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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

There is a serious conflict between Kurdish groups in Iraq :D

These kurds, greeks, assyrians and armenians have no honour they try to fight Turkiye when the Turks bitch slap them they cry.

Now with haftar they are crying about how the GNA is killing civilians under Turkiyes watch.

These people go 24/7 about how they hate Turkey and how much willing they are to see us destroyed and they call us cowards when we fight them head on and hoe slap them they cry like they are the victims.

This is so pathetic to be honest. I never seen such honourless bastards in my life. Victimhood mentality is a cancer and us Turks failed to combat it because the whole world sees us as the bad guys.

Our PR is so bad.
These kurds, greeks, assyrians and armenians have no honour they try to fight Turkiye when the Turks bitch slap them they cry.

Now with haftar they are crying about how the GNA is killing civilians under Turkiyes watch.

These people go 24/7 about how they hate Turkey and how much willing they are to see us destroyed and they call us cowards when we fight them head on and hoe slap them they cry like they are the victims.

This is so pathetic to be honest. I never seen such honourless bastards in my life. Victimhood mentality is a cancer and us Turks failed to combat it because the whole world sees us as the bad guys.

Our PR is so bad.
Since we are the bad guys we can go full hitler mode and clean the cancer once for all but we need someone like enver pasha in power this guy was literally legend I am thinking which photo (turkish flag or enver pasha) to be on pdf my account
A huge operation is on the way. According to my sources it will start around the middle of May. PKK supporters in Iraq have realised this and have already started having a cry.


Chances are that PKK in Iraq is about to have its stronghold obliterated. Once this is done one of our major strategic goals will be achieved. There is a chance that some of Barzani's men will reveal their true faces as this upcoming operation will be a lot more destructive than previous operations.

We may actually witness a Turkey vs KRG/PKK fight.
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