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The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants -


Nov 1, 2010
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The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants

The Rafale has cost $53 billion and is the key to France's defense economy, but it's not selling abroad

By Carol Matlack

The Rafale fighter, made by France's Dassault Aviation, is loaded with high-tech avionics, radar, and targeting systems. Now all it needs are customers. France has been peddling the supersonic jet since 2000 and hasn't sold a single one. In the latest setback, Brazil said on Jan. 17 that it would reopen bidding for a fighter contract worth up to $7 billion—a deal France had thought it was close to sealing last year. Neither Dassault nor the French Defense Ministry would comment on Brazil's decision.

The Rafale's plight signals the end of an era for France. With their Mirage fighter program, developed in the 1950s, the French were able to bolster their national defense, promote new technologies, and provide well-paying jobs—while recouping much of the cost by exporting hundreds of jets worldwide. Hoping to duplicate that model, the French government has spent some $53 billion on the Rafale, more than the country's $40 billion annual defense budget. But deal after deal has fallen through, with prospective buyers South Korea, Singapore, and Morocco choosing Boeing's (BA) F-15 and Lockheed Martin's (LMT) F-16 over the Rafale.

Midsize suppliers such as France are being outgunned by bigger competitors. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, for example, is being developed by a U.S.-led consortium of nine countries that plan to buy more than 2,500 of the planes. That will ensure plenty of revenue from production and upgrades. Britain, Germany, Italy, and Spain have similarly joined forces to produce the new Eurofighter jet. "Nationally driven, nationally financed and controlled production of the most advanced weapons systems is now the exclusive purview of the U.S. and Russia, and in the future, China as well," says Mark Bromley, a senior researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a Swedish think tank.

Changing global politics has worked against France, too. During the Cold War, France successfully marketed the Mirage as an alternative to U.S. and Soviet planes. Other customers, such as the United Arab Emirates, bought French planes after the U.S. balked at providing high-tech weaponry. Now, though, the U.S. is eagerly seeking sales in the Gulf states. Many foreign governments, in turn, see arms deals as a way to forge closer defense ties with the U.S., says Loïc Tribot La Spière, an analyst at the Center for Studies and Prospective Strategy, a Paris think tank. "The sentiment is, 'We buy American because it assures security,' " he says.

The 93 Rafales produced by Dassault so far have gone to the French armed forces. To sustain production, the government has agreed to spend $1.1 billion on more Rafales over three years, even as it tries to pare budget deficits.

Finding customers will only get harder. As the Joint Strike Fighter enters service, U.S. manufacturers are set to increase their share of the $16 billion-a-year fighter aircraft market over the next decade from nearly 58 percent to more than 67 percent, according to forecasts by the Virginia-based Teal Group aerospace consultancy. Eurofighter and Russian manufacturers will get most of the rest, Teal predicts.

The longer the Rafale order book stays empty, the harder it will be to sell the plane, Teal analyst Richard Aboulafia says. "Customers like to see a home government that is determined to keep spending on buying and upgrading the aircraft" with the latest technology. Instead, he says, the Rafale is on budgetary life support. "That's the last thing you want customers to see."

The bottom line: France's decision to go it alone on its fighter program has cost the country $53 billion, with no export sales to offset the price.


India will break the streak.................:chilli::mod::pop:
The title should be french fighter that poor countries cannot afford.
The more is the cost the more technology involved in it. Any way India might be getting these advanced jets and this will boost up indo-french ties.
how many can afford this fighter??and they did not publicized this in good manner
Brother we are either going for Rafale or Tornado.....we dont want Torpedo cause its performance is as bad as that of M.i.G 29.....For india $53 billion is not a big deal...Congress and BJP together with IPL in the next session can raise double the amout for DRDO and NSG...considering the fact we just launched GSAT-8 last week its highly likely france would ask ISRO to send their next set of payload into orbit:tup:
Brother we are either going for Rafale or Tornado.....we dont want Torpedo cause its performance is as bad as that of M.i.G 29.....For india $53 billion is not a big deal...Congress and BJP together with IPL in the next session can raise double the amout for DRDO and NSG...

Who is going to buy torpedo/tornado... its typhoon competing in not tornado... Congress or bjp will eat the mmrca money and u r saying they would fund $53 bln. Do u have uncles in congress and bjp who ll fund that... for drdo and nsg...
considering the fact we just launched GSAT-8 last week its highly likely france would ask ISRO to send their next set of payload into orbit:tup:
How foolish u r... We paid them for launching the sat... U might say that if they give 40 rafales from their squads we would give Tejas mk1 in return...
I think exports prospects will be bright once ordered by India. With chances of exporting 200+ planes Rafales future looks bright, only thing is it is too expensive for some countries.
Brother we are either going for Rafale or Tornado.....we dont want Torpedo cause its performance is as bad as that of M.i.G 29.....For india $53 billion is not a big deal...Congress and BJP together with IPL in the next session can raise double the amout for DRDO and NSG...considering the fact we just launched GSAT-8 last week its highly likely france would ask ISRO to send their next set of payload into orbit:tup:
Kid, are you suffering from an acute disease of "hyperretardomania" or "footmouthia" ? Why do you keep spouting brainless garbage on stuff you can't even comprehend ? Finish off your kindergarten you dropped out of.
how much does it cost?

well even F-16 cost 80millions

and uganda operate SU 30 which as per indian cost 103millions USD
even JFT cost 25millions

rafale is not costy.most of countries can buy it bt by the same amount the other countries can buy evenmore better products than Rafale
Also notice....
But deal after deal has fallen through, with prospective buyers South Korea, Singapore, and Morocco choosing Boeing's (BA) F-15 and Lockheed Martin's (LMT) F-16 over the Rafale.
how much does it cost?

well even F-16 cost 80millions

and uganda operate SU 30 which as per indian cost 103millions USD
even JFT cost 25millions

rafale is not costy.most of countries can buy it bt by the same amount the other countries can buy evenmore better products than Rafale

Is'nt there a difference between 6 Su-30 and 280 Su-30. Even Somalia can buy one. F-22. The Indian Su-30 MKI is more costlier because of Avionics used in it.
Is'nt there a difference between 6 Su-30 and 280 Su-30. Even Somalia can buy one. F-22. The Indian Su-30 MKI is more costlier because of Avionics used in it.

yes our Avionics are developed by Bajaj and our SU-30 engines are fitted with ISRO made Kevari engines:tup:
yes our Avionics are developed by Bajaj and our SU-30 engines are fitted with ISRO made Kevari engines:tup:

Ya, i know bajaj are very much advanced in this field, also their bulbs are used in the cockpit of Su-30 cause power consumption is less.:agree:
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