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The French Navy Stands Up to China

It has gotten absurd in the past.

Someone made a not-to-scale illustration of a missile and target, then in the middle is an 'S' shaped path between missile and target. So every one of these guys believed that the missile (or warhead) traveling at double digit Mach can maneuver like an F1 racer.

Thrust vectoring managed by good control system, will enable zigzag (S-shaped maneuver) at mach 4.

I am surprised you don't know about that :lol:

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Back to China - Frenchy topic.

We not yet talk about Stronger mentality and resistance of Chinese people compare to their french counterpart.

French surrender and bow to enemy troops after Paris fall (only 1 month after the battle started :sick:), even they have strong british&commonwealth support and assistance.


Chinese never surrender to japs invader troops, even practically they are Alone from 1937 until the end of 1941. That's a Full 4 years of Constant Battle and Total War.

After their Big Economy/Commercial Cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin , their Industrial Center in Wuhan, and their Capital City Nanjing Fall to the hands of Invader.
Their Best and Modern troops also lost during Shanghai-Nanjing-Wuhan Battle.

But They never Surrender to enemy, and keep Fighting in the next 8 years until the end of WW2 in 1945.
They keep fighting from Chongqing, Chengdu, Sichuan, Kunming, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guiyang, Lanzhou, Xian and many other areas never surrender to Japs invader and keep fighting.

Different with their Frenchy counterparts right? :tdown:
Different Mentality by a Nation :lol:
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You still dont understand the meaning : Quantity has quality all its own right? how much is your IQ?

Weird stuff? Stallin is right that quantity has quality all its own - it is easy to see that quantity counts sifginicantly, nobody deny except fools. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.

Besides Chinese military also has quality, US herself admit it. Your denial doesnt change anything.

1 person need 2kg food /day, x 500 sailors x 30 days = 30 tons nett of food, or perhaps 40 ton gross. What make you think a destroyer with deadweight 7000 ton unable to bring 40 ton of food and 20 ton of fuel?

Besides China can use her numerous commercial ship to bring food, oils, etc departing from Singapore, KL, Pakistan, or Bangladesh, or stopping their ship there. Furthermore with the support from replenishment ships + commercial ships, the military ship doesnt need to stop at the ports. What make you think it is so difficult? [emoji23]

LOL. I've told you nevermind Djibouti close off, why must depend on Djibouti? This is a hypothetical skirmish sea warfare, you idiot [emoji38]

Navy ships dont need to stop by at any port, just let the commercial ships departs from those ports (SG, KL, Pakistan, Bangladesh, any african countries) to bringing supply for chinese navy ships.

Ask Britts how they support their fleets during Malvinas war. Do you think Britts have more replenishment and commercial ships compared to China? [emoji23]

First, what make you think France Navy is peer to peer with Chinese Navy? I've explained you how Chinese Navy is designed to counter US Navy in west pacific ocean.

Second, if you already know that Malvinas war was not simply a skirmish sea war like the hypothetical skirmish sea war France vs China we are talking about, that means the hypothetical sea war between China navy & France navy should bring less burden for the aggressor (China) compared to malvinas war to Britts. Because Britts not only had to win sea war but also land war and Britts won, while China should be enough by involving her powerfull Navy.

Third, ocean indian sea will give china navy access to more ports of neutral nations to support her navy, compared to atlantic ocean for britts during flakland war.

Have you checked that JASSM-ER is subsonic? not supersonic? How would you compare it with YJ-12 or YJ-18 that can hit ship at mach 4?

And it is also inferior to chinese LACM AKD-20 though subsonic but could be launched from H-6K 2500km away from target, far beyond your missile capability to reach even your radar can reach.


LOL. Your claim is illogical fallacy and denial in nature. In fact the SM-6 is evidence that US is interested and developing supersonic antiship missile which is contrary to your claim!

In fact US is very interested with supersonic and hypersonic missile.

Dont make any claim before you read and check the facts.

Wrong! high speed doesn't mean unable to maneuver.
The higher the speed - the more difficult to maneuver, that is the correct one, but doesnt mean high speed guarantee losing maneuverability, speed is only one factor of many that affect maneuverability. Don't use logical fallacy to back your argument.

YJ-12 doesnt need to do u turn, l turn or cobra maneuver, but simple zigzag maneuver at supersonic speed will be good enough againts ciws.

Again educate yourself:
CM-302 supersonic antiship cruise missile, which has a 180-mile range to adhere to MTCR restrictions, is armed with a warhead of over 550 pounds, and thrust vectoring to enable terminal flight maneuvers to avoid close range defense systems of warships like destroyers and aircraft carriers. The CM-302 is the export version of the 250-mile range YJ-12, a highly capable ramjet Mach 4 anti-ship missile used by Chinese attack aircraft.

LOL. You think you are more credible than those citation? [emoji23]

It doesnt take a genius to understand why chinese supersonic sea skimming anti ship missile is a real threat, US admit it; only ignorant with comprehension problem that cannot see it.

Furthermore at least i am speaking with credible citation, while you are speaking from the thin air, without data and properly checking fact.

Hahaha .. do you know that JASSM-ER is subsonic, not on par with YJ-12 and YJ-18 which is supersonic. :haha:

JASSM-ER is also inferior to chinese LACM AKD-20 though same subsonic speed AKD-20 range is 2000 - 2500 km, much farther than that JASSM-ER could reach (900km).

That is why I said these missiles called anti access weapons, and would pose real danger to US navy during the conflict.

Nobody say 1 weapon can kill all, again your reading comprehension problem. [emoji23]

Why are you talking about the island alone?

I am mentioning the combination of all: numerous submarines + destroyers + frigates + regiments of H-6K + DF-21D & DF-26 + big carrier (artificial islands equipped with fighters, SAMs, and anti access weapons). I hope it is not because of your IQ problem. [emoji38]

How would you focus attacking 1 island, while numerous sub + destroyers, regiment of H-6K with 2500km LACM is threatening US CBGs?

Go ahead focus on one island, then you will see military base in guam finished by DF-26 launched from mainland [emoji23]

I am speaking facts proved by solid citation, on the contrary you just throw claims and logical fallacy, no citation supporting your claims.

Come back to me when you have data & citation + have upgraded your logic . :omghaha:
You surely have a lot of patience with that idiot. He's the only idiot in my blocked list.
Hats off to you, bro.
Yes US has robust surveillance system, but you forget that China also has advance surveillance system + advanced EWS.
I am aware but American surveillance system is greater in scale and complexity by far.




First, it is not easy to countermeassure AESA radar, as AESA is LPI. Except US already have & deploy the technology to defeat AESA.
AESA radar might be difficult to jam in theory but US have developed relevant countermeasures for it which are not discussed in public.

“This is the next play in that,” Adm. John Richardson, chief of naval operations, told The National Interest on Aug. 25 during an interview in his office in the Pentagon. “This A2/AD, well, it’s certainly a goal for some of our competitors, but achieving that goal is much different and much more complicated.”

Indeed, as many U.S. Navy commanders including Richardson and Rear Adm. (Upper Half) DeWolfe Miller, the service’s director of air warfare, have pointed out, anti-access bubbles defended by Chinese DF-21D or DF-26 anti-ship ballistic missile systems or Russian Bastion-P supersonic anti-ship missile systems are not impenetrable ‘Iron Domes.’ Nor do formidable Russian and Chinese air defense systems such as the S-400 or HQ-9 necessarily render the airspace they protect into no-go zones for the carrier air wing.

Asked directly if he was confident in the ability of the aircraft carrier and its air wing to fight inside an A2/AD zone protected by anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles as well as advanced air defenses, Richardson was unequivocal in his answer. “Yes,” Richardson said—but he would not say how exactly how due to the need for operational security. “It’s really a suite of capabilities, but I actually think we’re talking too much in the open about some of the things we’re doing, so I want to be thoughtful about how we talk about things so we don’t give any of our competitors an advantage.”

