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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Giant Atatürk monument in the afrin city center will trigger them even more
Same should be done in ayn el arab when it will be freed from terror

our idiots are going to give the aid mark my words

Why not? That a minimum what you can do.

wtf are you talking about this never can be a soft power you will have soft power when people have positive view on you

turkish flag burn
here turkish guy travel to armenia watch this until the end people call turks animals etc i have n problem to let this people die out of corona

or middle finger

A little bit of topic.

Turkey has never denied that they killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Even the Turkish side talked about a mass murder of hundreds of thousands of people which where killed by Turkish side. And again, no one denied it. In this case, why not helping Armenia if there is a request of help of equipments?
Why not? That a minimum what you can do.

A little bit of topic.

Turkey has never denied that they killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Even the Turkish side talked about a mass murder of hundreds of thousands of people which where killed by Turkish side. And again, no one denied it. In this case, why not helping Armenia if there is a request of help of equipments?

we have never accepted that we killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. what we accept is that many Armenians died during the forced relocation unintentionally. logistics were disestraous during the late ottoman emprie. during balkan wars and ww1 many ottoman troops died while going from one place to another like the sarikamish disaster. not only turks and armenians but also british and indian captives of siege of kut died when we made them walk out of iraq
A little bit of topic.

Turkey has never denied that they killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Even the Turkish side talked about a mass murder of hundreds of thousands of people which where killed by Turkish side. And again, no one denied it. In this case, why not helping Armenia if there is a request of help of equipments?
armenians sided with russians during WW1 which is equal to state treason from 1914-15 they had killed lots of turks&other muslims so a decision has been made to relocate them from anatolia of course there were reprisals from turkish side no one is denying this but it’s important to say who started first muslims were purged from armenia even though they didn’t try to create state
I have already explained what they think about turks in my previous post also they still have wet dreams about eastern anatolia
Even more off topic, not to mentioned the forced migration of muslims from europe back to turkey. Only ataturk saying no ended that racist plan. Of course it also ensured that europe would have to find a way to accept turks. But looking at how greece the birthplace of democracy treats the turks of thrace. It’s an undeniable truth that european countries are and will always be racist at heart.
I don't understand. He's minister for internal affairs right ? operations against pkk is under defence ministry right ?

Yes but PKK is very weak nowadays and the apos are aware of that which is why they believe that there must be a connection to his policies which are responsible for that but that's bullshit lol operations will continue regardless and have nothing to do with soylu.
Yes but PKK is very weak nowadays and the apos are aware of that which is why they believe that there must be a connection to his policies which are responsible for that but that's bullshit lol operations will continue regardless and have nothing to do with soylu.
Of course operations would continue but he was true hardliner against pkk great image has been made around him so replacing him wouldn’t be easy even expelling would be risky since more than 2 milions tweets supported him
I think public support is the main reason why resignation was rejected
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