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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Those children lost their fathers because of pkk terrorism. I know their fathers gave their souls for their children and our children. If our children may have a good life, peaceful life in future because of those heroes. :cray:

And little Irem. She is murdered by pkk last month. :cray:


There is a rumor goes around that 12 terrorists were Russian. 12 terrorists among 60 terrorist who were eliminated in the cellar. Is that true?
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Children of CIZRE kissing and smiling toTurkish Soldier

We hope that next week operation SUR will be finished, it will be an operation which will be later mentioned in all "Handbooks for modern Urban Warfare".

Our Forces said that a Tunnel Network under SUR with Tunnels from 3 to 16 km long connected to each other and going out of the city are now under control and the terrorist will be eliminated.
It is not easy cause in the surrounding building are terrorist sharpshooters and snipers located.
It is comparable what happened in Sarajevo during Balkan War.
Some people instructed terrorists and there was a at least 3-4 year preparation
in coordination with local municipality !

We should be prepared for casualties.


Voice records

64 No'lu Kule | superhaber.tv
@Hurshid Celebi

I don't have sources but I think in Silopi atleast a few of them got away via tunnels, rest got caught when trying to flee posing as civilians. I suspect it was mainly ''dag kadro'' that got away silently. Imo this was the first wake-up call and after that they started paying attention in Cizre and Sur albeit Sur was harder due to geography/urban scale.

This is why last two weeks in Cizre was filled with pr efforts about the ambulances and stuff, because they got cornered hard and didn't have any place to run (see numbers of bodies being found, it's only going up, both the ''bodrum'' guys as well as others that were killed before). Iirc there were also one/two instances of them being caught in tunnels while hiding.

Perhaps we can borrow some anti-tunneling technology from Israel since our ties are warming up again ;)
@Hurshid Celebi

I don't have sources but I think in Silopi atleast a few of them got away via tunnels, rest got caught when trying to flee posing as civilians. I suspect it was mainly ''dag kadro'' that got away silently. Imo this was the first wake-up call and after that they started paying attention in Cizre and Sur albeit Sur was harder due to geography/urban scale.

This is why last two weeks in Cizre was filled with pr efforts about the ambulances and stuff, because they got cornered hard and didn't have any place to run (see numbers of bodies being found, it's only going up, both the ''bodrum'' guys as well as others that were killed before). Iirc there were also one/two instances of them being caught in tunnels while hiding.

Perhaps we can borrow some anti-tunneling technology from Israel since our ties are warming up again ;)

Buying/borrowing guns/technology from israel is really a good idea... your a smart ***. What about helping them with their kurdistan project? We Turks, why we refuse learning from history?

Bugun abd ve rusyayla kafa kafayayız diye, israil'in kucagına atıyorsunuz kendinizi yazık
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Buying/borrowing guns/technology from israel is really a good idea... your a smart ***. What about helping them with their kurdistan project? We Turks, why we refuse learning from history?

Bugun abd ve rusyayla kafa kafayayız diye, israil'in kucagına atıyorsunuz kendinizi yazık

You mean like how we are allied with the US when the US is clearly going against Turkish interests right now? Like they went against Turkish interests in the 90s and mid 00's to fix their mistake in Iraq?

You mean like how we are allied with Europe despite the fact that terrorists that move against us still get help from them?

Israel has been dealing with Hamas tunnels for a long time and the threat of those has only increased. If we didn't care about human rights we could easily do something as simple as flooding them like Egypt has done.

İsveç'te eylem yapan Kürtlere silahlı saldırı, 1 kişi ağır yaralı !
13 Şubat 2016, 23:04 - Okunma: 326
İsveç'in başkenti Stockholm'da yürüyüş düzenleyen Kürtlere faşistler tarafından silahlı saldırı düzenlendi.

Can you give us a link about this news?
Kurdish terrorist Gafur Mihemedi was shot by Swedish right militants in Stockholm.

that was a really stupid act. the Kurds are using it for there propaganda. claiming that turks are terrorists and they are peaceful moderate people.

A.Q geri zekalısı ne bok oldu şimdi sanki bizleri daha çok sevecekler bundan sonra.
that was a really stupid act. the Kurds are using it for there propaganda. claiming that turks are terrorists and they are peaceful moderate people.

A.Q geri zekalısı ne bok oldu şimdi sanki bizleri daha çok sevecekler bundan sonra.
As if we should be concerned about some terrorists dogs and what they think about us.. I tell you those terrorists think bad of us even if you would die to save them..

And European ppl in germany it is the same.. Do whatever you want to do you cannot please them.. They are against us, against us getting stronger against our religion and culture.. They are afraid of what we could be..

So for me hesitating or waiting is stupid as hell.. They need to be taken out whenever a opportunity is given

The only hesitating and waiting idiots are the turks.. Never will an. Us or eu go one step backwards when it comes to their enemies
Must say PKK PR efforts abroad are remarkable. They played this disinformation game almost perfectly. Combine that with pritty wide spread hatred towards Erdogan among substantial number of western jurnos.... also whats interesting to me, its this widly reapiting neo-ottoman trope in western press.... which is nothing then scaremongering, bringing back old european fears of d ottoman...

Turkey must start countering this narrativs very soon.
They cant imagine that there are some another fascists except Turks:)
They expect that Fascist are only in the the Turkish Army. :)
They have already forgetten about Hitler:)
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