Source: http://nationalinterest.org/blog/th...ons-richardson-us-aircraft-carriers-can-17516

Additionally, Aegis defeated a Chinese DF-21D ASBM class target in a test in 2016: http://seapowermagazine.org/stories/20161215-sm6.html

During the test, the USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53)... fired a salvo of two Raytheon [RTN] Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) interceptors in immediate succession against a medium-range ballistic missile target launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii. The first interceptor was not armed and was designed to collect test data, MDA said. The second interceptor, which carried an explosive warhead, intercepted the Lockheed Martin-built target.... MDA called the target “complex” but declined to elaborate. However, according to the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, the target emulated China’s Dong-Feng 21 (DF-21), a ballistic missile equipped with a maneuverable re-entry vehicle and designed to destroy U.S., aircraft carriers. The event, designated Flight Test Standard Missile-27 (FTM-27), was SBT’s first salvo test and its second intercept in as many tries.

Source: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL33153.pdf

Second, I dont think US can take out chinese missile launchers, considering US doesn't have DF-26 equivalent yet at the moment. Whit what? except total nuclear war :lol: You know, OTH and advanced surveillance system will render useless without ability to destroy the target effectively. China has OTH but she also has DF-26 that can reach 3000km.
They can.


How many and how far do you think DF-21D and DF-26 launchers are positioned within mainland China? Not many and not too far.

A single American bomber can carry and unload 20 ALCM on select targets. And US doesn't have shortage of both bombers and ALCM in its inventory.

Third, it's been proved that US advanced surveillance failed to detect chinese sub appeared nearby USS Ronald Reagan, and preventing her destroyer to collide merchant ship. That means their surveillance system is not as good as you think.
Isolated incident like that doesn't prove much because we should not expect US to bring everything in its arsenal to bear in an "exercise." ASW wasn't a component of that exercise anyways.

I am talking about SURTASS LFA - an ASW capability that is activated on a conditional basis. SURTASS LFA can uncover location and movement of any submarine across the Pacific and/or in any oceanic environment where it is ported/fielded.



US have scores of ships with SURTASS LFA capabilities, and can position them across the Pacific to scan the entire oceanic environment for submarine-related activity beneath. Learn more from here:
SURTASS passive systems have proven their effectiveness against the diesel electric submarine in both deep ocean and shallow water areas. SURTASS with passive automation provides rapid target detection, classification, tracking and reporting of both surface and subsurface vessels. T-AGOS ships, with non-acoustic sensors installed, provide surface ship surveillance capabilities to assist in resolving the undersea classification problem.

Source: https://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/surtass.htm

US also have submarines designed/dedicated to ASW missions from get-go.

They also intend to dedicate a large number of drones to ASW missions in the near future.

Fourth, China also has robust electronic countermeasures. She has proved to be able to jam US EA-18G growler in SCS :D

However, US have addressed that shortcoming in F-35 and F-22:

An enemy pilot effectively neutralizes sensor A from one F-35 in a formation of several. The likelihood that enemy will be able to do the same to another F-35 in the same formation is slim to none.

It is extremely difficult for the enemy to defeat multiple sensors on multiple F-35s simultaneously.

Because the sensors between the F-35s are fused, the pilot in aircraft #1 can simply tap in to aircraft #2’s sensor suite.

Source: https://sldinfo.com/whitepapers/the-f-35-and-advanced-sensor-fusion/
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You still dont understand the meaning : Quantity has quality all its own right? how much is your IQ?

Weird stuff? Stallin is right that quantity has quality all its own - it is easy to see that quantity counts sifginicantly, nobody deny except fools. Your inability to comprehend is your problem.

Besides Chinese military also has quality, US herself admit it. Your denial doesnt change anything.

Everything has it own quality, how good or bad the quality is what that count.

You don't even understand the quote you made, it mean Quantity on its own is a quality. It is not always true depending on what you are talking about. In a land war when everyone have a gun, maybe, in a naval engagement when you much more depending on skill and technology, it may not.

How high IQ do you have to NOT Understand that quote?

And no, Stalin is not a tactician nor strategist, so no, his word don't count, if you quote Ruskov, or Von Clauzwitch, or even Molkte maybe, quoting Stalin you may as well quote Hitler.

So, HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

1 person need 2kg food /day, x 500 sailors x 30 days = 30 tons nett of food, or perhaps 40 ton gross. What make you think a destroyer with deadweight 7000 ton unable to bring 40 ton of food and 20 ton of fuel?

Besides China can use her numerous commercial ship to bring food, oils, etc departing from Singapore, KL, Pakistan, or Bangladesh, or stopping their ship there. Furthermore with the support from replenishment ships + commercial ships, the military ship doesnt need to stop at the ports. What make you think it is so difficult? [emoji23]

Your lack of Naval Knowledge amaze me.

First of all, you need fresh water, food, aviation fuel, diesel to operate a ship when you are not in combat, you will need munition, equipment, repair, weaponry when you are in combat.

Do you even know how often an US navy ship refuel? 3 or 4 days. It does not mean they run out of fuel in 3 or 4 days but SOP dictate they cannot go under certain amount of fuel and provision. Navy ship don't usually have supply to last 21 days. and even with extended deployment. Not more than 30 days at sea without resupplying.

Now, back to your question. 1.) 30 days get you no where, if you depart from Hainan, 30 days trip will bring you to at most cape of good hope. 2.) Between diesel, munition, yes, Navy ship usually cannot carry 40 tons of food, because of the priority of logistic. Most destroyer carry 10 tons food, enough for 14 days.

And lol for suggesting using commercial ship. Maybe you can siphon some fuel from the tank if you have an adaptor, but to resupply other stuff, unless you plan to carry each box from commercial ship to your navy ship, you need to open your resupply ship bulkhead for the transfer, if you do it in a commercial ship(If it can actually do it) that ship will sink to the bottom of the ocean. Most merchant ship is either container ship, which lay it on the container, how do you transfer a container from a merchant ship to a Navy ship in high sea when wave swing you around? Ever wondering why Navy need to specifically design replenishment ship for underway replenishment? Really high IQ of you.

LOL. I've told you nevermind Djibouti close off, why must depend on Djibouti? This is a hypothetical skirmish sea warfare, you idiot [emoji38]

Navy ships dont need to stop by at any port, just let the commercial ships departs from those ports (SG, KL, Pakistan, Bangladesh, any african countries) to bringing supply for chinese navy ships.

You bring up Djibouti first, if you don't want me to talk about Djibouti, don't talk about Djibouti first,

Also, spare me the idiot and moron, I am here to discuss, not to argue with a 12 years old playing video game. Although I do have a feeling I am talking to a immature 12 years old.

Ask Britts how they support their fleets during Malvinas war. Do you think Britts have more replenishment and commercial ships compared to China? [emoji23]

You do know Royal Navy have 58 + replenishment ship operated between Royal Navy, Royal Fleet Auxillery, Serco Naval Service today, Right? So yes. UK have more replenishment ship than China. And during 1980, UK had around 100 auxiliary ship.

LOL. Dont make stupid argument.

First, what make you think France Navy is peer to peer with Chinese Navy? I've explained you how Chinese Navy is designed to counter US Navy in west pacific ocean, france navy is way behind china plan.

Second, if you already know that Malvinas war was not simply a skirmish sea war like the hypothetical skirmish sea war France vs China we are talking about, that means the hypothetical sea war between China navy & France navy should bring less burden for the aggressor (China) compared to malvinas war to Britts. That means china should have better chance to win in this hypothetical war compared to Britt's in malvinas war. Because Britts not only had to win sea war but also land war and Britts won, while China should be enough by involving her powerfull Navy.

Third, ocean indian sea will give china navy access to more ports of neutral nations to support her navy, compared to atlantic ocean for britts during flakland war.

You are the one that make stupid comment.

1.) What make you think French ship is not peer to China? China is way behind the US Navy, and French Navy is at least on par with US navy. Look at how many and which country buy Chinese naval ship, then look at how many and which country buy French Ship, and see it for yourself.

2.) UK fought Falkland is half the length of a hypothetical Chinese-French fight. With ascension island as forward operating base. And if we look at the naval battle fought between UK and Argentina, UK lost that battle. In that battle, the Brits are not invading Falkland, they are liberating Falkland, the war is won because the population side with the Brits and they are British, not because of the Royal Navy out fought the Argie. In fact, Royal Navy had made the task of recapturing Falkland harder.

