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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Minister of Interior Ala :

Cizre cleaned completely.
We concentrate now on SUR.

Turkish Member of Parliament.
German citizen, Yezide Kurd Feleknaz UCA who speaks no TURKISH opened

Terror organizations PKK / PYD office in Moskwa in front of a MAP with shows GREAT KURDISTAN and divides TURKEY.

From the very beginning KOBANE AND SENGAL was a PR trick and scenario !
Yezides had only some casualties thats all.

Turkey's "deep strategists" trapped in.


Hükümete yakınlığıyla bilinen Abdülkadir Selvi, Ezidilerin yaşadığı Irak'ın Şengal bölgesinde PKK için Kandil gibi bir kamp kurulduğunu, ABD ve Rusya'nın bunu bildiğini yazdı.


Maroons did the hardest part

Thanks to all. RIP to all martyred.
Maroons " made a parcel " in MOSSUL

Karayılan yakalandı diye nette bişeyler dolasıyor, aslı var mıdır?

Yok PKK'lı terörist Polat Can paketlendi. Daha dogrusu ABD Özel Kuvvetleri " özür " olarak teslim etti.

The only solution is :

1. Cooperating with Öcalan and let him free to make "pro Turkish Public Politics"



Arguments :

Poor minded 90 % of PKK sympathy KURDS will follow him;
that's the reason for the competition between PKK, PYD, HDP, KCK and wanting kicking him out !

FELEKNAZ UCA - Yezid o(peration).pusu is one evicence between many others.

If we could eliminated 1999 Öcalan after his delivery from Mossad and Cia to Turkey,
we could have killed the Hydra and began a new area;
but from 2004 the GOV. made false policy.

Now there is not only PKK but PYD and many other fake PKK organizations.

The only solution is :

1. Cooperating with Öcalan and let him free to make "pro Turkish Public Politics"



Arguments :

Poor minded 90 % of PKK sympathy KURDS will follow him;
that's the reason for the competition between PKK, PYD, HDP, KCK and kicking him out !

If we could eliminated 1999 Öcalan after his delivery from Mossad and Cia to Turkey,
we could have killed the Hydra and began a new area;
but from 2004 the GOV. made false policy.

Now there is not only PKK but PYD and many other fake PKK organizations.

Is its me, or is the right person photoshopped!

Nope not you the cute US guy, its Polat

Is its me, or is the right person photoshopped!

Did we together made a diving course years ago ?? ?
Also in Bordeaux PKK today attacked Turkish Consulate General,
supported by leftists and Russian stay behinds as usual !

Oh lord.......
If only the PKK or whatever would keep their conflict against Turks OUTSIDE OUR FCKING COUNTRY.
Nobody in France gives a sht about who they are,what they are fighting for etc.
Maroons " made a parcel " in MOSSUL

He is now interrogated !



Do you have a source for this?

Oh lord.......
If only the PKK or whatever would keep their conflict against Turks OUTSIDE OUR FCKING COUNTRY.
Nobody in France gives a sht about who they are,what they are fighting for etc.

Yeah, you can thank the left wing politicians for getting these type of people in your country.
The more pkk terrorists are backed into a corner, the more pointless shit they will pull in Europe.

Terrorist Sharpshooter killed in SUR just some time ago.
Maroons want to finish cleaning up to Sunday.
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