would rather let someone bigger and stronger than you pick you like a toy. He would rather let them rape, torture your woman. He would rather watch your wife being rape by someone stronger than you. And he would enjoy watching your pathetic life, since you have only gut and have no brain. Whoever you are.

I don't have respect for people with no backbone. Those are the kind of people that truly ruin a country. I only respect people that stand up straight and willing to sacrifice everything for his/her passion to protect his/her country and love ones. You know what I mean?

Everybody preparing for the worst in this region, even indonesia. We strengthen our position on natuna and quietly joining forces with all regional powers to keep any tension down in this region, but advocating for war is garbage. Our position is clear. Indonesia always strive for peace and stability of ASEAN.

Our vietnamese friend sounds quite reasonable, i only quoted your statement asking for real war.

No, that's false. The Chinese is taunting Vietnam into a war. But Vietnamese know better not to be falling into the taunting game the Chinese play and I simply replied to the Chinese back "If they are so bold, why don't they start a full invasion" which is a valid statement to prove that if China is bold enough to do it and it is willing to risk everything they have achieved for near 3 decades to become second to none largest economy in the world.

Why pick on the small guy and belittle him? It's arrogance.
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I don't have respect for people with no backbone. Those are the kind of people that truly ruin a country. I only respect people that stand up straight and willing to sacrifice everything for his/her passion to protect his/her country and love ones. You know what I mean?

Self restraint is a sign of strength. We can scream sacrifice here and now since we are not in the position to take the job. At the end, It's the people that will sacrifice everything. Do you claim to represent their voice? If this is your war, then i'll applaud your sacrifice.

No, that's false. The Chinese is taunting Vietnam into a war. But Vietnamese know better not to be falling into the taunting game the Chinese play and I simply replied to the Chinese back "If they are so bold, why don't they start a full invasion" which is a valid statement to prove that if China is bold enough to do it and it is willing to risk everything they have achieved for near 3 decades to become second to none largest economy in the world.

Taunting game have been played by both side consistently, and we all can understand this, as long as the game kept in the reasonable level. Why they need to start a full invasion? Who's gonna clap and laugh if this horror truly happen?
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