-)They did not seal off the San Carlos Bay, which mean Argentine Skyhawk can come in to bomb the Para and Royal Marine at will.
-)They lose the Atlantic Conveyor, which carry all the British Army Helicopter
-) They failed to maintain a no fly zone over Falkland, which mean only 4 sorties from RN Carrier launch to support the ground troop during the whole war.

The only thing they did right is they landed the 3rd Brigade and the Royal Marine. Granted, that is the primary objective. But that is one part of the war. And in term of losses, their naval campaign actually failed.

3.) No neutral country will support China or France, hence they are called NEUTRAL. During Falkland war, even US did not support the UK, when Maggie ask for access to Puerto Rico (merely 4000 mile to Falkland) and Reagan say no. in the end, the UK need to launch from their own base in Ascension, which is double that amount. I don't think even Pakistan will allow China to use its port to fuk with French, seeing how many dealing Pakistan have with the French.

Have you checked that JASSM-ER is subsonic? not supersonic? How would you compare it with YJ-12 or YJ-18 that can hit ship at mach 4?

And it is also inferior to chinese LACM AKD-20 though subsonic but could be launched from H-6K 2500km away from target, far beyond your missile capability to reach even your radar can reach.


lol, I am not the one who claim CJ-12 is a wonder weapon, you are.

And no, CJ-12 hit nothing at mach 4, if they hit a ship in war, show me proof. I can say no ship can escape JASSM, without actual performance data at war, all you can do is talk.

LOL. Your claim is illogical fallacy and denial in nature. In fact the SM-6 is evidence that US is interested and developing supersonic antiship missile which is contrary to your claim!

In fact US is very interested with supersonic and hypersonic missile.

Dont make any claim before you read and check the facts.

Also dont bullshit, ship doesnt move as fast as missile, lagging time should not a big deal.

1.) You claim US navy is interested in something wasn't physically exist, and I am bullshitting?
2.) Interested in Hypersonic Missile and Supersonic missile and Interested in Anti-Ship missile is two different thing.
3.) lol, ship can reach 30 knots per hours, that is their MINIMAL top speed, without overheating their engine, you know what kind of speed is 30 knots per hour. That's 35 miles per hours, that's 54 kilometre per hours.

10 Minutes lag time which mean you give the target a 10 minutes head start, that's 9 kilometres, then you are talking about strike TTL and correction, at best you are looking at 25 minutes lag in total, at worse, you are looking at 45 minutes lag, which mean at 25 minutes lag, the target will be off by ~27 km.

How much to do you know ISTAR? Do you even know what ISTAR stand for? LOL

Wrong! high speed doesn't mean unable to maneuver.
The higher the speed - the more difficult to maneuver, that is the correct one, but doesnt mean high speed guarantee losing maneuverability, speed is only one factor of many that affect maneuverability. Don't use logical fallacy to back your argument.

YJ-12 doesnt need to do complex maneuvet like u turn, L turn or cobra maneuver, but simple zigzag maneuver at supersonic speed will be good enough againts ciws.

Again educate yourself:
CM-302 supersonic antiship cruise missile, which has a 180-mile range to adhere to MTCR restrictions, is armed with a warhead of over 550 pounds, and thrust vectoring to enable terminal flight maneuvers to avoid close range defense systems of warships like destroyers and aircraft carriers. The CM-302 is the export version of the 250-mile range YJ-12, a highly capable ramjet Mach 4 anti-ship missile used by Chinese attack aircraft.

LOL, you want a Supersonic Missile to ZIGZAG at MACH 4 to dodge CIWS? LOL. Did I heard that right?

I cannot even begin to tell you how stupid that is. @gambit. :omghaha::omghaha:

Do you think which one can turn faster? a Mach 4 missile? or a CIWS?

The rest of your paragraph is simply...……….MOOT.

LOL. You think you are more credible than those citation? [emoji23]

It doesnt take a genius to understand why chinese supersonic sea skimming anti ship missile is a real threat, US admit it; only ignorant with comprehension problem that cannot see it.

Furthermore at least i am speaking with credible citation, while you are speaking from the thin air, without data and properly checking fact.

Firstly, you speak nothing, you have no creditable citation. Nor would you actually explaining why you think that would work.

Secondly, anything is a threat to the navy. How big a threat is would be a major talking point. By that definition, yes, Chinese missile is a threat, so does the Russian Missile, Iranian Missile or even British missile.

Thing is, being a threat does not mean it is an end game, which does not mean that is better than the US navy. Part of what a war is to neutralize any threat, without threat, there will be no war. Having think they are a threat does not mean the USN does not have a way to counter it. Nor was that raise a concern.

That said, it have nothing in common with the topic at hand. Topic is French vs China, not US vs China.

Hahaha .. do you know that JASSM-ER is subsonic, not on par with YJ-12 and YJ-18 which is supersonic. :haha:

JASSM-ER is also inferior to chinese LACM AKD-20 though same subsonic speed AKD-20 range is 2000 - 2500 km, much farther than that JASSM-ER could reach (900km).

That is why I said these missiles called anti access weapons, and would pose real danger to US navy during the conflict.

Nobody say 1 weapon can kill all, again your reading comprehension problem. [emoji23]

So? What's wrong being subsonic? Does it mean it is inferior? The function of a weapon is on killing the other side, being subsonic or supersonic does not mean it is inferior. For example, each H-6 can only carry 6 YJ-12, which each B-52 can carry 8 JASSM, would that make JASSM superior in that sense?

What you are arguing is honestly, quite stupid.

Why are you talking about the island alone?

I am mentioning the combination of all: numerous submarines + destroyers + frigates + regiments of H-6K + DF-21D & DF-26 + big carrier (artificial islands equipped with fighters, SAMs, and anti access weapons). I hope it is not because of your IQ problem. [emoji38]

How would you focus attacking 1 island, while numerous sub + destroyers, regiment of H-6K with 2500km LACM is threatening US CBGs?

Go ahead focus on one island, then you will see military base in guam finished by DF-26 launched from mainland [emoji23]

What Guam have to do with this?

Dude, what do you think a missile is made of? Nuke? You can fire 100 missile and all hit Guam, you won't destroy it. Missile is a point to point weapon, it is used to hit specific target, or hard target, there are more hard target on Guam than China have all the DF-whatever combine.

Also, How about A regiment of B-52, B-1 and B-2, would that threaten the PLAN? China have how many H-6K? How many B-1, B-2, B-52 US have?

You know Japanese base in WW2 was hit by more Bombs than you have in Chinese missile stock, and they keep running. You think DF-whatever can make a difference? Wait, you ain't Chinese lol.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

I am speaking facts proved by solid citation, on the contrary you just throw claims and logical fallacy, no citation supporting your claims.

Come back to me when you have data & citation + have upgraded your logic . :omghaha:

So, DF-21, DF-26, CJ-10, YJ-12 did have actual combat data? Please give example or I am calling you Bullshit.

You surely have a lot of patience with that idiot. He's the only idiot in my blocked list.
Hats off to you, bro.

Strange, because outside these Chinese Forum bubble, you lot were the idiots.

I don't see a single one of you have more than 100 positive rating, nor anyone who fly a Chinese flag start any military related topic that is worth discussing. I alone have more positive rating than all the Chinese PDF member combine, me and gambit combine? You lot ain't even close.

LOL. You can denied it and stay inside your bubble and think I am an idiot. I don't mind. Because your feeling mean shit to me.
I am aware but American surveillance system is greater in scale and complexity by far.




Agree! US has greater and more extensive surveillance system than China. But they are not focus only on west pacific region, while china though her surveillance system might not as extensive hers is focussed on east & south china sea.

More advanced? I dont think so.

Does US already have "Quantum Satellite"? It is a big leap, the data cannot be intercepted nor cracked.

AESA radar might be difficult to jam in theory but US have developed relevant countermeasures for it which are not discussed in public.

“This is the next play in that,” Adm. John Richardson, chief of naval operations, told The National Interest on Aug. 25 during an interview in his office in the Pentagon. “This A2/AD, well, it’s certainly a goal for some of our competitors, but achieving that goal is much different and much more complicated.”

