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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

@xunzi my dear, your post is so hilarious I don't even know whether you are being serious or just making an April fool's day joke. LOL

This is really funny. Not only do you often appear in Vietnamese threads that has nothing to do with China, you've also created threads with articles about Vietnam that has nothing to do with China. See for example these threads created by you:

Agent Orange Legacy Scourges Vietnam

With Vietnam's economic advance comes stark income inequality

LOL please do think a little before you type.
Those threads are a direct response to one of the Vietnamese troll constant blackmail of China with his China obsession. In fact, I was having very little interest in those articles other than to make fun of Vietnam.

The first time? This analyst examine several assessments about the oil rig skirmish and agree with those who think China blinked:

Vietnam, China and the Oil Rig Crisis: Who Blinked? | The Diplomat

Now I'm not sure if you are lying or you just don't do much reading. I'm inclined to think the latter because you've previously confused the definition of a fighter's ferry range with its combat radius. Even when we tried to inform you the definition of a combat radius, you still didn't read it and had no clue about it as you then divided it in half to take into account the return flight lol. I think you're not here to debate and learn but just to write some keyboard warrior nonsense to make Internet friends. I think I might be wasting my time.

But here are a few words to debunk your nonsense:

1. Before the oil rig skirmish, no Vietnamese officials has ever officially declared that VN will join the Philippines' arbitration case. So you are deluding yourself with ypur Ah Q victory by thinking that VN was joining the Philippines, but since VN didn't join, it is a Chinese victory. So please provide me some source to prove that VN was going to join the Philippines before you celebrate your strawman Ah Q victory.

2. Your other Ah Q explanation is even more funny. China withdrew the rig earlier than what they've planned because it wants to save face for VN? Ah Q victory. This must be a April Fools joke right?
Read that article again. There are two sides to the argument. The people who wrote articles on National Interest are notorious for Anti-China so I'm not surprise he said we blink.

Vietnam didn't openly supports the Philippines? Really? You do realize that the "letter" they've sent also clearly said they agree with the Philippines that the Tribunal has jurisdiction. Only an Ah Q would selectively ignore this part to write about his moral victory lol. Some Vietnamese PDF'er has previously unfairly labelled other members as Ah Q but I really think I've now found a real Ah Q.

Finally, this is all offtopic as mentioned by BoQ77. So if you want to continue debate about Vietnam giving concessions, then open a new thread and tag me there.
Again, remember the words I said to you. SUBSTANCE. Take us to court or join the Philippines in arbitration, not by paying lip service. LOL
Ok, you admit it. You have no backbone. You would rather let someone bigger and stronger than you pick on you like a toy. You would rather let them rape, torture your women. You would rather watch your wife being raped by someone stronger than you. Sounds like you bud. Enjoy your pathetic life you think you have a brain and no gut.


Fear mongering at its best & people wonder why Indonesia is regarded as the true leader of ASEAN.
Fear mongering at its best & people wonder why Indonesia is regarded as the true leader of ASEAN.

Asean is not a single country, I admit that Indonesia has the leading role of Asean in politics and military.
There're some others could together with them in those.

You don't have to walk alone, Indonesia !!!
Ok, you admit it. You have no backbone. You would rather let someone bigger and stronger than you pick on you like a toy. You would rather let them rape, torture your women. You would rather watch your wife being raped by someone stronger than you. Sounds like you bud. Enjoy your pathetic life you think you have a brain and no gut.

Read history first before commenting, even if you are just responding some harsh words from Indonesian members here you still need to be honest and fair in your respond. For your information, we shoot USA plane before when that country wanted to separate us from South Maluku island during Soekarno leadership. We also fought Britain and Dutch during our independent war. We fought Britain, Australia, New Zealand in an effort to take Malaysia in 1960's. We sent two submarine for Pakistan to fight against India in 1965. We took back Irian Jaya (West Papua) from Dutch in 1960's. We invaded East Timor in 1975 in a time where so many western nation didn't like that aggressive move. And all those moves were done under civilian leadership (Soekarno) and military one (Soeharto).

Look, I never say something bad about Vietnamese when some of you want to put our country down, but trust me we are a really brave persons. One of the strength of our nation is our faith to our God, as the primary principal in our ideology which is Pancasila ( our ideology) said so in its first pillar. And how come we get afraid of any big country..? It is considered Musrik in Islam, a very big sin. We are just afraid to our lord, ALLAH SWT, and every thing else is A Weak entity. It will be very difficult for any country to wage a war against such nation and such soldiers who has such kind of belief, and dont forget we are also a big nation.
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Read history first before commenting, even if you are just responding some harsh words from Indonesian members here you still need to be honest and fair in your respond. For your information, we shoot USA plane before when that country wanted to separate us from South Maluku island during Soekarno leadership. We also fought Britain and Dutch during our independent war. We fought Britain, Australia, New Zealand in an effort to take Malaysia in 1960's. We sent two submarine for Pakistan to fight against India in 1965. We took back Irian Jaya (West Papua) from Dutch in 1960's. We invaded East Timor in 1975 in a time where so many western nation didn't like that aggressive move. And all those moves were done under civilian leadership (Soekarno) and military one (Soeharto).

Look, I never say something bad about Vietnamese when some of you want to put our country down, but trust me we are a really brave persons. One of the strength of our nation is our faith to our God, as the primary principal in our ideology which is Pancasila ( our ideology) said so in its first pillar. And how come we get afraid of any big country..? It is considered Musrik in Islam, a very big sin. We are just afraid to our lord, ALLAH SWT, and every thing else is A Weak entity. It will be very difficult for any country to wage a war against such nation and such soldiers who has such kind of belief, and dont forget we are also a big nation.

problem here in this forum is that some Chinese Indonesian member has been talking bad about us.
Brave? doesn't know, but there is no actual parameter to measure them. Actually as a Nation, Indonesia had more wit and much more cunning attitude compared to our looks
......their vision will spread to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and finally Myanmar. Thus, uniting the greater Sub-Mekong region into a cohesive regional power bloc under the auspices of the US......

Viet rename, Viet see, Viet conquer , right ?
Those contries will be atracted by hormone of viet and unite with viet automatically. oh yeah :cheers:

opps, I forgot the almighty uncle sam.:cheesy:
Come on you guys, cool it, there is no need to quarrel. ASEAN countries should be like brothers, maybe a little issue here and there, but nothing serious.
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