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The final warning for india

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No they are not. Illegal immigration from India to the US is up 62% in the past 10 years, while Chinese illegal immigration is down 37%.

dont be stupid, i live in canada. there are much more chinese than indians. my uni roomate is chinese and wanted to be a fighter pilot. i asked him since chinese airforce is way stronger and bigger than canadian why dont u go ther. he simply refused "I am not going back to China". i guess hes the lucky one to escape slavery from dollarstore companies.
we dude it shows that since pakistan failed ur bending on china to finish india. they will get worse treatment than pakistanis got in 3 wars. what ur displaying is a pathetic inferiority infront of india. 1 muslim =5 hindus, pakistan should prove that theory first.

:offtopic: troll attempt
true. in the end, indians are still "asians" despite their darkness... they are blinded by propaganda and can't see who the real enemy is. china and pakistan are only enemies now because of the colonial legacy that were left behind, probably for this exact purpose -- to cause tension and hostility between asian countries.

it was a very smart and strategic move by the british.

Yes Sir, dark skinned Indians can't be trusted. Isn't it? I am not sure which way you mean, making fun or stating the truth.
Anyways, due to smartness of British we are suffering. And we need to go for a peaceful pact. China should help is this cause instead of making this bitter.

Appreciate your comments like, we can discuss with India. NOT like the final ultimatum.

something comes up in this forum "With Great Power, comes the Great Responsibilities". So if China thinks its the supreme in Asia or world per se, then she should not make this sort of warnings to its neighbors.

pls try to make this discussion clean and stop "WE CAN FINISH U" or "WE TAUGHT U IN 62" etc etc...

Have a good day...
The final warning for India

OK warning accepted... But as OP said it is the final one so please no more fatwas ...
It`s kinda boring now man... seems like they are giving warnings on their every fart...:bad:
then dont cheerlead for china and contribute something better.

I am contributing better than you as i am trying my best to convince my Chinese brothers to avoid using nukes.
@Sino dude just out of curiosity how much money did mint today.
Yes Sir, dark skinned Indians can't be trusted. Isn't it? I am not sure which way you mean, making fun or stating the truth.
Anyways, due to smartness of British we are suffering. And we need to go for a peaceful pact. China should help is this cause instead of making this bitter.

Appreciate your comments like, we can discuss with India. NOT like the final ultimatum.

something comes up in this forum "With Great Power, comes the Great Responsibilities". So if China thinks its the supreme in Asia or world per se, then she should not make this sort of warnings to its neighbors.

pls try to make this discussion clean and stop "WE CAN FINISH U" or "WE TAUGHT U IN 62" etc etc...

Have a good day...
good one but it's not doing to work that wat here. It's the way on PDF. Some of Pak friends are interested in good discussions and some Indian like you too. But I have yet to come across any Chinese member who is willing to do so. May be my bad.
And for Bloded part it's outcome of spider man not of PDF :D sorry for that

@Sino dude just out of curiosity how much money did mint today.
He needs money to but that new Video game. So please help him :D

I am contributing better than you as i am trying my best to convince my Chinese brothers to avoid using nukes.
Ya you are doing great. But PLC don't give a dam to what your brother thinks. They order him to do and he get it done or atleast show it like its been done :D
Ya you are doing great. But PLC don't give a dam to what your brother thinks. They order him to do and he get it done or atleast show it like its been done :D

Well i am playing my part honestly :angel:

oh thanks but they are not the ones to fire them. ur contributing rubbish.

What you have contributed so far?
You are mistaken. China / india is like USA / Iraq. We will see China's version of the Desert Storm 1991 operation against Saddam Hussein's Soviet-equipped Iraqi forces in Rajasthan deserts instead of Arabian deserts.

CHINA / india is more like NATO vs Libya! :china:

PLA learning yoga cr@p of levitation!

vietcong donning indian army's new military outfit! :rofl:
CHINA / india is more like NATO vs Libya! :china:

yup dont forget the nathu la event when 200 chinese we shot by indians where it hurt the most. u will get a similiar treatment this time. its in ourinterest that china thinks we r sleeping. great attack us.

india cyber soldiers outsourcing us cheerleaders in practice!
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