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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Turkey warns U.S., Russia against backing Kurdish militia in Syria
Turkey has warned the United States and Russia it will not tolerate Kurdish territorial gains by Kurdish militia close to its frontiers in north-western Syria, two senior officials said.

"This is clear cut for us and there is no joking about it," one official said of the possibility of Syrian Kurdish militia crossing the Euphrates to extend control along Turkish borders from Iraq's Kurdistan region towards the Mediterranean coast.

Turkey fears advances by Kurdish YPG militia, backed by its PYD political wing, on the Syrian side of its 900 km (560-mile) border will fuel separatist ambitions among Kurds in its own southeastern territories. But Washington has supported YPG fighters as an effective force in combating Islamic State.

"The PYD has been getting closer with both the United States and Russia of late. We view the PYD as a terrorist group and we want all countries to consider the consequences of their cooperation," one of the Turkish officials said.

Turkey suspects Russia, which launched air strikes in Syria two weeks ago, has also been lending support to the YPG and PYD.

"With support from Russia, the PYD is trying to capture land between Jarablus and Azaz, going west of the Euphrates. We will never accept this," the official said.


He said Turkey had raised its concerns at high level meetings with the U.S., European Union and Russia.


The officials did not say what action, if any, Turkey might take if YPG forces crossed the Euphrates. Ankara has carried out air strikes against Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels based in the mountains of northern Iraq; but attacks on Kurds in Syria would be far riskier, bringing Ankara into possible conflict both with U.S. and Russian air forces.

The YPG said on Monday it had joined forces with Arab rebels and that their new alliance has been promised fresh weapon supplies by the United States for an assault on Islamic State forces in what is effectively their capital, Raqqa.

Turkey has accused the Kurdish militia of pursuing "demographic change" in northern Syria by forcibly displacing Turkmen and Arab communities. Ankara fears ultimately the creation of an independent Kurdish state occupying contiguous territories currently belonging to Iraq, Syria and Turkey.
Turkey warns U.S., Russia against backing Kurdish militia in Syria| Reuters

What do you guys think of a possible creation of Northern Syrian Kurdish state? I know with Russian backing you can't remove Assad but Assad forces have no influence in Northern Syria already, if our Turkmen brothers keep losing power and influence with the Arabs we are gonna have to face the issue of a Northern Syrian Kurdish entity
Kurdish forces are the only reliable ground forces the US have in Syria to defeat ISIS, so the US will continue helping them till another ground force is willing to take on ISIS. Lets say if Turkey launches a ground invasion in Syria to take out ISIS, then ISIS will simply retreat to Iraq. So if there is a Turkish ground invasion in both Iraq and Syria to defeat ISIS, together with a plan for a democratic union of Iraq and Syria under a GCC, Arab League and Turkish peace keeping force, then the neighborhood can be stabilized and the Kurdish threat can be neutralized for the long term. The longer Turkey waits and tries to avoid the problem instead of tackling it head on, the more painful and unreachable these options will become in the future.

Turkish Police aka PÖH has cleaned the mosque from pkk and their filth. We are not surprised because pkk has no respect to Islam. This is one more sample for us.

Mardin 4
Yüksekova 8
Cudi 1
---------------------------- 13 pkk militants neutralized. 3 pkk militantas captured alive.
Kurdish forces are the only reliable ground forces the US have in Syria to defeat ISIS, so the US will continue helping them till another ground force is willing to take on ISIS. Lets say if Turkey launches a ground invasion in Syria to take out ISIS, then ISIS will simply retreat to Iraq. So if there is a Turkish ground invasion in both Iraq and Syria to defeat ISIS, together with a plan for a democratic union of Iraq and Syria under a GCC, Arab League and Turkish peace keeping force, then the neighborhood can be stabilized and the Kurdish threat can be neutralized for the long term. The longer Turkey waits and tries to avoid the problem instead of tackling it head on, the more painful and unreachable these options will become in the future.

There is some truth in this, if only it happened a decade or two later when we have more of our own weapons. But this discounts Iran and Russia. Russia is in a mess in Ukraine and can't really press hard against a solution without Asad who has no chance of existing in a post war Syria.

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