Indeed, as many U.S. Navy commanders including Richardson and Rear Adm. (Upper Half) DeWolfe Miller, the service’s director of air warfare, have pointed out, anti-access bubbles defended by Chinese DF-21D or DF-26 anti-ship ballistic missile systems or Russian Bastion-P supersonic anti-ship missile systems are not impenetrable ‘Iron Domes.’ Nor do formidable Russian and Chinese air defense systems such as the S-400 or HQ-9 necessarily render the airspace they protect into no-go zones for the carrier air wing.

Asked directly if he was confident in the ability of the aircraft carrier and its air wing to fight inside an A2/AD zone protected by anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles as well as advanced air defenses, Richardson was unequivocal in his answer. “Yes,” Richardson said—but he would not say how exactly how due to the need for operational security. “It’s really a suite of capabilities, but I actually think we’re talking too much in the open about some of the things we’re doing, so I want to be thoughtful about how we talk about things so we don’t give any of our competitors an advantage.”

Source: http://nationalinterest.org/blog/th...ons-richardson-us-aircraft-carriers-can-17516

Additionally, Aegis defeated a Chinese DF-21D ASBM class target in a test in 2016: http://seapowermagazine.org/stories/20161215-sm6.html

During the test, the USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53)... fired a salvo of two Raytheon [RTN] Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) interceptors in immediate succession against a medium-range ballistic missile target launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii. The first interceptor was not armed and was designed to collect test data, MDA said. The second interceptor, which carried an explosive warhead, intercepted the Lockheed Martin-built target.... MDA called the target “complex” but declined to elaborate. However, according to the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, the target emulated China’s Dong-Feng 21 (DF-21), a ballistic missile equipped with a maneuverable re-entry vehicle and designed to destroy U.S., aircraft carriers. The event, designated Flight Test Standard Missile-27 (FTM-27), was SBT’s first salvo test and its second intercept in as many tries.

Source: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL33153.pdf

Do you have evidence about countermeasuring AESA? or you mean countermeasuring DF-21 and DF-26?

Well the progress of SM-6 is impressive. We dont know how true or how far that the target in the test replicate DF-21 and DF-26 (speed and maneuverability) but 1 DF-21 could bring , but taking down hypersonic DF-21 and DF-26 by explotion nearby the missile as the technique used by SM-6 is plausible.

However China can counter this SM-6 by quantity (as I said quantity is quality all its own); destroyer like Arleigh Burke must have limited number of SM-6 that it can carry, if China barrage each US CBG with say 300 of DF-21 (times 5 warhead each = 1500 warheads totally), assuming 1 CBG bring 6 aegis destroyer, most probably the SM-6 in that CBG (= 6 x 50 = 300) will be outnumbered then CBG could be sinked.

They can.


How many and how far do you think DF-21D and DF-26 launchers are positioned within mainland China? Not many and not too far.

A single American bomber can carry and unload 20 ALCM on select targets. And US doesn't have shortage of both bombers and ALCM in its inventory.

Do you expect the AGM-86B from B-52 to hit DF-21D and DF-26 launcher in china mainland?

Yes B-52 can launched AGM-86B safely beyond the reach of chinese SAM HQ-9 or HQ-19 where the ALCM is intended. But B-52 has almost zero chance to survive VLRAAM PL-15 launched from J-15 intercepting from Liaoning in pacific ocean, or from J-20 or SU-35.

Why? because PL-15 is with range exceed 300km & hypersonic, far from the reach of any US air to air missiles; means J-15/J-20/SU-35 will shoot B-52 & it's escorting fighters FIRST before they are able to shoot or even detect J-15/J-20/SU-35.

In November 2016, a Chinese J-16 strike fighter test-fired a gigantic hypersonic missile, successfully destroying the target drone at a very long range.

Looking at takeoff photos, we estimate the missile is about 28 percent of the length of the J-16, which measures 22 meters (about 72 feet). The puts the missile at about 19 feet, and roughly 13 inches in diameter. The missile appears to have four tailfins. Reports are that the size would put into the category of a very long range air to air missile (VLRAAM) with ranges exceeding 300 km (roughly 186 miles), likely max out between 250 and 310 miles. (As a point of comparison, the smaller 13.8-foot, 15-inch-diameter Russian R-37 missile has a 249-mile range).

This is a big deal: this missile would easily outrange any American (or other NATO) air-to-air missile. Additionally, the VLRAAM's powerful rocket engine will push it to Mach 6 speeds, which will increase the no escape zone (NEZ), that is the area where a target cannot outrun the missile, against even supersonic targets like stealth fighters.



The gains in range and speed of the VLRAAM pose another significant risk to the concepts of the U.S. military's "Third Offset." U.S. operations are highly dependent on assets like aerial tankers, dedicated electronic warfare aircraft, and AEW&C. For example, without aerial tankers, the relatively short range of the F-35s would become even more of a liability in long range operations in the South China Seas and Taiwan Straits. Similarly, without AEW&C aircraft, F-22s would have to use onboard radars more, raising their risk of detection. Even for stealthy tanker platforms like the planned MQ-25 Stingray drone and proposed KC-Z tanker will be vulnerable to VLRAAMs if detected by emerging dedicated anti-stealth systems such as the Divine Eagle drone and Yuanmeng airship.

Isolated incident like that doesn't prove much because we should not expect US to bring everything in its arsenal to bear in an "exercise." ASW wasn't a component of that exercise anyways.

I am talking about SURTASS LFA - an ASW capability that is activated on a conditional basis. SURTASS LFA can uncover location and movement of any submarine across the Pacific and/or in any oceanic environment where it is ported/fielded.



US have scores of ships with SURTASS LFA capabilities, and can position them across the Pacific to scan the entire oceanic environment for submarine-related activity beneath. Learn more from here:
SURTASS passive systems have proven their effectiveness against the diesel electric submarine in both deep ocean and shallow water areas. SURTASS with passive automation provides rapid target detection, classification, tracking and reporting of both surface and subsurface vessels. T-AGOS ships, with non-acoustic sensors installed, provide surface ship surveillance capabilities to assist in resolving the undersea classification problem.

Source: https://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/surtass.htm

US also have submarines designed/dedicated to ASW missions from get-go.

They also intend to dedicate a large number of drones to ASW missions in the near future.

If SURTASS is so effective, why USS Ronald Reagan were sunk by Swedish submarine during the war game/simulation in 2005? Why the simulation doesn't involve SURTASS if the SURTASS is part of the US CBG's defense system against submarines?


However, US have addressed that shortcoming in F-35 and F-22:

An enemy pilot effectively neutralizes sensor A from one F-35 in a formation of several. The likelihood that enemy will be able to do the same to another F-35 in the same formation is slim to none.

It is extremely difficult for the enemy to defeat multiple sensors on multiple F-35s simultaneously.

Because the sensors between the F-35s are fused, the pilot in aircraft #1 can simply tap in to aircraft #2’s sensor suite.

Source: https://sldinfo.com/whitepapers/the-f-35-and-advanced-sensor-fusion/

That is not shortcoming as Growler might not fly in formation of several like F-35.

Chinese ability to jam growler has demonstrated that China electronic warfare cannot be underestimated.
Thrust vectoring managed by good control system, will enable zigzag (S-shaped maneuver) at mach 4.

I am surprised you don't know about that :lol:
And we are STILL surprise that you guys do not know basic physics.

Most CIWS-type turret can move in both elevation and azimuth in excess of 100 deg PER SECOND. The American Phalanx is 115 deg. As long as there is radar tracking, the turret can maintain its gun aim and lead the target.

Because you have never flown, as in actually hand-on-stick as I learned to fly in high school, you do not know the tactics of maneuvers. And yes, even civilian flying involves tactics. So using aircraft slow flight is perfect example.

Every time you make a maneuver, you lose target perspective, meaning you temporarily lose sight of the runway, for example. You can turn your head or your eyes and reacquire, but you must resume focus on your current heading. The greater the deviation, the greater the loss of target perspective, and the greater the effort to reacquire.

