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The final warning for india

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No it's got nothing to do with that: originally, hindus lived in the indus river valley. There are many hindu kingdoms. They had a caste based society.

Then these Central Asian conquerors swept in and chased hindus from the indus river valley to the ganges valley around 900 AD. Over a period of 800 years, Islam erased the hindu kingdoms one by one until almost all of subcontinent was Muslim ruled. The original hindu inhabitants were mostly enslaved.

Then one day the Anglos came and helped the hindus break free from their Islamic rulers. So they are ever grateful. This is why the indians hate Muslims and love the West.

unfortunately chinese are nothing but still western slaves who r producing their dollarstore products? chinese have so much desire for freedom they are by far the largest immigrants to europe and north america. i am sure slavery in instilled into chinese blood. after thats all u have been forever in history. A SLAVE.
pakistanis and indians are very different. not to sound racist but, pakistanis are lighter and indians are considerably darker.

You have given another proof of your racism and bad generalization without proof
Yes we know, the Chinese feel Islamabsd their second home.....that's why they're expanding their military base in pakistan......

BUT, don't dream of Bejing as your second home.....just go there and see how they treat you(post Xinjiang movement)

People living on Chinese border still need just a pass to go to China, Now don't troll and get back to topic.

@Topic Go China Go :china::pakistan:
Tamils are dark but Tamils have a nobility that northern indians usually lack.

hahahaha when it comes to kick the @ss of enemies of India specially you get assured you will get a noble Tamilian on one chick and aggressive north Indian on other chick. Central Indian might prefer to kick you in nuts if you have any :D
You should talk of your history achievements. You dont have any contribution in 1962, right? Apart from that Chinese didn't create any new country in 1962 like we did in 1971. Shall I provide you some facts?

I am not saying We are going to attack India, Thread is about China Warning India, so your point is baseless and attempt to troll
I am not saying We are going to attack India, Thread is about China Warning India, so your point is baseless and attempt to troll

Ok. Please give your expert opinion about one Chinese member who calls us asians in not so good test,
I am not saying We are going to attack India, Thread is about China Warning India, so your point is baseless and attempt to troll

so what you're saying is PK lacks the balls to attack us. therefore it got in bed with the US first, and now it is desperate (based on your past posts) to get with China?

there is a concept called "believing in yourself", you should look it up. :tup:
unfortunately chinese are nothing but still western slaves who r producing their dollarstore products? chinese have so much desire for freedom they are by far the largest immigrants to europe and north america. i am sure slavery in instilled into chinese blood. after thats all u have been forever in history. A SLAVE.

No they are not. Illegal immigration from India to the US is up 62% in the past 10 years, while Chinese illegal immigration is down 37%.
so what you're saying is PK lacks the balls to attack us. therefore it got in bed with the US first, and now it is desperate (based on your past posts) to get with China?

there is a concept called "believing in yourself", you should look it up. :tup:

What you are doing here, You must go and arrange pampers, baby lotions etc and take care of Bhabi :angry:

He is cheer-leading for chinese...Its a public forum, he has full freedom to express his alter ego. :D

You looks disturbed........:lol:
I am on Pakistani Defense Forum and Trying to convinces our Chinese brothers not to use nukes after all we love Indians :china::pakistan:

we dude it shows that since pakistan failed ur bending on china to finish india. they will get worse treatment than pakistanis got in 3 wars. what ur displaying is a pathetic inferiority infront of india. 1 muslim =5 hindus, pakistan should prove that theory first.
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