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The final warning for india

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Why is it that most of the Chinese posters here have anything to say against the Indian Armed Forces, they revert back some 5 decades to a military conflict in 1962? The Sino-Indian Border Conflict was not even a full fledged war, a merely border skirmish where some 80,000 Chinese force went against a division of the Indian Army. Naturally, at a ratio of 8:1, the Chinese gained the upper hand. I assure you, had India had the same amount of troops ready, the Chinese would not have been so successful.

In addition, during that time, prior to China's duplicitous movements, many in New Delhi supported what Nehru held dear, "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" (Indian-Chinese Brotherhood). China destroyed that when she sent 80,000 soldiers to attack some thinly dispersed Indian mountain division.

Times have changed. The India of 1962 is not the India of 2012. Utter preposterous posts by some people here.
china gave multiple warnings to nehru in 1962, then china gave a sudden devastating strike to the invading indian military.
same thing is happening now, i think xi jinping will give the death blow to the low IQ race after multiple warnings. india will suffer another humiliation at the hands of china.

india has no military industry, they import everything(too dumb to even reverse engineer, heck even the iranians can reverse engineer), they can never sustain a long war. they will run out of equipment, parts and supplies. india is a very disorganized socierty, its no different in their military, its a very fractured military, uncorodinated.

indian military is a rag tag military, indian army has just as much power as most countries police forces, thats how weak and meek the indian army is.

taiwanese military could beat the indian military.
hong kong police force could beat the indian army.

high IQ will always defeat a low IQ country.
dont blame china for your curse, blame god for your low IQ.
calm down farty...lol u got angrier that Indians are showing u the middle finger even after ur WARNING and posted a longer post ...but with the same IQ..lol :yahoo: ..guys that "Middle finger" is working ... :P
China already taught Vietnam, Philippines and Japan painful lessons in 2012 all ready. There is a very good chance an "incident" with india over the border will happen soon.

And what lesson is that? How to send shipping boats ? LOL.

Please, please, don't act like you know geopolitical policy.


Sis that movie was a blockbuster and cannot be compared with flops like the guy you quoted.

Here is a much more suitable video.

Vijayakanth - Bullet Comedy - YouTube

hahaha epic!
This is as serious a warning as you can get. C'mon "india has summarily rejected all peaceful settlement of the border dispute" -- if that doesn't mean war is coming, what is?

China already taught Vietnam, Philippines and Japan painful lessons in 2012 all ready. There is a very good chance an "incident" with india over the border will happen soon.

what can I say...stop using Beidu..its hampering ur natural growth and thinking capablity..:P
indian military is too dumb to beat china.
1962 we outsmarted the dumb indians and made a mockery of the indian military.
Outsmarted? Dumb? :woot: Stupid man! Are you aware that the robotic PLA got a hiding of their lives at Nathula in 1967 when the Indian Army blasted the bozos to hell and high heaven, killing 400 PLA troops and destroying dozens of artillery gun positions and bunkers? You didn't know? Well, now you do!

Then there was the Chola incident in the same year, a day-long military conflict between Indian troops and PLA in Sikkim, who had infiltrated the area. The PLA was again routed suffering heavy casualties, quickly withdrawing before sunset! The end of the battle saw the People's Liberation Army leave Sikkim never to set its evil eyes on it again.

Then in 1987, Army Chief General Sundarjee unleashed Operation Falcon warning the PLA to get the heck out of the Sumdorong Chu Valley in Arunachal Pradesh or face similar consequences of what happened at Nathula. Seeing the no-nonsense and offensive approach of the Indian Army, the PLA quietly withdrew without a whimper with their tails tucked firmly behind their backs!

The Indian Army made the PLA look like a bunch of circus clowns in all these incidents. Lesson learnt: If the PLA/PLAN are shown the stick, they'll quietly disappear! The world has realized that the blustering Chinese are just a lot of hot air, so much of it that it's even resulting in global warming! Jeeez! :P
This is as serious a warning as you can get. C'mon "india has summarily rejected all peaceful settlement of the border dispute" -- if that doesn't mean war is coming, what is?

China already taught Vietnam, Philippines and Japan painful lessons in 2012 all ready. There is a very good chance an "incident" with india over the border will happen soon.

when???They are not even ready to accept your claims so when you taught them lessons??:lol:
i think all nations should get united and do bang bang with china..:devil:
This is as serious a warning as you can get. C'mon "india has summarily rejected all peaceful settlement of the border dispute" -- if that doesn't mean war is coming, what is?

China already taught Vietnam, Philippines and Japan painful lessons in 2012 all ready. There is a very good chance an "incident" with india over the border will happen soon.

If china does not get the land it demands, it attacks---- Sinochallenger, Member, Defence.pk.

Why do you have to call it peaceful settlement ?..LOL
:rofl: india is only good for cannon fodder for USA. USA wants to make your 1.3 billion population absorb most of China's nuclear warheads.

India's just good in cannon fodder....and china You are bad in Everything.................
apparently that's all it takes to make chinese run away from occupied arunachal pradesh

These cyber warriors who claim to be from China but actually live in Canada or the United States (lol!) will evade that fact, and always revert back to 1962.

It is absolutely asinine. It would be like an American who disagreed with a Brit and claim, "Oh remember 1781! Independence, baby!!"

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