Now as a missile you add in speed. Your sensor is no different than that of the human's in that you have limits on how far you can turn your sensor to reacquire and reacquire and reacquire your target as you maneuver. Unlike the runway which is stationary, your target is constantly moving and can create sensor blocks such as chaff for EM and flares for IR. A moving target is an UNCOOPERATIVE target. That mean target focus increases in priority as you approach the target. No different than an airliner approaches the runway and the captain focus on the landing while the first officer focus on everything else.

What this mean is that the high Mach missile have real time limits on how much and how quick it can maneuver. That 'zig zag' phrase in the sales brochure is hype. What is the rate of change per maneuver execution? Is it faster than 115 deg per second? If not, then the CIWS turret can track and gun lead the missile. In my car with a distance of 10 miles, I can make leisurely 30 deg turns and call it 'zig zag'.

If SURTASS is so effective, why USS Ronald Reagan were sunk by Swedish submarine during the war game/simulation in 2005? Why the simulation doesn't involve SURTASS if the SURTASS is part of the US CBG's defense system against submarines?
And you are dreaming if you think China can replicate what the Gotland did.

For the wise -- which does not contain you -- those exercises are not meant to gloat at the Americans, but to know that the Americans works to deal with and/or remedy fleet weaknesses. Why do you think they hired the Swedes in the first place? Only the immature would think that those exercises are applicable universally.

You should read your sources before you post them...
Remember the Gotland? It was shipped back to Sweden on a mobile dry dock rather than making the journey on its own power.
The SCS depth is more than adequate for US (and France) nuclear subs to hunt for Chinese subs, which is not in the same class as the Gotland and the Gotland could not make the distance for those exercises. That means as Chinese subs make the trips to the SCS, occasionally running on the surface or even not, they are already tracked. You think the SCS is devoid of US nuclear subs now?
Everything has it own quality, how good or bad the quality is what that count.

You don't even understand the quote you made, it mean Quantity on its own is a quality. It is not always true depending on what you are talking about. In a land war when everyone have a gun, maybe, in a naval engagement when you much more depending on skill and technology, it may not.

How high IQ do you have to NOT Understand that quote?

And no, Stalin is not a tactician nor strategist, so no, his word don't count, if you quote Ruskov, or Von Clauzwitch, or even Molkte maybe, quoting Stalin you may as well quote Hitler.

So, HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

Your lack of Naval Knowledge amaze me.

First of all, you need fresh water, food, aviation fuel, diesel to operate a ship when you are not in combat, you will need munition, equipment, repair, weaponry when you are in combat.

Do you even know how often an US navy ship refuel? 3 or 4 days. It does not mean they run out of fuel in 3 or 4 days but SOP dictate they cannot go under certain amount of fuel and provision. Navy ship don't usually have supply to last 21 days. and even with extended deployment. Not more than 30 days at sea without resupplying.

Now, back to your question. 1.) 30 days get you no where, if you depart from Hainan, 30 days trip will bring you to at most cape of good hope. 2.) Between diesel, munition, yes, Navy ship usually cannot carry 40 tons of food, because of the priority of logistic. Most destroyer carry 10 tons food, enough for 14 days.

And lol for suggesting using commercial ship. Maybe you can siphon some fuel from the tank if you have an adaptor, but to resupply other stuff, unless you plan to carry each box from commercial ship to your navy ship, you need to open your resupply ship bulkhead for the transfer, if you do it in a commercial ship(If it can actually do it) that ship will sink to the bottom of the ocean. Most merchant ship is either container ship, which lay it on the container, how do you transfer a container from a merchant ship to a Navy ship in high sea when wave swing you around? Ever wondering why Navy need to specifically design replenishment ship for underway replenishment? Really high IQ of you.

You bring up Djibouti first, if you don't want me to talk about Djibouti, don't talk about Djibouti first,

Also, spare me the idiot and moron, I am here to discuss, not to argue with a 12 years old playing video game. Although I do have a feeling I am talking to a immature 12 years old.

You do know Royal Navy have 58 + replenishment ship operated between Royal Navy, Royal Fleet Auxillery, Serco Naval Service today, Right? So yes. UK have more replenishment ship than China. And during 1980, UK had around 100 auxiliary ship.

You are the one that make stupid comment.

1.) What make you think French ship is not peer to China? China is way behind the US Navy, and French Navy is at least on par with US navy. Look at how many and which country buy Chinese naval ship, then look at how many and which country buy French Ship, and see it for yourself.

2.) UK fought Falkland is half the length of a hypothetical Chinese-French fight. With ascension island as forward operating base. And if we look at the naval battle fought between UK and Argentina, UK lost that battle. In that battle, the Brits are not invading Falkland, they are liberating Falkland, the war is won because the population side with the Brits and they are British, not because of the Royal Navy out fought the Argie. In fact, Royal Navy had made the task of recapturing Falkland harder.

-)They did not seal off the San Carlos Bay, which mean Argentine Skyhawk can come in to bomb the Para and Royal Marine at will.
-)They lose the Atlantic Conveyor, which carry all the British Army Helicopter
-) They failed to maintain a no fly zone over Falkland, which mean only 4 sorties from RN Carrier launch to support the ground troop during the whole war.

The only thing they did right is they landed the 3rd Brigade and the Royal Marine. Granted, that is the primary objective. But that is one part of the war. And in term of losses, their naval campaign actually failed.

3.) No neutral country will support China or France, hence they are called NEUTRAL. During Falkland war, even US did not support the UK, when Maggie ask for access to Puerto Rico (merely 4000 mile to Falkland) and Reagan say no. in the end, the UK need to launch from their own base in Ascension, which is double that amount. I don't think even Pakistan will allow China to use its port to fuk with French, seeing how many dealing Pakistan have with the French.

lol, I am not the one who claim CJ-12 is a wonder weapon, you are.

And no, CJ-12 hit nothing at mach 4, if they hit a ship in war, show me proof. I can say no ship can escape JASSM, without actual performance data at war, all you can do is talk.

1.) You claim US navy is interested in something wasn't physically exist, and I am bullshitting?
2.) Interested in Hypersonic Missile and Supersonic missile and Interested in Anti-Ship missile is two different thing.
3.) lol, ship can reach 30 knots per hours, that is their MINIMAL top speed, without overheating their engine, you know what kind of speed is 30 knots per hour. That's 35 miles per hours, that's 54 kilometre per hours.

10 Minutes lag time which mean you give the target a 10 minutes head start, that's 9 kilometres, then you are talking about strike TTL and correction, at best you are looking at 25 minutes lag in total, at worse, you are looking at 45 minutes lag, which mean at 25 minutes lag, the target will be off by ~27 km.

How much to do you know ISTAR? Do you even know what ISTAR stand for? LOL

LOL, you want a Supersonic Missile to ZIGZAG at MACH 4 to dodge CIWS? LOL. Did I heard that right?

I cannot even begin to tell you how stupid that is. @gambit. :omghaha::omghaha:

Do you think which one can turn faster? a Mach 4 missile? or a CIWS?

The rest of your paragraph is simply...……….MOOT.

Firstly, you speak nothing, you have no creditable citation. Nor would you actually explaining why you think that would work.

Secondly, anything is a threat to the navy. How big a threat is would be a major talking point. By that definition, yes, Chinese missile is a threat, so does the Russian Missile, Iranian Missile or even British missile.

Thing is, being a threat does not mean it is an end game, which does not mean that is better than the US navy. Part of what a war is to neutralize any threat, without threat, there will be no war. Having think they are a threat does not mean the USN does not have a way to counter it. Nor was that raise a concern.

That said, it have nothing in common with the topic at hand. Topic is French vs China, not US vs China.

So? What's wrong being subsonic? Does it mean it is inferior? The function of a weapon is on killing the other side, being subsonic or supersonic does not mean it is inferior. For example, each H-6 can only carry 6 YJ-12, which each B-52 can carry 8 JASSM, would that make JASSM superior in that sense?

What you are arguing is honestly, quite stupid.

What Guam have to do with this?

Dude, what do you think a missile is made of? Nuke? You can fire 100 missile and all hit Guam, you won't destroy it. Missile is a point to point weapon, it is used to hit specific target, or hard target, there are more hard target on Guam than China have all the DF-whatever combine.

