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The final warning for india

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its in china's interest to not to mess with us. if not u wil get nathu la treatment. btw chinese govt still hasnt released the number of deaths. indians say somewhere aroung 300. :tdown:
LOL at indians deluding themselves to make up for their 1962 humiliation!
why my chinese friends are so obsessed by there copycat tanks and aircrafts...and my pakistani friends:are mostly obsessed by there so called fair skin...:china::pakistan:
do tell oh smart one, what happened in chola and nathula incidents.
LOL at 62, Arunachal Pradesh is still ours son; your boys ran back with their panties when the numbers were matched :lol:

ur an idiot stop replying. he will keep saying one thing again and again take it upto 50 pages. just leave man. he is chinese, he is programmed.
ur an idiot stop replying. he will keep saying one thing again and again take it upto 50 pages. just leave man. he is chinese, he is programmed.

relax paaji, i'm the last one to take conscript rejects seriously. the comedy just makes the day go by easier :tup:
ur an idiot stop replying. he will keep saying one thing again and again take it upto 50 pages. just leave man. he is chinese, he is programmed.

Finally we chineses find a warning job...each warning has attract alot of Indian costumers...not bad isn't it :rofl:
Guys! You must have heard of Bombay Ducks! But here's Peking Dicks!



Pretty potent stuff, what? :woot:

usa supremacy is already established in india, parts of southeast asia and much of east asia. once china is taken down, they will have complete dominance in asia. defeating usa's biggest little helper india not only will we be doing a favor for us but also for asia in general.

But while doing that China, who is probably the only country capable of challenging that supremacy, will also get pushed back 50 years in time and will ensure that supremacy of USA is surely established..
The final warning is here, India has reached the end of the road. Now is the time for the fireworks, I hope not the kind that comes out of Katy Perry's chest.

Is it the last of the final warning or China will give one more chance to India to get their act togather ?

I think India should show some cojone by seding some naval assets to SCS. Words are pointless.
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