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The final warning for india

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@Thread starter - this is ummmmm let me think



or 8th Final warning from you ??

Fail Thread and so are warning from China :lol:

Why do you say that

What do you think ? he is Chinese ?

Chinese are sane People !! He is totally opposite
Weather Report : "Last Warning" flood in India...this flood is coming from China....as usual Indian Government is not bothered about it...:drag:
The final warning is here, India has reached the end of the road. Now is the time for the fireworks, I hope not the kind that comes out of Katy Perry's chest.

Is it the last of the final warning or China will give one more chance to India to get their act togather ?

I think India should show some cojone by seding some naval assets to SCS. Words are pointless.
Words are pointless:rofl:
Then why did you guys even open this thread.:rofl:
either your illiterate or just plain retarded where exactly in the OP does it convey a warning for India let alone in the rudimentary source provided can you find a sentence let alone a word that depicts a warning to India?

Title of thread is "The final warning for india"

No it's not my dear, you had brought foreign hive of bees to your own nest right near our lands to threaten us with some sort of planet of the ape invasion theory from chicom session. like they mentioned on the first page by some lunatic chin member, So for just that theory we'r going to drag you into this, until you vacate these high on IQ scoundrel's don't use your path against us. It's as simple as that. Whether you like it or not.

Dear don't get panic, we will ensure at-least our PDF brothers remain safe and will celebrate new economic union of sub-continent on PDF :cheers:
i suggest you take care of your current economic (Dis)Union of Pakistan. :cheers:

Have you checked prices of pampers & baby milk, Prices are shooting up all over the world. Go and Plan your budget, I will inform you when peaceful liberation of our Indian brothers from Indian Union is done by our Chinese brothers :china::pakistan:
Have you checked prices of pampers & baby milk, Prices are shooting up all over the world. Go and Plan your budget, I will inform you when peaceful liberation of our Indian brothers from Indian Union is done by our Chinese brothers :china::pakistan:

Amma yaar.. Kuch to khud karne ki bhi himmat rakho na! 10 years back every thing needed USA help, whether it was Kashmir or economy.. Now its China.. remember.. Himmate mardan maddade khuda ...
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan are all working together with China and Pakistan to bring down the arjun.
IDK which Arjun your talking about..but both the Arjun's are real heros n winner against certainly more heavily armored oppositions..they are real fighters...
Amma yaar.. Kuch to khud karne ki bhi himmat rakho na! 10 years back every thing needed USA help, whether it was Kashmir or economy.. Now its China.. remember.. Himmate mardan maddade khuda ...

Yaar - Although India is our evil & cruel brother but still i don't want more fights with them. This peaceful invasion of our Chinese brother will give us opportunity to settle our disputes than we will form new euro-zone type union with smaller and peaceful countries of sub-continent and will spend money in economy rather than weapons. Kindly - suggest name for new currency of this new union. What's your take on SCD (Sub-continent Dollar)
Damn, This thread is a nice way of increasing your post and thanks count.
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