Also, How about A regiment of B-52, B-1 and B-2, would that threaten the PLAN? China have how many H-6K? How many B-1, B-2, B-52 US have?

You know Japanese base in WW2 was hit by more Bombs than you have in Chinese missile stock, and they keep running. You think DF-whatever can make a difference? Wait, you ain't Chinese lol.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

So, DF-21, DF-26, CJ-10, YJ-12 did have actual combat data? Please give example or I am calling you Bullshit.

Strange, because outside these Chinese Forum bubble, you lot were the idiots.

I don't see a single one of you have more than 100 positive rating, nor anyone who fly a Chinese flag start any military related topic that is worth discussing. I alone have more positive rating than all the Chinese PDF member combine, me and gambit combine? You lot ain't even close.

LOL. You can denied it and stay inside your bubble and think I am an idiot. I don't mind. Because your feeling mean shit to me.

Dayum dude, great posts....wish I could +rate you and @gambit ....
And we are STILL surprise that you guys do not know basic physics.

Most CIWS-type turret can move in both elevation and azimuth in excess of 100 deg PER SECOND. The American Phalanx is 115 deg. As long as there is radar tracking, the turret can maintain its gun aim and lead the target.

Because you have never flown, as in actually hand-on-stick as I learned to fly in high school, you do not know the tactics of maneuvers. And yes, even civilian flying involves tactics. So using aircraft slow flight is perfect example.

Every time you make a maneuver, you lose target perspective, meaning you temporarily lose sight of the runway, for example. You can turn your head or your eyes and reacquire, but you must resume focus on your current heading. The greater the deviation, the greater the loss of target perspective, and the greater the effort to reacquire.

Now as a missile you add in speed. Your sensor is no different than that of the human's in that you have limits on how far you can turn your sensor to reacquire and reacquire and reacquire your target as you maneuver. Unlike the runway which is stationary, your target is constantly moving and can create sensor blocks such as chaff for EM and flares for IR. A moving target is an UNCOOPERATIVE target. That mean target focus increases in priority as you approach the target. No different than an airliner approaches the runway and the captain focus on the landing while the first officer focus on everything else.

What this mean is that the high Mach missile have real time limits on how much and how quick it can maneuver. That 'zig zag' phrase in the sales brochure is hype. What is the rate of change per maneuver execution? Is it faster than 115 deg per second? If not, then the CIWS turret can track and gun lead the missile. In my car with a distance of 10 miles, I can make leisurely 30 deg turns and call it 'zig zag'.

That is nonsense. You are ridiculous if you equate human pilot with control system. And it is you who doesnt know even basic physics :laugh:

First, we are talking "control system" by computer, not by human; computer can do calculation and controlling so much faster than human brain can do, and TVC can handle the turn and path very fast. What you are talking about loosing sight - perspective - sort of vertigo etc is only applied for human :lol:

Second, as explained above - zigzag is a very simple maneuver in fact, you just make a very small change in path and in a very short time the TVC will correct it. Again we are talking about computer calculation here, not human brain. Computer can calculate how much energy and angle the TVC need in order to make a tiny turn and for returning it back.

I have shown you evidence above: how supersonic missile with zigzag maneuver can hit the ship very well. You are the same ignorant.


See who doesn't understand basic physics here? :laugh:

And you are dreaming if you think China can replicate what the Gotland did.

For the wise -- which does not contain you -- those exercises are not meant to gloat at the Americans, but to know that the Americans works to deal with and/or remedy fleet weaknesses. Why do you think they hired the Swedes in the first place? Only the immature would think that those exercises are applicable universally.

You should read your sources before you post them...

The SCS depth is more than adequate for US (and France) nuclear subs to hunt for Chinese subs, which is not in the same class as the Gotland and the Gotland could not make the distance for those exercises. That means as Chinese subs make the trips to the SCS, occasionally running on the surface or even not, they are already tracked. You think the SCS is devoid of US nuclear subs now?


During the exercise with Gotland, even US CBG has failed to track gotland though they know there was gotland down there preying on them.

Now you are talking shit - day dreaming about hunting chinese subs similar to gotland in SCS without US' prior knowledge about the presence of it.

You need to learn how USS Ronald Reagan and its escorting ships failed to detect the presence of Chinese Song Class sub which sudenly appear nearby it :laugh: :lol:
That is nonsense. You are ridiculous if you equate human pilot with control system. And it is you who doesnt know even basic physics
The more you post, the more it is evident that you are a fraud when you claimed to have 'aviation studies'. Even someone who just passed ground school would understand exactly what I said.

First, we are talking "control system" by computer, not by human; computer can do calculation and controlling so much faster than human brain can do, and TVC can handle the turn and path very fast. What you are talking about loosing sight - perspective - sort of vertigo etc is only applied for human
CIWS is computer controlled. That is why the gun turret can travel at 115 deg PER SECOND.

Am going to ask you again: What is the rate of change for a maneuvering missile or warhead, is it greater than 115 deg per second?

See who doesn't understand basic physics here?

Now you are talking shit - day dreaming about hunting chinese subs similar to gotland in SCS without US' prior knowledge about the presence of it.
There is no daydreaming about it. Because you never served, not even as a lowly conscript, you do not understand. Plus you ain't smart enough to understand in the first place.

But I will show the readers...

A submarine on patrol will be assigned an area -- a forward area. Because a sub is essentially blind under, relying mostly on dead reckoning navigation and passive sonar mode, no other sub from its origin country will be assigned in the same forward area. It means any other sub it found will be assumed to be from someone else, even from a hostile force. Because of this, a sub will not venture outside its assigned forward area. When its patrol duration is complete, once the sub is outside of the forward area, it will communicate a 'Clear' message so the replacement sub can enter the area and assume patrol responsibility.

What this mean is that you can be %100 confident that the US will have at least one nuclear sub patrolling the entire SCS region. Any sub that enters the SCS will be Chinese. Or we have divided the SCS into two patrol forward areas and any sub that enters either one will be Chinese. Bottom line is that we know where any Chinese sub are and not likely vice versa.

You need to learn how USS Ronald Reagan and its escorting ships failed to detect the presence of Chinese Song Class sub which sudenly appear nearby it :laugh: :lol:
Debunked a long time ago...


You got nothing. You are a fraud.
Everything has it own quality, how good or bad the quality is what that count.

You don't even understand the quote you made, it mean Quantity on its own is a quality. It is not always true depending on what you are talking about. In a land war when everyone have a gun, maybe, in a naval engagement when you much more depending on skill and technology, it may not.

How high IQ do you have to NOT Understand that quote?

And no, Stalin is not a tactician nor strategist, so no, his word don't count, if you quote Ruskov, or Von Clauzwitch, or even Molkte maybe, quoting Stalin you may as well quote Hitler.

So, HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

If you have only 2 destroyers while enemy has 10 destroyers against you (assuming everything else is the same), will you have chance to win equal to your enemy? Not right?

Thats the meaning of: Quantity on its own is a quality. As simple as that! And you dont understand? HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

Stalin is not a stupid person, it is you who is stupid HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

Your lack of Naval Knowledge amaze me.

First of all, you need fresh water, food, aviation fuel, diesel to operate a ship when you are not in combat, you will need munition, equipment, repair, weaponry when you are in combat.

Not a big deal. 80 ton food supply for 2 month oconsumption can be handled by chinese logistic ship.

Since when you eat ammunition during the trip? LOL.

Do you even know how often an US navy ship refuel? 3 or 4 days. It does not mean they run out of fuel in 3 or 4 days but SOP dictate they cannot go under certain amount of fuel and provision. Navy ship don't usually have supply to last 21 days. and even with extended deployment. Not more than 30 days at sea without resupplying.

Doesn't matter.

Chinese simple ships can let the chinese navy cirlce the globe.

Now, back to your question. 1.) 30 days get you no where, if you depart from Hainan, 30 days trip will bring you to at most cape of good hope. 2.) Between diesel, munition, yes, Navy ship usually cannot carry 40 tons of food, because of the priority of logistic. Most destroyer carry 10 tons food, enough for 14 days.


And lol for suggesting using commercial ship. Maybe you can siphon some fuel from the tank if you have an adaptor, but to resupply other stuff, unless you plan to carry each box from commercial ship to your navy ship, you need to open your resupply ship bulkhead for the transfer, if you do it in a commercial ship(If it can actually do it) that ship will sink to the bottom of the ocean. Most merchant ship is either container ship, which lay it on the container, how do you transfer a container from a merchant ship to a Navy ship in high sea when wave swing you around? Ever wondering why Navy need to specifically design replenishment ship for underway replenishment? Really high IQ of you.

Educate yourself :

You bring up Djibouti first, if you don't want me to talk about Djibouti, don't talk about Djibouti first,

Then I've told you that China doesnt need Djibouti for skirmish sea warfare with France in mediteranean sea. Djibouti is only additional, if they cant help doesnt matter.

How much is your IQ?

Also, spare me the idiot and moron, I am here to discuss, not to argue with a 12 years old playing video game. Although I do have a feeling I am talking to a immature 12 years old.

See what other people says about you :laugh: :laugh:

You do know Royal Navy have 58 + replenishment ship operated between Royal Navy, Royal Fleet Auxillery, Serco Naval Service today, Right? So yes. UK have more replenishment ship than China. And during 1980, UK had around 100 auxiliary ship.


This is my evidence on how china navy can circle the globe:

And you know China currently has a lot more commercial vessels than Britts that she can lease for replenishment purpose.

You are the one that make stupid comment.

1.) What make you think French ship is not peer to China? China is way behind the US Navy, and French Navy is at least on par with US navy. Look at how many and which country buy Chinese naval ship, then look at how many and which country buy French Ship, and see it for yourself.

LOLs. Who is making that stupid and ignorant claim other than you? :omghaha::omghaha:

Since when selling arms or ship to foreign nation become a solid parameter to measure the strenght of a country naval?

Do you know there are many factors on a country making decision to buy arms? => politics consideration, same platform and commonality, and technology. So you see quality of technology is not the sole factor! France used to sell more arms than China was because commonality of the weapons with other westerns country and US compared to chinese, while you know US is the king of arms supplier.

And do you know currently China surpass France in term of selling arms overseas? :laugh:

When will you be a little bit smarter and stop making stupid argument? :omghaha::omghaha:

2.) UK fought Falkland is half the length of a hypothetical Chinese-French fight. With ascension island as forward operating base. And if we look at the naval battle fought between UK and Argentina, UK lost that battle. In that battle, the Brits are not invading Falkland, they are liberating Falkland, the war is won because the population side with the Brits and they are British, not because of the Royal Navy out fought the Argie. In fact, Royal Navy had made the task of recapturing Falkland harder.

-)They did not seal off the San Carlos Bay, which mean Argentine Skyhawk can come in to bomb the Para and Royal Marine at will.
-)They lose the Atlantic Conveyor, which carry all the British Army Helicopter
-) They failed to maintain a no fly zone over Falkland, which mean only 4 sorties from RN Carrier launch to support the ground troop during the whole war.

The only thing they did right is they landed the 3rd Brigade and the Royal Marine. Granted, that is the primary objective. But that is one part of the war. And in term of losses, their naval campaign actually failed.

In fact, Britt couldn't win the war if she could not win sea war with Argentina. Regardless of the collateral damages that Britts navy suffered, Britts navy won.

The farther distance of the mediteranean sea should not be problem for China as you now already know that china can support her navy circling globe, not to mention supporting vessels coming from Pakistan port.

3.) No neutral country will support China or France, hence they are called NEUTRAL. During Falkland war, even US did not support the UK, when Maggie ask for access to Puerto Rico (merely 4000 mile to Falkland) and Reagan say no. in the end, the UK need to launch from their own base in Ascension, which is double that amount. I don't think even Pakistan will allow China to use its port to fuk with French, seeing how many dealing Pakistan have with the French.

Neutral country wont get involve in the war indeed.

But why Singapore shall forbid a commercial vessel to get uploaded with food and other supply there for Chinese navy?

lol, I am not the one who claim CJ-12 is a wonder weapon, you are.

And no, CJ-12 hit nothing at mach 4, if they hit a ship in war, show me proof. I can say no ship can escape JASSM, without actual performance data at war, all you can do is talk.

What make you think mach 4 missile won't be able to hit big target like ship. if HQ-19 and other SAM or anti sattelite missile could hit small target with speed higher than mach 4? IQ problem again ? :omghaha::omghaha:

Is this not enough for you:

1.) You claim US navy is interested in something wasn't physically exist, and I am bullshitting?
2.) Interested in Hypersonic Missile and Supersonic missile and Interested in Anti-Ship missile is two different thing.
3.) lol, ship can reach 30 knots per hours, that is their MINIMAL top speed, without overheating their engine, you know what kind of speed is 30 knots per hour. That's 35 miles per hours, that's 54 kilometre per hours.

10 Minutes lag time which mean you give the target a 10 minutes head start, that's 9 kilometres, then you are talking about strike TTL and correction, at best you are looking at 25 minutes lag in total, at worse, you are looking at 45 minutes lag, which mean at 25 minutes lag, the target will be off by ~27 km.

How much to do you know ISTAR? Do you even know what ISTAR stand for? LOL

YJ-12 exist, YJ-18 exist, DF-21D exist, SM-6 exist. SM-6 is as anti ship missile as well. Why are you denial?

Tell me why there should be "10 minutes lag time issue" for a missile like YJ-12 or YJ-18 which has their own radar and tracking system on board for terminal phase?

LOL, you want a Supersonic Missile to ZIGZAG at MACH 4 to dodge CIWS? LOL. Did I heard that right?

I cannot even begin to tell you how stupid that is. @gambit. :omghaha::omghaha:

Do you think which one can turn faster? a Mach 4 missile? or a CIWS?

The rest of your paragraph is simply...……….MOOT.

Tell me: what make you think zigzag at mach 4 is unattainable? and what make you think that movement cannot dodge CIWS? Dont just OMG and denial ..

Which one is faster in turning is not a big matter. The big matter here is: CIWS cannot predict how the target will maneuver. If the CIWS can predict and can turn at least same fast then yes CIWS have big chance to down the missile. Unfortunately not.

Firstly, you speak nothing, you have no creditable citation. Nor would you actually explaining why you think that would work.

My my citations like: national interest, popsci, stallin, etc is not credible or less credible than your mouth?

Denial into the core :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Secondly, anything is a threat to the navy. How big a threat is would be a major talking point. By that definition, yes, Chinese missile is a threat, so does the Russian Missile, Iranian Missile or even British missile.

Thing is, being a threat does not mean it is an end game, which does not mean that is better than the US navy. Part of what a war is to neutralize any threat, without threat, there will be no war. Having think they are a threat does not mean the USN does not have a way to counter it. Nor was that raise a concern.

That said, it have nothing in common with the topic at hand. Topic is French vs China, not US vs China.

Yes it is a major talking, only you are ignorant. You dont know doesnt mean non existence.

Nope. They are talking about Chinese and Russian, not iranian etc missile as a real threat to US Navy.

So? What's wrong being subsonic? Does it mean it is inferior? The function of a weapon is on killing the other side, being subsonic or supersonic does not mean it is inferior. For example, each H-6 can only carry 6 YJ-12, which each B-52 can carry 8 JASSM, would that make JASSM superior in that sense?

What you are arguing is honestly, quite stupid.

So you dont know the faster the more difficult to intercept?

Can you intercept flying bullet as easy as intercepting fly?

Your physics score must be very bad during your high school, maybe because of IQ problem :sarcastic::sarcastic:

What Guam have to do with this?

Dude, what do you think a missile is made of? Nuke? You can fire 100 missile and all hit Guam, you won't destroy it. Missile is a point to point weapon, it is used to hit specific target, or hard target, there are more hard target on Guam than China have all the DF-whatever combine.

Also, How about A regiment of B-52, B-1 and B-2, would that threaten the PLAN? China have how many H-6K? How many B-1, B-2, B-52 US have?

You know Japanese base in WW2 was hit by more Bombs than you have in Chinese missile stock, and they keep running. You think DF-whatever can make a difference? Wait, you ain't Chinese lol.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

If you are the general of chinese side in the war, of course DF-26 will render useless due to your stupidity.

But it doesn't take a genius to see that we can use DF-26 to hit and destroy runway of military base so that they cannot fly fighters or bombers, and also destroying hanger and the aircraft inside.

What make you think a bombardment with rain of DF-26 will be much less potent than bombing from a H-6K or B-52? IQ problem eh? :sarcastic::sarcastic:

So, DF-21, DF-26, CJ-10, YJ-12 did have actual combat data? Please give example or I am calling you Bullshit.

They have been tested and sucessfull. US military doesnt take it lightly.

They know China perform well in missiles, even hit more than US during the test including shooting satellites of ICBM during midcourse which is a lot more complicated than shooting a ship.

Come back to me when you have data and can be a little bit smarter :sarcastic::sarcastic:

You surely have a lot of patience with that idiot. He's the only idiot in my blocked list.
Hats off to you, bro.

Actually I want to ignore him due to stupidity - absurdity and ignorance that he consistently demonstrates.

But the problem is: stupidity if told many times without enough counter would be considered truth by other ignorants.
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The more you post, the more it is evident that you are a fraud when you claimed to have 'aviation studies'. Even someone who just passed ground school would understand exactly what I said.

LOLs. You are talking about yourself :laugh:

CIWS is computer controlled. That is why the gun turret can travel at 115 deg PER SECOND.

Am going to ask you again: What is the rate of change for a maneuvering missile or warhead, is it greater than 115 deg per second?

I have told you: which one is faster in turning is not a big matter. The big matter here is: CIWS cannot predict how the target will maneuver. If the CIWS can predict and can turn at least same fast then yes CIWS have big chance to down the missile. Unfortunately not.


You are debunked here. Admit it you are fraud.

Your understanding of physics is simply based on copy paste from other website.

There is no daydreaming about it. Because you never served, not even as a lowly conscript, you do not understand. Plus you ain't smart enough to understand in the first place.

But I will show the readers...

A submarine on patrol will be assigned an area -- a forward area. Because a sub is essentially blind under, relying mostly on dead reckoning navigation and passive sonar mode, no other sub from its origin country will be assigned in the same forward area. It means any other sub it found will be assumed to be from someone else, even from a hostile force. Because of this, a sub will not venture outside its assigned forward area. When its patrol duration is complete, once the sub is outside of the forward area, it will communicate a 'Clear' message so the replacement sub can enter the area and assume patrol responsibility.

What this mean is that you can be %100 confident that the US will have at least one nuclear sub patrolling the entire SCS region. Any sub that enters the SCS will be Chinese. Or we have divided the SCS into two patrol forward areas and any sub that enters either one will be Chinese. Bottom line is that we know where any Chinese sub are and not likely vice versa.

LOL. What a stupid argument. The problem here is not identification whether the sub that US sub detect in the region is foe /chinese or not, but detecting the presence of the other sub is already a big challenge for US and other navies.

You never learn how chinese sub suddenly appear nearby USS Kitty Hawk and USS Ronald Reagan undetectedly.

Saying that sub other than that of US in SCS has to mean Chinese sub is also same stupid, do you think Russia, and other country is not possible to have their sub travel under SCS which is considered as international water?

In which way it is debunked? any credible source?

Or you think your (flawed) explanation and denial in that thread can be used to debunk? LOLs. Daydreaming fraud :haha:
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If you have only 2 destroyers while enemy has 10 destroyers against you (assuming everything else is the same), will you have chance to win equal to your enemy? Not right?

Thats the meaning of: Quantity on its own is a quality. As simple as that! And you dont understand? HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

Stalin is not a stupid person, it is you who is stupid HAHAA:omghaha::omghaha:

Not a big deal. 80 ton food supply for 2 month oconsumption can be handled by chinese logistic ship.

Since when you eat amunition during the trip? LOL.

Doesn't matter.

Chinese simple ships can let the chinese navy cirlce the globe.


Educate yourself :

Then I've told you that China doesnt need Djibouti for skirmish sea warfare with France in mediteranean sea. Djibouti is only additional, if they cant help doesnt matter.

How much is your IQ?

See what other people says about you :laugh: :laugh:


This is my evidence on how china navy can circle the globe:

And you know China currently has a lot more commercial vessels than Britts that she can lease for replenishment purpose.

LOLs. Who is making that stupid and ignorant claim other than you? :omghaha::omghaha:

Since when selling arms or ship to foreign nation become a solid parameter to measure the strenght of a country naval?

Do you know there are many factors on a country making decision to buy arms? => politics consideration, same platform and commonality, and technology. So you see quality of technology is not the sole factor! France used to sell more arms than China was because commonality of the weapons with other westerns country and US compared to chinese, while you know US is the king of arms supplier.

And do you know currently China surpass france in term of selling arms overseas? :laugh:

When will you be a little bit smarter and stop making stupid argument? :omghaha::omghaha:

In fact, Britt couldn't win the war if she could not win sea war with Argentina. Regardless of the collateral damages that Britts navy suffered, Britts navy won.

The farther distance of the mediteranean sea should not be problem for China as you now already know that china can support her navy circling globe, not to mention supporting vessels coming from Pakistan port.

Neutral country wont get involve in the war indeed.

But why Singapore shall forbid a commercial vessel to get uploaded with food and other supply there for Chinese navy?

What make you think mach 4 missile won't be able to hit big target like ship?

If HQ-19 and other SAM or anti sattelite missile could hit small target with speed higher than mach 4? IQ problem again ? :omghaha::omghaha:

Is this not enough for you:

YJ-12 exist, YJ-18 exist, DF-21D exist, SM-6 exist. SM-6 is as anti ship missile as well. Why are you denial?

Tell me why there should be "10 minutes lag time issue" for a missile like YJ-12 or YJ-18 which has their own radar and tracking system on board for terminal phase?

Tell me: what make you think zigzag at mach 4 is unattainable? and what make you think that movement cannot dodge CIWS? Dont just OMG and denial ..

Which one is faster in turning is not a big matter. The big matter here is: CIWS cannot predict how the target will maneuver. If the CIWS can predict and can turn at least same fast then yes CIWS have big chance to down the missile. Unfortunately not.

My my citations like: national interest, popsci, stallin, etc is not credible or less credible than your mouth?

Denial into the core :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Yes it is a major talking, only you are ignorant. You dont know doesnt mean non existence.

Nope. They are talking about Chinese and Russian, not iranian etc missile as a real threat to US Navy.

So you dont know the faster the more difficult to intercept?

Can you intercept bullet as easy as intercepting fly?

Your physics score must be very bad during your high school, maybe because of IQ problem :sarcastic::sarcastic:

If you are the general of chinese side in the war, of course DF-26 will render useless due to your stupidity.

But it doesn't take a genius to see that we can use DF-26 to hit and destroy runway of military base so that they cannot fly fighters or bombers, and also destroying hanger and the aircraft inside.

What make you think a bombardment with rain of DF-26 wont be much less potent than bombing from a H-6K or B-52? IQ problem eh? :sarcastic::sarcastic:

They have been tested and sucessfull. US military doesnt take it lightly.

They know China perform well in missiles, even hit more than US during the test including shooting satellites of ICBM during midcourse which is a lot more complicated than shooting a ship.

Come back to me when you have data and can be a little bit smarter :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Actually I want to ignore him due to stupidity - absurdity and ignorance that he consistently demonstrates.

But the problem is: stupidity if told many times without proper counter would be considered truth by other ignorants.
You're right, bro. I completely agree with you. But I wouldn't waste my time on an idiot who's trying really hard to prove white is black. You can't put sense in these morons.
I have told you: which one is faster in turning is not a big matter. The big matter here is: CIWS cannot predict how the target will maneuver. If the CIWS can predict and can turn at least same fast then yes CIWS have big chance to down the missile. Unfortunately not.
What the hell do you know to tell me? You were so stupid at making fraudulent claim about yourself that you cannot tell me what kind of 'aviation study' did you have. You are in no position to tell us anything.
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